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Chapter 1422: Steely Resolve

Chapter 1422: Steely Resolve
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Desperate times need desperate measures.

At a prior juncture, Hamang found himself ensnared in the clutches of dire circumstances as Altashia's onslaught pressed upon him from all sides.

The vice of her unrelenting assault tightened around him, his predicament bordering on the precipice of destruction. The jaws of the Burning Abode yawned before him, a maw eager to consume him in its fiery embrace.

Only through the sacrifice of his loyal subordinates did he narrowly escape the inferno's consuming wrath. These sacrificial pawns had become the conduit for his survival, their vitality, and mana intertwined with his own, allowing him to wrest free from the shackles of the blazing enchantment Altashia had woven.

The ashen sword, a creation woven from the very fabric of the wind element's essence and imbued with corrosive potency, bore testament to Hamang's cunning prowess. This weapon stood as another treasured card in his deck, a last resort for moments when adversity threatened to crush him.

The summoner couldn't use this special summon in the form of the sword regularly because of the strain it put on his mana core and mana circuits. Plus, he needed to use the sword along with a defensive measure in order to engage in close combat fights. This defensive measure had also boosted his body stats temporarily, granting him the required basic foundation needed to get close to his opponents.

Recognizing the insurmountable joint front formed by Altashia and Renita, Hamang opted for a strategic retreat, conserving his strength to orchestrate a devastating counterattack. This calculated maneuver necessitated the relinquishment of his loyal underlings, a strategic concession that ultimately permitted his survival amid the blaze of the Burning Abode.

Emerging from this crucible of flames, he seized his chance when the tides were against his adversaries, launching a ferocious assault at the very moment of their vulnerability, a calculated gamble that could shift the balance of the battle.

Hamang had strategically guarded his trump cards, reserving them for an adversary of undeniable caliber - Grimdawn, a name etched in the annals of fame and fear. Though they hadn't crossed paths, Hamang's meticulous study of reports had painted a vivid portrait of this ruthless enemy.

Every nuance, every strength, and weakness, was cataloged within Hamang's mind. He had read all the known knowledge that was accessible to the forces of Layos. Then he armed himself with an array of countermeasures, each one a safeguard against the enigma that was Grimdawn. Hamang's preparations were akin to a master artisan crafting a masterpiece, every stroke of anticipation meticulously placed, every defense strategically aligned, all in readiness for an encounter.

However, Renita and Altashia just had to get in the way of Hamang's path to glory.

Renita, too, had carved her narrative into the chronicles of war over the past two years. Her prowess as a Ranger had unfurled like a vibrant blossom amidst the crucible of bloody conflict between the warring kingdoms.

Beside her stood Altashia, already an illustrious figure, her reputation bolstered by the resonance of her lineage, interwoven with the legendary Crimson Ghost. To Hamang, their names echoed in the same lofty echelons as Eren's. After battling with them, he was forced to realize the strategic importance of their elimination, knowing that erasing them from the equation was tantamount to halting a powerful juggernaut in its tracks.

As events unfurled and plans adjusted in the crucible of battle, Hamang's aim shifted.

The tide of practicality urged a shift in tactics; his path to Grimdawn could not be carved without first confronting these two formidable lady Rankers who had proven themselves as thorns in his side, as relentless tormentors on the battlefield.

In the end, Hamang gave up on confronting Grimdawn. He unleashed the trump cards he had prepared for Eren onto Renita and Altashia, turning the tides of the battles instantly.


With steely resolve, Renita clamped down on the cry of pain threatening to breach her lips, her teeth sinking into her lower lip.

The agony that rippled through her body was undeniable, but she understood the futility of giving in to it. Lamentations and tears wouldn't mend her arm, and they certainly wouldn't mend the tenuous situation at hand.

There was no room for resentment toward her assailant; the battlefield had long erased the lines between honorable combat and unscrupulous tactics. Both sides had embraced the grim reality that survival was paramount, and every tool in their arsenal was fair game. Thus, Hamang's treacherous strike wasn't an aberration but rather a calculated move in their deadly dance.

Her mind, a battleground of emotions, held no space for anger. Instead, a steely determination took root. Renita's disappointment was directed inward; she had momentarily dropped her guard, a misjudgment that had now cost her dearly.

Self-pity wasn't her path; regret held no allure. Rather, she'd let her instincts guide her to the most logical response.

In the face of her freshly severed arm, she enacted a swift self-healing. She controlled her mana circuits, staunching the bleeding. Her focus shifted from pain to survival, her senses honing in on Hamang, the cause of her current plight.

Wind Steps.

Renita used her movement spell with exceptional fluidity despite being struck by nerve-wracking pain.

Recognizing that Hamang's strength lay primarily in summoning, she used her strategic advantage - her expertise in ranged combat - to create a chasm between them. No matter what kind of Trump Cards he might have prepared in advance, Renita understood that summoners often lacked prowess in close combat.

She aimed to exploit this limitation by putting distance between her and her assailant. With every calculated step, Renita aimed to dilute the effectiveness of Hamang's arsenal, hoping to face him on terms more favorable to her own combat style.

"Hehe. Not so fast."

Hamang knew that his current enhanced state, thanks to his stored treasures, was a fleeting advantage. With a ticking time bomb on his side, he had no luxury to indulge in prolonging this encounter. His pursuit of Renita wasn't just a chase; it was a race against the impending expiration of his augmented abilities.

With an agility that defied the conventions of the Summoner Class, he rapidly closed the gap between them. The scene unfolded in a tense choreography, Hamang's figure converging with Renita's fleeing form. The distance diminished, a visual testament to his determination.

His gray sword gleamed malevolently in the light, its deadly intent unmistakable. With a fluid motion, he brought the weapon down in a swift and calculated arc, the edge poised to collide with Renita's vulnerable form.


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