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Chapter 79: Vidomina

Chapter 79: Vidomina
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Under the spectators’ booing, Jerry exited the scene almost instantly. Although he wanted to curse at Mia, his priority was finding a pair of pants first and to put them on as soon as possible. The moment he entered the resting area where he was away from the sight of the spectators, he immediately sensed a chilly aura enveloping his whole body, as if danger was approaching him at that moment. Instinctively, he opened his mouth to chant an incantation for a protective spell but everything was just too late.

When he finally returned to his senses, his whole body had already transformed into a little gray mouse, spinning around at the same spot while he squeaked in fright.

Baiyi who was standing near him simply clapped his hands and then walked away to find Mia.

“Sir Hope, you said you wouldn’t kill him!” The Apprentice quickly said in the Void.

“Don’t worry. The Transfiguration Spell will be automatically lifted tomorrow at this hour. If he happened to come across any danger before that, he’d turn back into a human being,” Baiyi assured him, “I did say that I won’t kill him but he still needs to be taught a lesson. How dare he messed with Mia like that in front of so many people! Let him experience the life of a mouse for a day then!”

That was undoubtedly the furthest he, a conservative and old-fashioned ‘father’, would tolerate.

The battle continued on. After Mia’s wonderful performance, the rich girl also effortlessly defeated her opponent and entered the final round. For that round, she won the duel easily and it could even be said that she won with just by using the crushing pressure of her aura. There was no need for her to even chant a spell but just by using a scroll and a spell that was enchanted on her staff, she easily backed her opponent into a corner till he surrendered. Not giving any opportunity to her opponent to even make a move, the whole process of the battle lasted less than 30 seconds, breaking the record of the academy for being the fastest duel.

Even though she had won the battle splendidly, instead of getting a standing ovation, all she received were mostly silence and whispers among the students. There were no applause nor cheers but rather, the students were putting their heads together to discuss the episode that had just unfolded in front of their eyes.

“If my judgement is correct, then the scroll that she used just now was a Level Five Silence Spell, right? As for the spell that was cast from that staff, I’ve never seen that before but I’m certain that it must be Level Five or above as well.”

“She’s just an Intermediate Level sorceress so her Psychic Energy should not have been strong enough to activate both of those spells, right?”

“She had already used up Level Five scrolls on just a mere physical combat test of the final. Did you think she won’t prepare some consumables that would boost her Psychic Energy? You might as well think of her as an Advanced Level sorceress!”

“Oh sh*t! Then what will happen to Mia? Although her tactics are out of the ordinary, but what use will they have against those high-grade equipments? We don’t even know whether she has any other Advanced Level equipments or not! Looks like Miamight not be a match for her!”

“Ah, damn it! This is so unfair to my cute little Mia! I don’t f*cking care! I’ll still support her even though she doesn’t stand a chance to win!”

That remark won the unanimous agreement from many of the male students, they were chiming in one after another about how they would still remain a loyal fanboy to her even if she lost the duel.

To hell with you fanboys! Baiyi chastised in his heart as he listened to their conversations. Then again, he could not really condemn them as after all, being popular is good for Mia too. In some ways, he was quite pleased hearing the compliments that they made about her but at the same time, he did not want those boys to get too close to her. Ah, how contradicting it was!

On the other hand, he, for one, was not worried about the outcome of the duel. Nobody had high hopes in Mia? Well, it did not matter as long as he had faith in her. As for ‘not a match for that girl’? Pfftt… Let us see who exactly will come out of this match victorious! The final was scheduled in the afternoon so the spectators could go for their lunch break first and also to let the two competitors take a small break to recover. After all, the two of them had been fighting their battles since the very beginning without any rest at all. It was probably not too strenuous on their Mana but the Psychic Energy in their body would definitely need more time to recover.

When they were taking a break, Baiyi did not prepare a sumptuous meal for Mia because he felt that she should not be eating too much because she still had another match left. Instead, he brought her to a secluded area by the lake and fed her some biscuits and fruits before pulling out another hammock for her to rest in.

The little girl who was lying in the hammock was enjoying her rest and instead of taking a nap, she beamed at Baiyi in a satisfied and pleased manner. Her purple sorcerer robe temporarily stopped the spells on her robe— for the reason of saving energy— and all of the lights and halo slowly disappeared, exposing a large area of fair skin in front of Baiyi.

Unbuttoning his cloak, Baiyi took it off and put it on top of Mia’s exposed pair legs, then, he pinched her little cheeks and chuckled, “Why are you so happy? You haven’t won yet, remember?”

“B-But I don’t know why, I kind of have a feeling that I’d win!” Grabbing onto his hand tightly, she mischievously played with the joints and knuckles on Baiyi’s hands before she continued, “I know that my opponent is strong but I’m not afraid of her at all. With you by my side, I know that I’ll definitely win! Perhaps, this is like a premonition or something? Just like when I was trying to draw the Summoning Formation last time! I always had a feeling that I would be able to summon a super powerful soul!”

Oh? Looks like this girl’s intuition is quite accurate, eh? Baiyi secretly thought to himself. Through that few rounds of victory just now, Mia had succeeded in building her confidence and that was exactly why Baiyi insisted on having her joining the battle.

As for the reason why that rich girl joined the battle? Well, Baiyi really could not understand at all. Just look at that set of equipment that she had! She could literally be granted a graduation scroll just with that equipment itself! After all, the requirements for graduation for Celestial Fortress Academy was only to be at the Advanced Level.

At the same time, said rich girl was having the same discussion with her elder, too. Just like Baiyi and Mia, instead of going to the cafeteria, the two of them went to a secluded place and shared a box of delicious pastries. After taking two bites, the elder put down the pastry and asked the girl, “Milady, how’s the recovery of your Psychic Energy right now?”

“I’m okay now after drinking that medicine. I’d most likely be able to release my full potential later in the afternoon,” the girl replied. In truth, in that previous battle that she won in a seemingly effortless and cool manner had used up a lot of her energy. After all, with her being at the Intermediate Level, even with the boost from all sorts of tools and potions, forcibly activating a Level Five scroll and spell that was enchanted on her staff was more than enough for her to need to drink a whole pot of potions to recover.

Actually, her own innate aptitude and level was pretty average in the Celestial Fortress Academy, probably not much difference from little Mia. It was all thanks to the guidance of the person behind her coupled with the luxurious equipments that she possessed that she was able to make it that far.

“But, the strategies of that beautiful girl are really interesting too! If it wasn’t for the fact that I mustwin this battle, I’d actually want her to win as well! I just like her creativity a lot!” The girl continued saying.

The elder nodded his head. He also understood that what his lady really liked was actually the novelty of that powerful man standing behind Mia. Instead of saying it out loud, he went along with it and suggested, “Maybe, you can try to be friends with her?”

Shaking her head, the girl let out a chuckle, “Forget it. I’ll not be staying here for long anyway. I’ll soon have to go to The Door of Conundrum for my cultivation, there’s no need to leave any regrets for myself and others.”

After he heard that, the old man nodded his head in silence.The reason why both of them took the battles between the students so seriously was because all of it was related to the entrance exam of The Door of Conundrum. That eccentric Sorcerers’ Association would not cut anyslack even though she is th Duke’s daughter and had insisted that she must pass the tasks that they set for her, including obtaining the golden collar pin of the Celestial Fortress Academy.

Originally, they thought that it was a simple task because theoretically, it could easily be solved by having the Duke making a trip personally to the academy. However, who would have thought the three presidents were exceptionally stubborn on the issue and insisted that they must adhere to the academy’s principle. For that reason, they had no other choice other than to enter the Celestial Fortress Academy as a transfer student in order to take part in the battle.

Ah, damn these old stubborn academicians! The old man had lost count of how many times he had cursed at both The Door of Conundrum and the Celestial Fortress Academy.

Fortunately, it was a good thing that Baiyi did not know that all of the efforts that they were exerting were actually for that small matter otherwise he would be laughing at their stupidity.To him, that Door of Conundrum was just a place that specialized in cultivating old virgins and it was nothing special. Just look at that one living example who was in the Void. With the title of The Elder Sage or something…? Pffftt, how ironic is that?

“Sir Hope, with my woman’s intuition, I can tell that you’re thinking insulting things about me right now, aren’t you?” The Scholar voiced out suddenly.

Huh? What? Why would I be thinking of you? Yeah, you were indeed very beautiful last time but I don’t fancy your sort of style, okay? I don’t even fancy that super-beautiful lady who called herself my wife so please don’t be so full of yourself! Oh, look! She’s building the second Wonder now as we’re speaking! Baiyi mocked sarcastically.

In a blink of an eye, the two hours noon break soon ended and the two premium game players— err, no… the two finalists— would soon start their battle. The spectators below the stage were already waiting with nervousness and the moment Mia stepped onto the ring, loud cheers and applause could be heard in the whole arena.

Wow, look at how popular this girl is! But why do I feel like somehow there’s some regret and comfort in their cheers and applause?

As for her opponent, that rich girl, all she received was loud booing instead. It looked like the mentality of hating the rich existed in that world as well…

“Your name is Mia, right?” Having long been accustomed to such treatment, that girl did not mind the booing at all. Showing her virtue of patience, she took the initiative to greet Mia, “Hi, my name is Vidomina 1 .”

Finally, we know her name and I don’t have to keep referring to her as ‘the rich girl’ anymore. Then again, why does this name sounds so eerily like a necromancer’s name to me?


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