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Chapter 106: I Have a Unique Wall-Climbing Skill

Chapter 106: I Have a Unique Wall-Climbing Skill
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Afterthe entire team crossed the forest, a meandering rugged hilly path suddenly appeared in front of the crowd. Looking at the path, what entered their sights were the mountains that was eternally covered in snow. The path that looked as if it was connected to the sky stretched to infinity where it would eventually lead to the highest peak of the mountain range, where the only city of the Alpine Barbarians lay— Harrogath.

To the rescue team, the path was still not too difficult to traverse on. The winding mountain path only allowed one Alpine Barbarian to pass at each time, but it was more than enough for a normal human being to walk in a group together. Still, Baiyi did not let his guard down and with his Mana, he bound the two girls tightly by his side, for fear of accidents.

As for the rest of the group, they had an expression that appeared to be strained with anxiety as they followed closely behind Baiyi. But somehow, the youngest of the three brothers and the chaplain looked quite relaxed. As they were walking, the chaplain, with the solemnity of a pious person, was silently forming a plan on how to spread his Church’s doctrine in that piece of land.

The youngest brother, on the other hand, felt much safer with the presence of the three frightening barbarians, thinking that the horrifying ‘creature’ that had been aiming at him since yesterday would never dare to come near him. Little did he know that the terrifying ‘creature’ that had been pressuring him was actually just a few steps in front of him chatting jovially with the three frightening barbarians. He even had the gall to take out his wolf’s fang pendant and compare it to the beast’s teeth that was hanging low from one of the Divine Warriors’ neck. A little proud that he had the same taste with them, he asked Baiyi, “Thair pendants look lik’ mine, don’t thay?”

The Divine Warrior Zar’Zar glanced at him before jabbering at Baiyi in an indistinct manner. Not knowing what he was saying, the youngest brother asked him, “Waat did he say tae ye?”

“He was wondering why you’re wearing a dog’s fang pendant,” Baiyi briefly translated, trying to hold back his laughter.

D-Dog’s fang?” Stunned, Zhang Fah’n looked down at his pendant that he treated like a family heirloom and quickly retorted, “B-But ah pulled this oot from a Heatwolban 1 ! Isn’t it mair o’ less th’ same as th’ same as th’ one he is sportin’ too?”

“No, no, no, it’s not the same,” Baiyi quickly explained, “The one he’s wearing is actually a dragon’s fang, but from the looks of it, I guess it’s just a fledgling?”

“D-Dragon’s fang?” Zhang Fah’n was dumbfounded. A few seconds later after he had finally regained his senses, he stuttered in bewilderment, “Y..Y-You mean, thay… s-slaughter dragons?”

“Not really, they’re not dragonslayers but they’re actually neighbours with the dragons. But still, the two clans hardly see eye to eye so they would often engage in battles. Oh, yeah, by the way, do you have wine with you?” Baiyi asked a seemingly peculiar question suddenly.

Zhang Fah’n nodded his head, although he did not quite understand why Baiyi suddenly asked that.

“You can use that to barter for some salted dragon’s meat with them y’know,” Baiyi suggested. At that moment, he realized that Mia was gently shaking his arm so he turned his head towards her with a gentle smile. The girl had a scared expression on her face as she timidly said, “M-Mr. Hope! It… It’s staring at m-me…”

The ‘it’ that Mia referred to was actually the goat-shaped monster that the Huskar was riding. Ever since the monster took notice of Mia, it had been staring at her with that pair of weird triangular-shaped eyes, putting her on edge with fear.

“It’s alright, that’s only a goat… Yes, it may be slightly bigger than a normal goat but it’s still a herbivore,” Baiyi reassured her.

“S-Sir, y… you mean, that’s a g-goat?” B-But it looks far bigger than a bear!” Tisdale exclaimed in surprise by the side.

“Yes, it’s indeed a goat. A very gentle one too!” Baiyi reassured again. As if to prove his point, he proceeded to produce a whistling sound with his magic and the goat-like monster quickly looked back and had its attention on the three of them. At once, the terror-stricken Mia was so scared that she quickly hid behind Baiyi.

“The kids are a little tired now, can you bring them up first?” Baiyi asked in the barbarians’ language. His question was not directed towards the three mountainous barbarians but it was directed to the goat instead.

Of course, being a goat, it could not reply him at all. Slowly, it walked back in silence towards Mia and without warning, it lowered its head to bite her neck collar. With a toss of its head, Mia was thrown onto its back.

“Ahh? Is it going to eat me?!” Aghasted, Mia screamed at the top of her lungs, “M-Mr. Hope! Help m….” She did not even have the time to finish her words before a big gush of wind surged into her mouth, preventing her from saying anything. The moment the goat was sure that she had safely landed on its back, it instantly lifted its hooves and ran at top speed, disappearing from the sight of the group in just a few seconds. What was left was the piercing scream of Mia that gradually faded in the distance.

“Don’t be scared! We’re going to catch up to you soon!” Baiyi shouted towards the distant voice, not an ounce of worry could be seen on his face.

“T-teacher! Mia’s caught by that weird goat monster!” Tisdale who watched the whole ordeal shouted in panic at the top of her lungs as well, “Go rescue her please!!”

Although Huskar did not understand a single word of their conversations, he seemed to be aware of what Tisdale was worried about. Patiently, he explained, “She just gave birth to a litter of kids and is still in the breastfeeding period right now so don’t worry, she’s particularly gentle with young kids,” After Baiyi was done translating to Tisdale, he continued to add, “Relax, she’ll be fine!”

Since Huskar had given his words that Mia would be fine, then it was already certainly guaranteed that Mia would not be hurt at all. After an hour when they finally found Mia at the bottom of the cliff that was so high that it seemed to be connected to the sky, she was having the time of her life tiptoeing on the goat’s head as leverage and was returning a bird’s nest that she carefully held with both hands onto the tree branches. After she had placed it carefully and made sure that it was secured, she even waved goodbye to the few hatchlings before hugging the goat’s slender neck as it placed her gently down to the ground. She was so happy that her eyes had practically turned into moon crest shape as she grinned from ear to ear.

The goat seemed to be in a joyful mode as well. Lowering its head, it began to lick Mia’s delicate face non-stop and tickled the little girl as she quickly pulled back. A burst of loud harsh laughter immediately filled the air.

The goat was indeed very good with kids. In such a short period of time, it managed to win Mia’s heart over and successfully made her forget about her fears. Not only that, it also got to lick her delicate little face that those Hentai-Walkers were dying lick, resulting in a clamor in the Void.

“How dare it licked my Mia-chan! I’m going to get my payback as soon as I get out of this place!”

Look at these good-for-nothing guys.. . Baiyi rolled his eyes inwardly.

Mia finally noticed the presence of Baiyi’s rescue team and the three gigantic barbarians. Hastily, she ran forward with open arms and crashed into Baiyi’s arms. With a thrilled look on her face, she beamed, “Mr. Hope! Mr. Goat is so amazing! And gentle too! I’ve misunderstood him just now.”

“You should call her Mama Goat,” Baiyi stroked the girl’s head affectionately, feeling satisfied with his impromptu arrangement for her. Throughout the journey, the little girl had been very tensed and would jump at every single little thing so it was nice to be able to let her relax.

“How did Mia manage to stay on top of Mama Goat so steadily? She ran so fast and there was no saddle on her at all,” Curious, Tisdale asked. It seemed like she was still feeling a little skeptical about the gigantic goat.

“Let me ask you, how could a mother who abandoned her young ever be fit to become the ride for a Huskar?” Baiyi said rhetorically. Actually, from the Caveman’s memory, he knew that the Alpine Barbarians had a tradition of domesticating goat. The goats that they raised were not normal grazing goats but instead, they were actually the partners and comrades in arms of the Divine Warriors. Not only are the goats formidable and gallant, they were clever and were capable of perceiving human emotions too. It could even stand side by side with an Alpine Barbarian to defeat the dragons! Needless to say, they excelled in taking care of children as well. Even the Caveman’s daughter was taken care of by his goat most of the time. For that reason, Baiyi knew that Mia would not be harmed at all and therefore he was assured in letting her go with Mama Goat in the first place.

However, there was one thing that left him puzzled. How was a goat able to grow to be so much bigger and stronger than a bear? And even much cleverer than a man? Even the Caveman did not know the answer to that as well.

“Wow… Even their goat is this impressive! I really can’t wait to see their dwelling place now!” Xillians announced excitedly. Along the way, the three barbarians were patient and friendly to them, striping off the fear that was gripping his heart tightly and filling his mind with curiosity.

“Erm… Th’ road haes come tae an end, isnae it?” Big Brother Zhang interjected suddenly. After a moment of inspecting the surrounding, he exclaimed in astonishment, “Haud yer horses! Don’t tell me that we haev tae climb up thare?” Bewildered, he lifted his head up and stared at the top of the cliff that was like a piece of cheese sliced cleanly by God. There was no doubt that an ordinary person would never be able to climb up.

“You’ll find out later,” Baiyi did not bother to answer him, instead, he turned to Huskar and said, “Send me up first. Let me wait for them at the other side.”

Huskar nodded his head before turning towards the two Divine Warriors and the goat, “You guys go first.”

“Alright, we’ll take our leave for now. Brother Hope, do remember to come pay a visit to my house okay? Let us have a spear-throwing contest together!” Zar’Zar announced heartily.Then, he took a few steps back before taking huge strides forward and leaping onto the cliff wall, latching himself onto one of the projecting rocks. With all four limbs, he climbed up like a monkey in high speed and hopped from one rock to another, putting on a good show and hastily disappearing from the sight of the spectators below.

It was the same for the goat and Char’Char as well. It was quite a sight to watch a human and a goat simultaneously zig-zagging their way up, slowly being swallowed up by the white clouds in the sky.

It was finally Baiyi’s turn. Hugging the two girls close in his arms, he stood in front of Huskar and with a gentle leap, he jumped onto Huskar’s hand that was placed on his own shoulder.

Before the rest of the group could figure out what was happening, the Huskar put one foot backward and turned his body sideway. He positioned himself in a shot-putting posture, as all of the muscles in his body began to tremble slightly. With a loud “Hahhh!”, his arm sprang up like a catapult, throwing the three people high up into the sky.

What followed next was the sight of Baiyi and the two girls flying away like a cannonball, along with the ear-piercing shrieks of the two girls, as they were shot up directly towards the top of the cliff wall.

With only his brute force, the Huskar actually threw a Soul Armature and two girls all the way up to the top of the cliff?

The rest of the rescue team were left dumbfounded with their mouth wide open in shock watching the scene that had just unfolded in front of their eyes. Looking like nothing had happened, Huskar turned towards the rest of the team and gestured for them to leap up on his palm.

So, could you guess what happened next? Yeah, that was right! Along with multiple ear-splitting shrieks and screams, silhouettes of men could be seen catapulting their way up the cliff one after another…

“Wow, such a loud voice but what small guts they have, tsk tsk tsk!” Huskar commented as he dusted off his hands.


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