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Chapter 104: We Do Not Share the Same Beauty Standards

Chapter 104: We Do Not Share the Same Beauty Standards
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“This What the hell happened?!”

The defense fighters face was pale as he cried out in horror not because of how his shield was so easily penetrated by the enemys attack, but at how Baiyi, with the speed of lightning, snatched the second spear from the air with just his bare hands!

He had seen too many fights to know that it was an impossible feat. Even if he was a Soul Armature, Baiyi was still supposed to be just a sorcerer!

The defense fighters instinctive yelp had shaken everyone out of their trance. A thought dawned on them as they saw the unsettling damage the defense fighters shield had suffered. Are we Are we being ambushed?!

Then, they watched as Baiyi hurled the javelin right back where it came from, just as quickly as he had caught it earlier. It was so fast that all they could see was a black blur cutting across the air.

Is he even a sorcerer? How is it that he could throw a spear with such precision and speed? What did his teacher even teach him?! The defense fighter was dumbfounded.

The swap between defense and offense was too quick for Xillians. When he finally understood the situation, he erected his own shield as he quickly grabbed an offensive spell scroll

“Its alright, they werent planning to kill us.” Baiyi waved his hand dismissively. He turned to the defense fighter. “Please dont stand in front of me next time, okay? That would be dangerous.”

The defense fighters nod was mechanical although he took Baiyi’s caution to heart. He was just too shocked, wondering how Baiyi managed to shove him out of harm’s way so quickly. Based on his own knowledge, the defense fighter tried to retrace the route of the flying spear

To his horror, he realized that if he didnt move his steps forward in hubris, the spear would have just flown close to his shoulder, brushing past his skin. If it wasnt for Baiyi, he would have been pierced through on the right side of his chest.

He had been yanked away from Deaths grasp just in time!

Fear for his mortality had drained him of any bravado he previously had, paralyzing him so he could only stand firm using his own shield as a support. His mind went blank and he could only watch Baiyi, who was standing at the boundary of the jungle, in awe.

The Soul Armature seemed to be waiting for someone.

… Or something. From the jungle came two indistinct shadows, then the silhouettes, and finally two men-like creatures with bare upper bodies appeared. They were tall and their bodies were powerfully built. Their muscles was as chiseled and as hard as rocks.

Adorned with some tribal ornaments, red tattoos decorated their face and body. It was apparent that those two did not possess any mana nor combat chi as if they were just normal people. Yet there was a powerful presence radiating from them that was enough to stop strangers from mistaking them as mere bodybuilding hobbyists.

They had finally met the Alpine Barbarians! And those two were the best warriors of the lot the Divine Warriors.

“Fascinating! I believe this is my first encounter with the infamous Divine Warriors,” the Scholar was unable to contain her excitement. “The description in the books corroborated with my current observation how interesting! Im truly intrigued!”

“They have chosen a different path from other warriors,” the Warriors calm voice had an unmistakably respectful undertone. “And they have reached the paragon of strength.”

“Im just grateful that they are content with their abodes in the mountains! Otherwise, they could have stain history with blood,” Even the Archmage could not help but exclaimed. “Child, without help from the Void, do you think you would be able to submit them?”

Before Baiyi could reply him, the Caveman had already interjected, “Just those two? Meh, Sir Hope would probably win. Look at those two fawns! So young and tender! Their skins are not even battle-hardened! Oh, but if you happen to meet an older Divine Warrior, like Huskar Sir Hope, with your current state, I dont think you could even put a dent on them.”

Baiyi did not disagree with his assessment. The Caveman was obviously familiar with those people and he had very keen battle instincts that people of the wild usually possessed. What he could not agree with was Tender?! Are you even looking at what we are all looking at? Even if cavemen dont use dictionaries, youre still getting a word as basic as tender wrong! Baiyi stared at the Divine Warriors’ body again. You see those abs? You can make human powder by grinding your face onto them!

“B-but! I mean, well, yes, those are some hard eight-packs but their battle tattoos are still as red as fresh meat That means these fawns havent killed any foes yet” The Caveman mumbled, feeling persecuted.

… Alright, alright. Very fresh meat, much tender.

While Baiyi was engaging with the Voidwalkers, one of the two “tender” Divine Warriors stepped forward. Trying very hard, he spoke in the common tongue, “Very strong man. You should not come here. Go away.”

The common language did not sound common at all because nobody in the party could understand that horrific accent.

Yorrgh sho norggh covfefe? The party thought collectively. What is this language? Pig Latin? If a tree falls down in the forest and no one is around to hear it, this is how it sounds like, right?

To add insult to injury, even the Caveman was confused. “What happened to my people while I was away? Did my childrens ‘Dont-Let-Papa-Understand-Us’ secret language became popular and mainstream now?”

If it wasnt for the fact that Baiyi could speak their native language, he would have to give up on the lofty dreams of exchanging greetings with them.

“Dont be afraid. Im your friend and I seek aid,” Baiyi said.

The Divine Warriors were shocked. They exclaimed together in their own language, “When did you learn to speak our tongue, stranger?”

The three were finally on the same page by conversing in the same language, but to the others, it sounded like they were grunting like apes. Baiyi thought that it was an advantage, as his conversation with the barbarians would be… encrypted.

“Because, I am your friend.” Baiyi replied, and his aura shifted into a presence familiar to the barbarians the aura of a Divine Warrior.

“You are one of our people? Were you banished?” One of the Divine Warriors asked curiously. He studied Baiyis appearance. “Why are you wearing such odd clothes?”

Must I explain the whole history of fashion with someone who has lost touch with civilization?Baiyi clicked his tongue in his mind. But then again, its precisely because they are nave that I have the upperhand.

It was true. The crafty Soul Armature was already using the Charlatans top level deceptive tricks to evoke a feeling of camaraderie from the Divine Warriors just by copying their aura.

The Divine Warriors werent just tender, they were also too trusting for their own good. Just because the aura was familiar, the Divine Warriors had already dropped their weapons, making themselves vulnerable. They even treated Baiyi like a fellow tribesman. “Your spear-throwing skill is very impressive; I am no match for you. However, your fashion sense is beyond horrible, so we are even, because I am more handsome than you!”

“My brother! Did the weakness of your flesh compelled you to protect yourself with a flimsy armor?” Another added sympathetically. “Do not worry! Youre back home, and your muscles shall return very soon!”

On second thought, maybe these guys are bodybuilding hobbyists. Baiyi thought internally. Excuse me, frat boys, but not everyone is interested in reflecting sunlight with their oily eight-packs.

Externally though, he was all smiles and friendly. “My friends! I really need your help. The situation is a bit difficult, but Ill need to see Huskar. Would you please inform him of my request through your alpine hawk-eagle?”

“You noticed my hawk-eagle! You really are very formidable! But why are you so skinny? You must have too much of mens food in your diet” The Divine Warrior commented with another sympathetic look.

He gave a loud whistle and a flash of light zipped through the air. Gales rolled with its wings as a magnificent hawk-eagle descended from the sky and perched on its masters shoulder, its mighty talon digging deep into his flesh.

Those talons could snap a normal persons shoulders like nail clippings. Baiyi noted. But on the’tender’ scared warrior Eh, he probably used that talon to scratch his itch.

“Return to our people at once. Inform Huskar about what happened here,” The man scratched the birds feathers as he commanded.

“It is still too early. Huskar is probably still sleeping. Peck his eyes to wake him up since it’s hard to wake him up when he’s asleep,” the other Divine Warrior added helpfully.

The hawk-eagle spread its enormous wings larger than even Mia and flapped. Again, winds danced around it before it suddenly soared into the sky and vanished on the edge of the sky.

Peck his eyes, huh. No comment there.

“Just wait for a while, my brother. Huskar will come very soon,” The warrior who owned the bird said reassuringly. “By the way, your spear-throwing skill is very good so you can call me Zarzar.”

What does your name have to do with me throwing things well? Baiyi carried on with his inner monologue. Besides, youre actually the real deal. I wont be able to penetrate a thick, dense shield with my real strength I cheated by using magical enhancement actually

“You can call me Charchar,” The other one chimed in as well. “Brother, who are those people behind you? They look very skinny, fragile and ugly. Very, very ugly. Especially those two ladies!” He suddenly let out a cry. “They are SO UGLY! Why did you bring such hideous women here?”

Thats it. Do these two need an education on beauty standards?

“Sir Hope, p-please! Do not use your beauty standards on our society,” The Caveman explained. “In the Eol Mountains, only the strong can survive. The fittest in these harsh places are those who are muscular. Skinny, frail girls like Mia or Tisdale are simply not suitable for our people.”

Alright. Sorry about my ignorance Baiyi apologized internally, but on the outside he explained, “I am their guardian thats why they are with me. The reason is pretty complicated. Do you want to listen to my tale?”

“No, no, no!” ZarZar and CharChar swung their arms into a cross. “We only like fearsome stories about conquering challenges and enduring pains and hardships! We also like stories about brave deeds or stories about trying to get a girlfriend. Complicated stories? No, no. Huskar might like those stories though.”

So that was it the Alpine Barbarians. Although the name should probably be recanted as they were not barbaric nor ruthless. In fact, one could say they were quite adorable


Baiyi lampshaded so much here!

Also, I really wanna see how creepy their abs are. As I was translating I was thinking of throwing rocks to see if they bounce off the abs. I even wondered about their chest hair is it soft, like lichen growing off a maritime cliff; or is it so hard, you can make bulletproof vests out of it?

I know some of our readers might be thinking that these hunks would look great washing cars, but I think From the way the author described it, they might just dent, and then crack your bonnet, while puncturing all four tires, just because they reached their arms out from the front to wipe your windshield. Same as sleeping on their abs you can probably get a head trauma even with a helmet on. The most authentic NFL player experience, I guess!


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