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Chapter 42: YES! I’m Cured!

Chapter 42: YES! I’m Cured!
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But of course, Mr. Sorry would never make such a large display of power. Instead, he just moved his body around a little and he was astonished to find that he could finally move freely like all of the other Soul Armatures. Satisfied, he quickly bowed and thanked— er… or should one say, apologized to— Baiyi.

“I’m sorry! Thank you so much! None of the blacksmiths that I went to could fix this problem but it looked so simple handled by you! I’m so grateful towards you!” Mr. Sorry exclaimed earnestly.

Err…. Could you not apologize when you are thanking me? That sounds kind of weird…But then again, I didn’t realize that the maintenance for a Soul Armature could be so troublesome… Baiyi thought to himself. Actually, cases where the knee joints was worn out and abraded was a common problem of for every Soul Armature— it was a problem that wouldhinder the Soul Armature’s action and affect their performance. If it was a normal armor of a normal person, one could easily solve the problem by just replacing the knee-joints with a new one. However, because the Soul Armature Summoning Technique worked by affixing the soul’s consciousness into the whole armor, if the knees were replaced with a new one, the new knees that were not affixed with any consciousness would not function at all. That was exactly why a Soul Armature could not replace their body part at all. They would have to either find a way to repair it or change into a whole new armor. It was indeed a troublesome problem.

Fortunately, Baiyi came from a place called Earth where it was filled with advanced science and technology. Imitating Earth’s welding torch by using his Mana, what Baiyi did was actually combining his Mana with the welding technique along with the experience and knowledge of the Blacksmith. That was why a problem that appeared to be troublesome to ordinary blacksmiths was not difficult for him.

Looking at the skill, the Blacksmith commented, “This is a perfect combination of the two world. It is effective just like I expected. However, to use them to solve such a minor problem…” There seemed to be a hint of regret in his voice

Actually, not every Voidwalker was addicted to those cultural works on Earth, there were also other who were interested in various scientific and technological aspects of Earth and even tried to combine the knowledges of the two worlds together. Remember the sword skill of the Knight before? He had imitated the polymer’s vibration principle and used it on his sword skill. Or like just now when Baiyi used his Mana as flames to do the welding on the metal shards.

Without a doubt, it was an innovative idea in that world. Unfortunately, as a liberal art student, Baiyi could not provide them with much information on science and technology. Those new ideas were not particularly easy to be applied in that world as well. Why? Well, let’s just take this for example: most of the sorcerers in that world know those Flamethrower and metal-softening techniques but how many sorcerers would actually be willing to become a blacksmith?

That was why when the other Soul Armatures found out that there was a blacksmith who knew sorcery, they immediately gathered over to look. Baiyi had already managed to establish himself in their minds as a professional the moment they saw him succeed in treating Mr. Sorry’s knees.

“Good morning. My arm is feeling weird right here, could you help me take a look?” A Soul Armature asked, at the same time rotating his arm 360 degree in a big circle. “I really think that it’s weird…”

Well, how could it be not weird? Don’t you think that if you’re a human, you would dislocate your arm by rotating it like that? Baiyi remarked sarcastically inwardly but outwardly he invited the man to sit beside him and made a simple shoulder joint for him.

After that Soul Armature tested his arm and saw that it no longer rotated in a weird way, he exclaimed happily, “OOOOHHHH! Now it really does feel much better! Thank you very much!”

Well, there’s no need for ‘thank you’ but somehow I think that ability of yours was quite good actually! Like, you could cast a Double Whirlwind Slash or something like that. Don’t you think it’s a waste to let it go just like that? At that moment, an image of an armor with its two arms rotating in high speed circles appeared in Baiyi’s mind, just like the scene of a human chainsaw… Erm…. Perhaps not? That seems to be kind of stupid

“Excuse me? Can you have a look at me as well? I keep feeling like I’m missing something down there. I feel so unusual walking around without it…” Another Soul Armature unashamedly requested, interrupting Baiyi’s train of thoughts.

Hello brother? Of course you’ll feel the changes, there’s one organ missing down there! But then, isn’t this good as well? You can try becoming a girl instead! Are you sure you want to give up on being a girl? Although Baiyi was joking in his mind, his hand, on the other hand, dexterously added on an additional weight to the lower half of the Soul Armature’s body.

“Ahhhh… I feel so much more comfortable and free now! You are really amazing, Master Hope! You MUSTlet me know if you need any help in the future!” The man exclaimed in joy as he gave a few somersaults on the lawn, showing off his happiness to everyone!

After he left, another person quickly walked up and earnestly said in excitement, “Wow, your skill is superb! Master Hope! It seems like there’s finally hope for my illness to be cured!”

Errr… I’m not a real doctor you know… Baiyi thought inwardly as he took a careful look at the guy.Well, I don’t see anything wrong at all? Puzzled, he queried, “Looking at your body, other than your flat chest, I don’t see any problem at all.”

“Ah! No… Master Hope. That’s not my chest! That’s actually my back…” The guy seemed somewhat embarrassed.

WHAT? ARE YOU AN OWL? Baiyi immediately pulled him down to sit on the bench and tried to twist his head 180 degrees.

As a result, a yell of pain could be heard. “AHHHHHHHHHH! MY NECK IS BREAKING! I’M NOT AN OWL, MASTER HOPE! It was just that my practitioner made a mistake when he summoned me…”

“Oh… I’m sorry… But you should have told me earlier before…” Baiyi mumbled as he proceeded to take off the guy’s visor and placed it on the back of his head. “Alright, how about now? Can you see now?”

“Erm… I see nothing but blackness… Master Hope….”

Hmm, it seems like your sight was not affixed on the visor at all… Returning the visor to its previous state and not giving any thought to the guy’s scream, Baiyi forcibly twisted his head back and released a small Mana from his finger to help him rectify the spell in the armor.

“Ahhhhh! It works! I’m finally back to normal! You are so great Master Hope! I’ll ask my practitioner to bake cookies for you as a token of gratitude!” The Mr. Owl who had returned to his normal state bowed as he thanked Baiyi.

Erm… Is this fellow’s brain damaged by the twisting just now? As a Soul Armature, why would I need cookies? I can only give it to Mia to eat anyway! And besides, with her age right now, it’s not suitable for her to eat so many sweet things, isn’t it?

“Damn you for being such an old-fashioned conservative father! You’ve already deprived Mia of wearing cute dresses and now you don’t even allow her to eat sweets as well?!” A voice could be heard cursing from the Void.

Hey, this is for her own good okay? What do you even know? Instantly, a Silence Spell was casted on him.

“Urghh! You’re shamelessly abusing your power now… Urghhh!” Another Walker who was trying to go against Baiyi was put under the Silence Spell as well. Once again, the almighty Voidwalkers were forced to succumb to His majesty, Sir Hope— the old-fashioned and conservative Baiyi.

Anyway, leaving that group of unscrupulous people aside, Baiyi had managed to become the focal point in that small little garden. All of those Soul Armatures that surrounded Baiyi was talking about their own problems, hoping to get Baiyi’s help to fix them. With no intention to reject them, Baiyi made them line up and slowly fixed and adjudted them one by one.

One could see that not every single Soul Armature could flawlessly adapt to their new bodies. After all, an armor was different from a human body. Even though it was equipped with magically generated joints and organs in order to ensure that it retained most of the functions of a human body, there was still huge differences between a real body and an armor. It was normal for a newly summoned Soul Armature to feel discomfort with his new body.

To be fair, the Soul Armature Technique had gone through several thousands years of development and there were already armors that were specifically designed for Soul Armatures. Those armors were exquisitely designed to imitate the human body. Coupled with magically generated joins and organs, they greatly reduce the degree of discomfort for the summoned soul, allowing them to feel like they were in a real human body.

Naturally, the price of such armors were not cheap. The Celestial Fortress Academy was not that kind of aristocratic school. Most of its students were actually from middle-class families. Therefore, for the time being, they could only equip their Soul Armatures with a normal armors.

For that reason alone, Baiyi’s good deeds were absolutely commendable. Considering the fact that he did not mention anything about money and rewards, the Soul Armatures’ respects towards him increased despite his shabby armor and that awkward-looking cloak.

In the blink of an eye, it was already noon. A melodious tune could be heard chiming from the buildings. Instantly, the academy which was originally quiet suddenly filled with the chattering and laughter of the students, giving it the vitality of a youthful atmosphere.

It was lunch break. The group of Soul Armatures who were lining up automatically dispersed and walked towards the school buildings one after another. Not long after, a group of students could be seen carrying their wooden plates which was filled with sumptuous lunch and making their way to the little garden.

Lunch break was a rare opportunity for a practitioner to relax with their Soul Armature. There was nothing better than spending time and having meal together in such a beautiful garden. It was an effective way to promote better relationships between practitioners and their Soul Armature. Very quickly, the little garden’s benches and verandahs were fully occupied by the students, making the ‘elderly park’ turn more lively as it bustled with excitement.

Mia and her two classmates also took their trays out from the building as well. When the two girls, who were more or less her age, saw their own Soul Armatures waiting for them outside, they bid goodbye to Mia and went their own way. Before they left, one of them did not forget to ask, “Mia, don’t you have a Soul Armature as well? Will he accompany you for lunch? Otherwise, why don’t you join us?”

“Well, Mr. Hope just got summoned a short while ago so he’s still pretty unfamiliar with this place… It’s alright, I’ll eat by myself,” Letting out a forced smile, Mia declined the kindness of her friends. As she was going to walk up to the classroom by herself, she saw a familiar navy silhouette from the corner of her eyes.

Baiyi was just standing not too far in front of her as he waved at her lightly.


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