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Chapter 51: Do You Really Want to Wake Her Up?

Chapter 51: Do You Really Want to Wake Her Up?
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The next day, Mia woke up with full energy. After hugging the brand new Baiyi goodbye, she hopped off to class delightedly just like a cute little white bunny bouncing and hopping around in the forest. It was apparent that she was ecstatic because she finally got her wish of getting a new body for Baiyi fulfilled.

As usual, Baiyi did not follow her to the class but instead, he stayed behind to put the set of militia’s armor away. At first, Mia intended to return the old armor to the academy but he had insisted on saving it for future use. In truth, the old militia’s armor was already imprinted on by Baiyi and it allowed his consciousness to freely walk back and forth between the two armors.

Even though the sorcerer armor was good looking and the function was quite exceptional, it was not as inconspicuous as the militia’s armor because there was some metal friction sound when he moved about. With the new armor, he could no longer disguise himself as Andrew the wandering sorcerer or Sven the Rogue Knight. Because of that reason, he decided to disassemble the militia’s armor and put them away in his storage pouch. He only needed to find a secluded corner to change into it anytime when he wanted to go out for another mission again.

However, there were also a few Voidwalkers who gave a few suggestions. For example, the Painter actually suggested, “Master Hope, maybe you can prepare a flashlight or something? Or a belt, perhaps? And then you can add some special hand gestures and you can have a dramatic entrance when you transform…”

Are you crazy? Do you think that I’m Ultraman or a Kamen Rider now? What? To the point of even suggesting hand gestures? Wow, you might as well come up with a signature line for me then?! This is a freaking militia’s armor not a tight leather wear okay! Baiyi spluttered fiercely.

“That’s right! You can also prepare some visual effect! First, cast a Levitating Spell on yourself and second, make flowers and ribbons appear in mid-air. Finally, put on the sorcerer’s robe that you confiscated from Mia! TADAH~ !” The Cleric added.

Are you both idiots? Isn’t this the transformation for some anime magical girl character? It seems like you are all unhappy about the fact that I didn’tt allow Mia to wear that sort of revealing clothing? Can’t you all act like a normal person and go learn some other normal Earth culture instead?

“Well, it’s not that we don’t want to! The problem is that these things are most watched by you when you were still alive! We’re also interested in those classical and scientific writings on Earth but you have never seen those things before. How do you expect us to learn about those things then?” Several voices of the Walkers could be heard arguing back at the same time.

Err… Okay… You do have a point… When Baiyi was still alive, he was not a scholar who was interested in the pursuit of academics. Since the Voidwalkers could only observe and learn about Earth through his memory, they could not be blamed entirely for their limited knowledge regarding Earth.

Baiyi was speechless so in the end, he decided to ignore them and worked with the animal coin banks that Mia bought last time. Now that they owned some storage pouches, they no longer needed the coin banks to store their gold coins. Picking up a big whale coin bank, Baiyi removed part of its head and transplanted the small pot of flower that was given to him by one of the students into it. It looked like a flower had grown on the whale’s head and from afar, it gave off the impression that the whale was blowing water out from its head. How cute was that!

While he was watering the flower with the tiny water jet that sprayed out from his finger, the Archmage interrupted him suddenly, “Awwww… I didn’t know that you have a cute side too. But then I really need to interrupt your blissful moment, my dear boy. There’s only one month left till Mia’s final exam. So far all of the accumulated resources are more or less complete now so I guess it’s time for us to start carrying out our plan.”

Oh yes, that’s right! Baiyi nodded his head and walked over to Mia’s bed to pick up the hammerhead doll using his Mana and inspected all the spells and magic that he had laid inside.Everything is ready now, we can start anytime.

Ignoring the pleas of some of the Walkers who begged to enter the hammerhead doll, he threw it back into the bag before making his way towards Mia’s closet. He wanted to check the accessories that Mia received the night before to see if he could make something with them. When he was about to open the door of the closet, his movement came to a halt suddenly and he could not help but worry.

After all, opening the wardrobe of a female without her permission did not seem like something that a gentleman would do. It just did not seem appropriate as it was the place that housed all of Mia’s underwear. Even though Mia-chan did not mind it, Baiyi still tried to avoid it as much as possible. However, a few of the Walkers in his mind were of a whole different story. As he had expected, some of the members of the Hentai Union had already started urging him on by giving him explicit suggestions.

Ah… Forget about it. It’s rude messing with her things without her permision, Baiyi lifted his hand from the door knob and disappointed sighs and comments could be heard instantly coming from the Void. Those jewelries are too expensive. It’s too wasteful if they were accidentally destroyed in the arena. I think I’ll just make do with the one that I bought last time.

“WHAT? You intend to let Mia wear those outdated and tacky accessories? Last time you didn’t have enough money so we just let it slide but now you have plenty on your hand and you still don’t plan to spend it on better things for Mia? You’ve already forbade her from wearing beautiful clothing so don’t you think it’s a little too much to be so stingy over a few accessories?” The Astrologer questioned on behalf of Mia.

Alright, alright! Gee, I’ll go buy some new ones for her now, okay?! Baiyi had no other choice but to give in as he strode towards the door.

“You’re not going to the workshop today?” Somebody asked all of a sudden.

Before Baiyi could open his mouth, the Merchant quickly helped him reply, “Of course. He does not have to go everyday. He’s the ‘Repair Master’ now after all.” Ever since he had succeeded in squeezing a fortune out of his own descendant, his plan had already started to go on track. From now on, Baiyi only had to show his face occasionally in the workshop and a lot more fat cash cows would come knocking on the door automatically.

“But, I’m a little worried about Sir Hope’s aesthetic taste…” Another voice could be heard saying.

So what? I can just ask for the opinions of the few female Walkers that we have, can’t I? Baiyi said,Lady Scholar, I can trust you on this matter, right?

“M-Me? Are you sure you want to listen to my suggestion?” The Scholar scoffed.

Er… Alright… I forgot that you spent most of your past life stuck in the Mage Tower doing nothing but reading and researching only. I guess I better ask the other female Walkers then. Let me see… Well, Lady Warrior, the 28th Walker?

“I’m sorry, Sir Hope. In my past life, every man who had ever treated me as a woman came to regret their decision!” The Warrior replied decisively.

Oh, okay. I also almost forgot that you’re more interested in weapons rather than things like cosmetic and beauty. Erm, okay, I’ll find another one. Hmmm… Lady Assassin? Do you have any suggestion?

“I find the Manifold Paradox 1 to be really captivating but it doesn’t suit Mia-chan, does it?And besides, ever since I was 3 years old, I started training to be discreet and to steer clear from the sight of other people. I don’t really know how to dress up to attract the attention of others…” The Assassin replied very sincerely.

Huh? Manifold Paradox? What’s that? Does Earth even have such thing? And you, as a woman, why does your past life sounds so tragic? Baiyi could not help but silently feel sorry for the Assassin. While he was thinking about it, he dug out the previous black cloak that he had hidden in a tree near the dormitory. After changing into the militia’s armor and putting on the black cloak, he was once again a mysterious wanderer.

Looks like these three are not reliable at all when it comes to this matter. Hmmm, who’s left? Oh yeah, Lady Shadow? Do you have any idea?

The moment Baiyi finished his question, the Walker who was also known as the Shadow suddenly let out an eerie cackle— it was so spooky that it sounded as if it was the cries of evil spirits. After she was done laughing, she finally opened her mouth and said, “Sir Hope! I’m sure you still remember the reason I was hunted by the Vatican for 100 years, right? Do you really want to listen to my ideas?”

A-Ah… Wait a minute! No! Just forget it! You’ve almost become Mei Chaofeng 2 herself now

“Why can’t you ask a normal woman instead?” The Archmage could no longer keep his silence.

Is there even a freaking normal woman among us 33 Walkers? Can a normal woman even enter the Void?

“Well, don’t we have one more who’s always asleep? I’m sure her taste would be fine,” The Archmage reminded Baiyi.

T-T-That woman? Are you sure? Do we really want to wake her up? Seriously, my dear teacher?Baiyi asked timidly.

“Well, why not? She’s part of us, after all. Eventually you would need to rescue her from this place too. There would come a day where you would have to face her anyway. On top of that, she is indeed the most normal woman we have among us.” The Archmage encouraged with a serious tone, “Or could it be that you wish to discuss this topic with the Hentai Union instead? They seem to know that you’ve already ran out of ideas and they’re very eager to talk to you, you know.”

O-Okay, I guess I’d better wake her up then— the 30th Walker with the nickname Fairy…

In all fairness, that Walker was indeed a very beautiful person when she was still alive. In fact, she was even more beautiful than Mia, Tisdale and Undine combined. If one were to evaluate her solely on her appearance, there was no other word other than ‘perfect’ that could be used to describe her. Before Baiyi exchanged his memory with her, he had never thought that a woman so beautiful that she could bring calamity to countries, ever existed.

After he exchanged memories with her, he finally believed that there really was a beauty that was as beautiful as Baosi 3 , Daji 4 and Tamamo no Mae 5 who were all famed legendary beauties. Although many of her actions did indeed bring calamity to her country and people. It also seemed like she had that ‘talent’ since she was very young…

For example, there was one occasion where she wanted to ride a unicorn in the Fairy Forest but the unicorn refused so she brought the cubs of the hunting leopards that were raised by the fairies and went to bully the unicorn’s cub instead. She even forced the unicorn’s cub to use its horn to spear a fish from the river for her which made the unicorn furious when it found out.

On another occasion, she suddenly had a craving for some food so she went to steal the Mr. Bear’s winter grain reserve, causing him to have no food to eat during winter. When the dreadful winter was over, he smashed his way into the Fairy Village wanting to eat her instead

There was another ocassion as well where she persuaded Mr. Tree to help her dig up the nest of a groundhog but they accidentally destroyed the groundwater source instead. Because of that, the village went through a 10 days drought.

In the end, the Fairy Village could no longer tolerate her anymore and kicked her out before she even came of age, forcing her to escape to the human world to disrupt the peace there

Later, she used the bow and arrow that was given to her by the village grandfather, to shoot down the Demigod Lich, Dexiphire’s, favorite skeletal dragon. After a long earth-shattering battle, the Demigod Lich finally became the current Voidwalker Lich… As for her, well, she continued to create chaos and calamity in the world…

Seriously speaking, she really was not a normal woman at all. But still, that was not the main reason Baiyi was so afraid of waking her up…


Finally, we have a clear list on how many women are there among the Voidwalkers! We have the Lady Scholar, Assassin, Warrior, Shadow and finally Fairy! There you go! A complete list! 5 females in a group of 33 Walkers. Hmmm not bad… Anyway, it has been quite some time since I last left my thought. How are you guys doing? The story is a little slow at the moment but now that Mia’s final exam is coming up, I think it’s going to have more suspense soon. Stay tuned guys! Do give us a lot of love and comment comment comment! I’ll see you guys again! Ciao ~


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