: In a world where superhuman abilities are the norm, Aldrich stands out as an anomaly. While 95% of the population has evolved to possess extraordinary powers, he remains powerless. This makes him an easy target for bullies and outcasts in society who view him as a burden. Every day, Aldrich is reminded of his worthlessness and is constantly subjected to discrimination. He is made to feel like he would be better off dead than alive. But one fateful day, at his lowest point, when he is beaten and broken, a familiar screen appears before him - the same screen from his beloved fantasy role-playing game. With a glimmer of hope, Aldrich selects the class of Necromancer, granting him the power he has always yearned for. Watch as he transforms from a weak and vulnerable victim to a formidable force seeking vengeance. No longer standing alone, he commands an army of undead creatures, rising to become the Lord of Death himself.