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Chapter 1450: Repertoire of Shadow Spells

Chapter 1450: Repertoire of Shadow Spells
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Shallot's Mirror + Shadow Clone.

Using his Soul Sense, Eren accessed his Soul Space and located what he sought.

Within a void expanse in his Soul Space, a spectral mirror form floated serenely. This apparitional reflection of the mirror symbolized Eren's connection with Shallot's Mirror.

Leveraging his Soul Sense, he tapped into the artifact's power, and almost instantaneously, a circular mirror shape manifested on his right palm.

As the shadow clone materialized before him, Eren lifted his hand and projected his intent onto it. The surface of the illusory mirror exuded a faint light as it reflected Eren's intent. In an instant, the shadow-element clone coalesced into existence, gaining a semblance of awareness.

Eren's Shadow Clone mirrored his body size, stature, and even his attire's silhouette, hairstyle, and facial features. However, its constitution was an opaque black substance, solidified pure shadow-element mana.

The replicated Eren possessed intelligent eyes that flickered as they assessed Eren and the Ranger positioned afar. An illusory bond connected this artificial form to Eren, granting him the ability to manipulate its actions solely through his intent. Eren's intent remained dynamic, instantly altering the clone's actions in real-time alignment. This bestowed him direct control over the clone's movements.

Eren's true self and the Shadow Clone were discernable due to the clone's appearance akin to a creation from the abyss's ink. It had failed to replicate Eren's intricate visual particulars accurately. However, this deficiency wasn't a flaw of the clone, but of Eren's proficiency with the Shadow Clone Spell. He had yet to master its complexities, resulting in the casting of the most rudimentary iteration of the spell.

Distinguishing his identity from the Shadow Clone was of no concern to Eren. He didn't intend for the clone to function as a mere decoy.

Instead, his objective was for the clone to approach the Ranger's position while evading dissolution. Eren couldn't afford to approach the Ranger recklessly due to the lethal long-range spells at his disposal. No matter the extent of Eren's groundbreaking healing powers, they would prove futile if he allowed the Ranger unchecked advantage.

Thus, Eren's initial course of action involved neutralizing the adversaries encircling him first and foremost. By liberating the Shadow Clone from the besiegement, it could traverse the considerable distance between itself and the Ranger, positioned safely at a distance.

Right after summoning the Shadow Clone, ethereal chains crafted from the shadow element emerged from the spectral beings themselves. Typically, Shadow Chains materialized from the opponent's shadow before restraining them. Yet, the spectral incarnations of Eren's foes were essentially shadows. Consequently, Eren's stacked Shadow Chain spell materialized from within each spectral opponent before constricting them.

Next in line was the Shadow Flames Spell. As the Shadow Chains successfully restrained Eren's adversaries, the spectral forms were engulfed in Shadow Flames, reducing them to searing embers. Eren used his fire-element Attainments while casting Shadow Flames. As such, these shadow flames mirrored regular fire's properties but burned with heightened intensity. Eren had infused a trace of Wrath and Gluttony Mana, intensifying their ferocity and insatiable appetite for consuming all they touched.

As the foes encircling Eren were subdued by his spells, the Shadow Clone sprang into action. This sequence of events unfolded in a matter of moments, denying the Ranger the opportunity to devise a countermeasure from his distant stance.

Swoosh. Swoosh. Swoosh.

Although the Shadow Clone caught the Ranger off guard, it failed to fully avert the onslaught of half-formed long-range attacks directed its way. A barrage of arrows surged toward the advancing Shadow Clone as it closed the distance to the Ranger.

Upon the Shadow Clone's arrival, the Ranger's space-element arrows began to distort and contort the clone's form. The arrows seemed more than just a showcase of spatial manipulation; the Ranger demonstrated versatility across multiple elements.

Some arrows burst into flames upon impact, igniting the clone's body. Others were formed from pure light-element mana, radiating blinding brilliance and inflicting substantial damage upon the shadowy doppelgänger.

"Unbelievable. This son of a bitch was concealing his strength as well."

Eren muttered in frustration as he witnessed his Shadow Clone obliterated before it could engage the Ranger directly. The clone's demise not only incurred a tactical setback but also dismantled Eren's controlled intent.

He understood that the remote utilization of Shallot's Mirror limited his complete control over the Intent Reflection. Moreover, he could reflect only one Intent Reflection onto a Shadow Clone at a time, restricting him to operate only one sentient clone.

The Shadow Clone spell, without the synergistic effect of Shallot's Mirror, became a waste of mana and effort, preventing Eren from conjuring more than one clone simultaneously.

Having the artifact in his possession would have significantly eased Eren's situation. Nevertheless, he refrained from utilizing Shallot's Mirror prematurely, deeming it imprudent before the crucial phase of the Lazarus Project. Leveraging the artifact's abilities remotely already provided him with substantial advantages.

The ensuing minutes transformed into a battle of endurance. Eren struggled to eliminate the Ranger swiftly, yet approaching him using his own self meant fatal harm. Dodging attacks required maintaining a safe distance. However, the Ranger sought the same tactic to continue, accumulating the effects of his relentless assaults.

In a matter of minutes, four of Eren's Shadow Clones succumbed to the Ranger's onslaught one by one. Although Eren managed to clear the adversaries surrounding him, replacements promptly filled the void. Eren deduced that the Ranger stood as the ultimate adversary, the proverbial "Last Boss" of the stage, requiring defeat to secure a perfect 100 out of 100 score on the test.

Mana reserve had significantly dwindled for Eren during these few minutes. As such, he refrained from annihilating the encircling enemies, which would only summon new spectral opponents. Learning from his past experiences, the butcher bound them with Shadow Chains this time, neutralizing their interference in his duel against the Ranger.

Despite the Ranger's success in destroying four of Eren's Shadow Clones, these encounters became valuable learning experiences. Eren's command of the Shadow Clone spell, along with Shallot's Mirror's synergistic prowess, improved through real-time engagement, fueled by the intensity of battle.

"Beat me once, shame on you. Beat me twice…"

Eren mumbled as his fifth Shadow Clone approached the Ranger. This clone incorporated Shadow Steps, its legs adorned with tentacle-like extensions, as it harnessed the movement spell to draw nearer to the Ranger.

The Ranger displayed increasing cunning as he clashed with Eren. He shifted positions strategically, transitioning from one secure point to another. Observing Eren's Shadow Clone closing in, the Ranger executed his movement spell, propelling himself in the opposite direction to evade the clone's approach. Simultaneously, the Ranger unleashed a volley of arrows infused with various elements at the clone.

However, this time, the Ranger couldn't elude quickly enough. The Spell Fusion of Shadow Clone and Shadow Steps proved triumphant. The Shadow Clone successfully advanced to the striking range, its form partially intact despite the lethal arrows. At this pivotal juncture, Eren enacted the trump card he had reserved for this very moment.

Shadow Switch.

Blitz. Swoosh. Chop.

Harnessing the power of Rigor Mortis, Eren executed a swift beheading of the Ranger as he swapped positions with his Shadow Clone. Despite his overwhelming mastery over the long-range spells, there was nothing the Ranger could do when he let a close combat expert like Eren get close to him.

The Ranger's shadow dissipated into the void as his spectral head tumbled to the ground. Simultaneously, the encircled adversaries, previously bound by Eren's Shadow Chains, disintegrated into nothingness with the Ranger's demise.

Eren, having vanquished this seemingly boundless wave of opponents, dropped to his knees. Both mentally and physically drained, he observed the illusory realm disintegrate before him, shattering like a fractured mirror.

Amidst his exhaustion, a smile emerged on his wearied countenance as he checked his test score.


AN: Shadow Chains, Shadow Flames, Shadow Steps, and Shadow Switch were introduced in chapters 717 and 718.


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