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Chapter 54: Just because you are poor, it doesn’t mean you’re a good person (3)

Chapter 54: Just because you are poor, it doesn’t mean you’re a good person (3)
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“What are you thinking?”

“Nothing special. I just wanted to show you that I was right,” I answered.

“You do look rich. I can’t believe you hired all of those people just for that reason…” Sun Hee-Young said.

I couldn’t help but smile.

‘I have no money…’

Honestly, hiring all of these people at once was definitely an issue because I currently didn’t have enough catalysts for alchemy. Of course, I didn’t have any gold just lying around, but it wasn’t like those people were completely useless to me.

It was my chance to do clinical trials at a really cheap price and it was also my chance to destroy Sun Hee-Young’s thoughts, so doing this was beneficial in many ways. Methods on how to break that mindset of hers were simple and I thought that this was a way to make this woman join the guild.

‘It has been three years since she entered this place. It has been two years since she became the Saint of the Forsaken. She started by being affiliated with the temple instead of a clan or guild and after leaving the temple, she constantly focused on volunteer work. Sun Hee-Young has been rejecting every offer she has received from large guilds and small to mid-sized clans.’

That was her fancy resume. Despite having the chance to become an elite player like me, her reasoning for joining the temple caught my attention. And the reason why she rejected offers from clans or guilds was really simple.


Because the Saint of the Forsaken had an enormous mission to save the people in the slums and that was why she rejected the offers from guilds and clans for two years.

Although I was sure that she got an offer that was beyond my imagination, I was also sure that within the conditions, officially saving the people in the slums was included, but despite that, the reason why she rejected them was obvious. It was because she believed that she had to do it herself.

Of course, I had no idea why she was interested in these people. Honestly, I didn’t care nor was there any reason for me to know why she was interested in them because the most important thing right now was shifting her priorities away from them. Simply put, my first task was to get her away from the people of the slums.

When I glanced ahead, I saw people working hard and there were a few people that looked quite ambitious. It was to the point where I thought maybe my plan was going to fail, but I didn’t bother to worry about it.

“There are still people in the slums that still haven’t obtained jobs yet…are you not going to visit them?” I asked

“I’m going to visit them eventually when the time comes, but not right now. I have to keep an eye out to see what you’re up to,” she answered.

“I’m not up to anything. It’s just simple labor like moving rocks. It may get hot because of the sun, but for them, I’m sure every drop of their sweat is worth it since they haven’t shed sweat for a while now. Seeing them feel the true value of work makes me want to move the rocks with them,” I said.

“It sounds like you’re mocking them,” she said.

“You’re misunderstanding me,” I told her.

Obviously, she wasn’t going to see me in a good light because if I were in her shoes, I would have done the same thing since I was the one that contradicted her worth. But the situation wasn’t that bad. The method that I used to approach her was effective and must have left a deep impression on her since it was different from how others approached her.

“What did you mean when you said that I made them that way?” Sun Hee-Young asked.

“It’s exactly like I said. They just don’t want to work, not that they can’t work,” I answered.

“I guess you’re not able to see the people that are working right now,” she commented.

“I can see them well. I can see them very well, but did you know?” I asked.


“Within the free city of Lindel, there are many jobs like this,” I replied.

‘Even though they’re a bit dangerous.’

“Of course, I can’t deny the fact that working with me has better benefits, but…there are a lot of similar jobs. The eastern regions are currently being developed and the Red Mercenary Guild is about to build a magic tower soon. They must be looking for handymen and the likes. Not only that, but did you know that the guilds have started a large-scale construction near the tutorial dungeon? I’m sure those people have heard the news as well,” I explained.


“Yesterday, I encouraged them to work a little bit more. I’m sure they want to prove that they’re not lazy bastards or maybe they want to show the Saint of the Forsaken, who has been watching them, that they have changed. Yes, I’m sure that’s it,” I said.


“They have been instigated, but I’m sure they’re unaware of that because I led them to think in a positive direction instead of in a negative direction. Well, I’m sure this won’t last long anyway,” I said, interrupting her.


“Human’s nature doesn’t change that easily, and that’s why they’re so ambitious right now and I can see that. I can see their positive energy, but it probably won’t last a month. Rather than working hard under the hot sun, I’m sure they’ll miss the times when they were able to wander around the slums. The time will come when they’ll miss the shelter you provided for them because there isn’t a person alive that wants to feel the pain that makes them run out of breath,” I explained.

“I understand very well what you’re thinking, but nothing that you said was right. Humans are more than capable of changing,” she said.

“Then how about the deduction that the Saint of the Forsaken was the one that changed them? You’ve turned ordinary people into animals that just take things for themselves,” I told her.


‘Was I too harsh?’

I saw Sun Hee-Young trembling and I guess she wanted to slap me because I noticed her biting down her lips. Even her big eyes were filled with tears. I thought that maybe I pushed a girl that didn’t know anything too far, but then I thought that this level of provocation was necessary. Despite believing that what I said was wrong, I was sure that she was unable to erase the doubts that were in her mind.

‘What if what that man said was correct?’

This doubt may be small but it would surely destroy this woman who found value in helping others. After all, it seemed that the so-called Saint of the Forsaken was too currently too weak.

“It’s not going to work out as you think. Thinking that those people are moving because of you is nothing but pride and self-righteousness. The world will never go the way you want,” she said.

“I wonder...”

“E-Even if you’re right…in my eyes, those people are a lot more valuable than you,” she said.

“Is there a reason why you think that way?” I asked.

“I can see it very clearly without having to find a reason,” she answered.

“...Have you heard of the underdog effect?” I asked.


“It’s a word that refers to the basic error of distinguishing the good people from evil based on their difference in power, Saint of the Forsaken,” I answered.


“Being poor doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re nice,” I commented.


“Those people may be innocent and nice in front of you and I’m sure they’re going to play the victims of this society’s system when they’re in front of you, however, they’re also assailants in some parts. The slum isn’t a place like heaven where angels live. It’s part of the same society that we’re living in. Yes, society. A society where all types of dirty deeds and unbelievable things are common,” I said.

“Society isn’t like what you think…”

“It’s rotten because there’s bound to be conflict where humans are. If you don’t believe me, I would like to recommend a small test,” I said.


“You try to become a poor person yourself. Try living on the same level as them and not as the saint that saves them, then I’m sure you’ll experience something. One week? No, I’m sure a day will be more than enough,” I suggested.

“I can’t…”

“I know what you’re worried about. I’m sure you’re worried about the people that’ll starve because you’re not there, but one day is fine. You even have nice friends that are doing volunteer work while following you around,” I explained.

‘Although, I’m sure that they won’t show up if you’re not there.’

It was obvious, but if the saint wasn't there, then there wasn’t a reason for them to visit the slum.

With a smirk on my face, I spoke softly. “Are you not confident?”

“That’s…not it,” Sun Hee-Young said.

“I’ll make the preparations, so you can just think of it as getting experience as the poor,” I told her.

“You’re really…disgusting,” she commented.

“You just have to agree if you’re confident,” I said.

“It’s not a matter of whether I’m confident or not. They’re not animals at a zoo. You!”

“Do you agree or not? If our saint agrees then I might want to start doing volunteer work because I’m impressed by your determination. It’s your chance to help the poor, so agreeing to it is the right thing to do,” I explained.

“You’re going to regret this,” she warned.

“Who knows? I think you’re going to be the one that’s going to regret it, not me,” I told her.

The way she bit her lips and turned around to leave was a sight to see.

‘She’s too innocent…’

We weren’t even on Earth, so being able to maintain that innocence even after coming here was a blessing in itself. I was sure that she would do her best to prove that she was right, but after thinking about the harsh realities that she was going to wake up to, I couldn’t help but laugh.

When I turned my head again and looked towards the front, I saw the people working hard. I noticed them putting all their energy into the moving rocks, which were meaningless.

“Hey! You!”

“I don’t think we can move this…”

“We can do it if we do it together.”


“Hey, Mr. Kim! Come over here quickly!”

“I’ll go after I finish this!”

‘It’s heartwarming.’

When Sun Hee-Young disappeared from my sight, I saw Jung Ha-Yan running towards me. She looked a bit anxious, but she seemed like she was feeling better when I lightly hugged her. Seeing her holding her notebook made me think that she was working hard on her task.

“Oppa,” she called out.

“Have you been practicing?” I asked.

“Yes,” she answered.

“Let’s hear it then,” I said.

“Okay! S-So.”


“The 13th experimental subject seemed a bit lethargic and the 25th looked angry…the seventh and eighth looked like they were working hard,” she said.

“I heard some noise from inside a moment ago,” I said.

“That was the 56th and 75th experimental subject. I think that there has been an issue while they were working, but…I-I don’t have the details…I’m sorry,” she said.

“No, just mentioning that there was an issue is enough. How’s the 38th subject?” I asked.

“Oh, they seem to be moving a bit lazily…they also seem to be resting little by little in places where they can’t be seen. A-And…they also mentioned that they wanted to quit. 93rd and 95th agreed to 38th’s words as well,” Jung Ha-Yan explained.

“Ahh, I see. The result isn’t bad,” I said.


“Good job, Ha-Yan. This is my ‘thank you’ present,” I said.

“O-Oppa,” she said.

“Also, I’m just wondering, but…are you able to use a spell that can change one’s outer appearance?” I asked.


“Changing it slightly using magic should be fine. Kind of like illusion magic. Is it difficult?”

“Oh! I think I can do that much. But why…” she asked.

That was because...

“There’s a princess that doesn’t know anything about the world and I need to show her just how dirty the world is,” I explained.

I noticed Jung Ha-Yan’s bright smile.

“Yes, you’re right,” she said in agreement.


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