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Chapter 23: Pero Pero

Chapter 23: Pero Pero
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Baiyi walked to Mia’s bed and picked up the hammerhead doll, looking at it carefully. The doll was soft and fluffy with a good feel to it and was very adorable. On top of that, the faint scent of Mia was still on the doll. Taking into account of its origin, no doubt this was Mia’s most cherished possession seeing how she was always snuggling up to it and even hugging it to sleep.

“Erm… Hello… Sir Hope? You are not planning to use this doll right?” The Explorer asked worriedly, “Let alone the fact that Mia loves this a lot, don’t you think this is a little unsuitable? Just look at that appearance!”

The spell, Aurora’s Mercy, that he invented would look like this when it was casted— it would turn Magical Formations into the shape of a beautiful flask that is decorated with delicate runes. The flask would be suspended on top of the caster and then magic such as icebolts, ice-arrows or ice-blast would strike out from the flask. This was a magic that contained both practicality and aesthetic value as it appeared to be elegant and lavish.

However, if Baiyi chose this hammerhead doll as a cask for this spell then Mia would have to lift up the doll with both of her hands during the casting and then, who knows? Would the magic come out from the doll’s mouth and manifests its form into a water-gun, water-jet or water-current. What sort of lowly performance is that? What a graceless and inelegant magic! No doubt, this Aurora’s Mercy spell would turn into the Hammerhead’s Mercyand wasn’t that a little too tacky?

Of course, the Explorer did not want the creation that he was quite proud of to become such a comical thing. He continued to cajole, “And if the spell was fixed onto the doll, I don’t think it would be as fluffy and soft as it is right now. Don’t you think that Mia would be sad?”

Yeah, you have a point. Hmm… Then, I’ll make sure the spell does not destroy the fluffiness of the doll, Baiyi spoke as he proceeded to dissect the fluffy white tummy of the hammerhead doll and started to stuff magical ingredients into it. He believed that with his refined skill, Mia would not be able to find out even though it had been stitched up.

He was certain that when Mia found out that her beloved doll had turned into a powerful magical prop, she would be happy. Baiyi thought to himself, I’d better finish the preparation of this Magical Formation before she gets back. And then, all I need to do is to continue filling up the doll with magic everyday until it reaches the point where it can finally release the spell.

The process would take about a week. Yes, it was a little slow but this was the fastest he could go with the level of magic that he possessed right now. Therefore, this doll could only be used as a last resort in the test.

I guess I’ll just tell Mia when the actual time of the combat training arrives, Baiyi thought to himself as he quickly put the doll back when he heard Mia’s footsteps coming from the corridor.

“I’M BACK MR. HOPE!” Mia entered the room and bowed politely towards Baiyi. A wide smile could be seen on that lovely face. It seemed like someone was in a good mood today!

Having said that, she sat on her bed and took the black leather shoes off. She then slowly took off the white stockings on her legs, revealing a pair of legs that was like a pair of carefully crafted jade. Sitting back onto the edge of the bed, she dangled that smooth and exposed legs while her small, translucent feet were swinging in the air. She then turned and picked up that hammerhead doll that had been tampered with and snuggled her face against it.

There was no sense of embarrassment when the whole process took place in front of Baiyi’s eyes. She had long regarded him as an elder member of her family. Such intimate actions were carried out naturally in front of him with no sense of shyness or awkwardness at all, it made the entire scene exciting.

That, of course, won the unanimous praise of those who had a certain fetish among the Voidwalkers.

“WOOOOOHOOOOO! THAT’S AMAZING!!! AWESOME! I have never noticed this before! Although Mia is pretty petite but that pair of legs looks pretty long, don’t you think so? Could it be that because she has a perfectly proportioned body?”

“Wow! Since when did Mia-chan has feminine charm? What a beauty! It’s so unfortunate for her to have such an old fashioned teacher… Tsk tsk tsk! Poor Mia-chan… Perhaps you’re not destined to show your beauty to the world… Sigh, I feel sorry for her…”

“Won’t you look at those accessories that her old-fashionedteacher prepared for her? Wooden bracelets, copper necklace and a big red bow. This is basically turning Mia into some sort of village girl! Did you really came from Earth, Sir Hope? Why are your thoughts much more traditional than ours?”

What now? What’s wrong with me wanting her to dress a little more conservatively? As a teacher, how can I ask my student to dress up provocatively? My thoughts are nothing out of the ordinary and you people already criticised me of being traditional and old-fashioned? Baiyi said loudly, unwilling to admit that his thoughts had undeniably been influenced by them. After all, the influences were mutual. As he was influencing the Voidwalkers, he was influenced by them as well.

At that time, Mia who was snuggling up against the hammerhead doll frowned and held the doll up to look at it carefully. Her face had a puzzled expression on it, it appeared that she had detected that something was out of place. However, because she could not see anything different, she put the doll back on to the bed before putting on her leather shoes and walked over to Baiyi.

This is impossible! Baiyi quickly said inwardly, My skill is very precise and refined. It’s impossible for her to find out with that current level of hers!

“Women often has some indescribable bizarre instinct. This is something that is beyond explanation,” the Scholar explained to him.

When Mia approached Baiyi, he hastily asked with a guilty conscience, “Yes, anything?”

Mia temporarily put aside the unusual feeling she had about her doll and took out the cute kitty purse from her pocket. Flashing a cheeky smile towards Baiyi, she said, “Teehee! I have good news to tell you, Mr. Hope!”

“Oh?” Baiyi let out a sigh of relief inwardly. Glancing at the obviously puffed up little purse, he asked, “Is that our subsidy?”

“YES!” Mia nodded and quickly glanced at the opening of the little kitty purse. She proceeded to pour all of the contents out onto the table in front of Baiyi. Inside there was dozens pieces of gold coins along with a few pieces of silver coins.

“These are the leftovers from my living expenses that Mum and Dad sent to me last month,” Mia explained as she put aside the few silver coins. “As for these gold coins, they are the subsidy given by the academy. It’s a full 20 gold coins! This is my first time having this much of money!” She exclaimed happily.

After all, her monthly living allowance was only one gold coin. She had no idea at all that the crude armour in front of her had just managed to swindle 50 gold coins just by putting up a disguise…

“In addition, there are also some medications that help with meditation. They are all in the bag. There will also be extra lessons to educate me on how to work together with Mr. Hope… Err… I guess my schedule will be more packed now… BUT! Don’t you worry Mr. Hope, I will continue to work hard no matter what!” Mia exclaimed happily, her face showing an ecstatic expression. No wonder she was so happy today.

However, the Voidwalkers did not share her joy at all. The Alchemist immediately said, “I seriously can’t stand this anymore, Sir Hope. Just this meager amount of money and she’s all high and giddy? I really…”

“I think it was because the innate capabilities that Sir Hope displayed was only at the Intermediate Level. In the past, the academy was not this stingy…” The Apprentice quickly tried to defend his academy.

Well, simplicity is a commendable quality. Let’s not destroy her simple happiness , Baiyi said seriously as he continued to watch Mia segregating the gold coins.

“Hmmm… with so much money all of a sudden, how should I allocate them?” Mia lowered her head as she gave it serious thoughts. Then, reaching out to put three gold coins aside, she said to herself in a low voice, “I’m just gonna use this to buy myself that fancy looking dress that I saw last time and also the yummy desserts from the cake shop at the southern part of the city. I heard that the desserts are really delicious… Ermm… and I guess, the rest here will be used to buy a new body for Mr. Hope.”

Having just finished speaking, she frowned and puckered her lips before going back to her own thoughts again. Then, taking back two coins from the pile of three gold coins, she muttered to herself, “That dress is a little expensive so I guess I’ll make do without it since the school uniform is already lovely enough. As for the dessert, well, it’s best that I don’t buy it, it’s not that cheap either. I’ll just have a small taste from the sample. Hmmm… I guess it’s better if I just allocate more money for Mr. Hope’s new body… Well… A good armour must be quite expensive… Ermm.. or… ” Then, she reached out and took the last gold coin to put it back into the larger pile of gold coins.

Look at this little fellow! Does she really intend to give up all these things that a girl her age would usually need and use it all on my body?

Baiyi could no longer stand it. He reached out decisively and grabbed Mia’s hand that was holding the gold coin, stopping her from moving it and then used his other hand to pushed all of the gold coins to the other side.

“E-E-Eh? Mr. Hope ?” Astonished, Mia lifted her head up to look at Baiyi. As she was just about to open her mouth to say something, Baiyi cut her off directly.

“Use these money on yourself,” Baiyi said in a serious tone, “Be it clothing or desserts, just buy whatever things that you like for yourself.”

“B-b-but…. N-no, Mr Hope. Those are all frivolous luxury… I-It does not matter if I have them or not. What’s most important right now i-is your body… You are so kind to me, I…. I should not let you continue to live in this body,” Mia responded solemnly.

“Listen to me, Mia.” Lifting up his hand, Baiyi stroked Mia’s little head, “I’m very satisfied with this body right now. It is light, flexible and does not hinder the release of my magic at all. This is the most suitable armour a sorcerer could ask for.”

Of course, this was actually a white lie. But at the same time, it reminded Mia about something as she nodded her head and stuck her tongue out in embarrassment. Cheekily, she said, “I-I-I almost forgot… What Mr. Hope needs i-is an even better sorcerer’s armour. This small amount of money is definitely not enough… hmmm…Alright! I will save up and when I have enough money, I will buy a more suitable body for you, Mr. Hope!

Looking at her sincere eyes and listening to such earnest words, Baiyi could not help but feel touched.


Hey there! Did you guys notice what Mr. Author did right there with the title? Pero pero? Anyone? I’ll just explain it once again just in case you guys don’t remember. Well, it’s technically a licking sound AKA *lap lap* or *lick lick* . It’s actually a written sound effect that can always be seen in a japanese manga — . So…. I guess, it’s safe to say that these Voidwalkers were actually imagining themselves licking Mia’s fair and beautiful legs when she took off her stocking! Or…. wait a minute! Could it be that it’s Mr. Author who is imagining himself licking Mia’s legs? Hmmmmm! It makes you wonder huh? Well…. I wonder which of you guys are imagining yourself licking Mia’s legs right now? *smirk* Don’t be shy and let us know in the comment section alright? I hope you enjoyed this chap! See you guys again ~ Ciao!


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