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Chapter 1418: 5th Ranking Breakthrough: “This is My Peak for the Lazarus Project”

Chapter 1418: 5th Ranking Breakthrough: “This is My Peak for the Lazarus Project”
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Within the vast tapestry of events, Eren acknowledged that he was merely a coincidence, not a chosen one favored by Anfang's World Will or connected by any ancestral ties to the Elder Ichor bloodline.

It was just that one coincidence had paved the way for another to occur.

As Eren contemplated this unique position, he resolved not to squander the opportunity before him. While he didn't rely solely on luck, he recognized that if fabricated coincidences had been orchestrated to assist him, he was willing to embrace them. Even if they came with conditions, the butcher's determination remained unshakable, and he would persist unwaveringly in achieving his goals.

The concept of time was blurred for Eren yet again.

Leveraging the State of Epiphany to his advantage, his mind worked like a finely tuned machine, meticulously processing his thoughts, knowledge, and experiences.

The butcher delved into countless possibilities, analyzing various plans and their potential outcomes, all while deciphering the clues provided by Anfang's World Will.

After what felt like an eternity of contemplation, Eren finally arrived at a single, viable solution that could bring all his plans to fruition. It was a daring and audacious plan, one that held the power to alter the very fabric of Anfang.

The plan was not impossible. However, he couldn't dismiss the immense risks and potential consequences it carried, endangering countless lives.

[ A mayhem would ensue if I go through with completing the task you have asked of me. Is this okay with you? ]

With trepidation, Eren addressed Anfang's World Will, questioning the feasibility of his grand plan. He was aware that the World Will could perceive his thoughts through the State of Epiphany, and he needed to gauge its stance on the matter.

[ I never stopped the Otherworlders from coming into my domain. So do what you must in order to complete the task. ]

The World Will's neutral response surprised him, as it did not mind the Otherworlders' arrival in Anfang. This revelation shook Eren's psyche once more. Despite the high stakes and potential chaos, the World Will gave him the go-ahead to pursue his task.

[ Kekeke. You are one cruel Mother, aren't you? If that is the case, I accept your proposal. ]

Amused by the seemingly cold and detached nature of the World Will, Eren accepted its proposal with a mix of awe and determination. The die was cast, and the path he had chosen was one that would challenge the very fate of Anfang itself.


Immersed in the State of Epiphany, Eren engaged in a profound conversation with Anfang's World Will while his body and subconscious worked tirelessly to break through into the Master Rank. This extraordinary state of simultaneous enlightenment granted him numerous benefits.

Within the ethereal realm of Epiphany, Eren's Elemental Attainments deepened, encompassing all the elements he had come to understand. As his mana core reached the coveted vapor state, it stabilized his newfound Master Rank, allowing him to progress further along his ambitious Ranking Journey.

Eren's mana core now stood apart from other Rankers', bearing the mark of his unique path as the inheritor of Elder Ichor. It had become a runeless mana core which could host the profound elemental runes of any element as per Eren's wish.

The Rootless Ranking Technique he employed also purified his bloodline, bringing it closer to its true origin. Surpassing even Reen in Ranking Status, Eren ventured into uncharted territory with the newfound benefits and effects his enhanced bloodline would grant him.

Eren's soul underwent a grueling process during the breakthrough, causing his Spiritual Force to soar to unprecedented heights. The strength of his Soul Sense now far surpassed what he had in the Expert Rank.

With his ascension to the B-Rank, every aspect of Eren's physical body underwent a remarkable transformation. His mortal vessel evolved into a more robust and accommodating container for his powerful soul.

Muscles became rippled and toned, bones denser than mythical steel, and his skin took on a supple, alluring appearance. His very presence set him apart, a vision of beauty.

The breakthrough also elevated both his regular Abilities, bloodline Abilities, and Sin Series Abilities. The runic tattoos related to the Sin Series swirled ethereally across his body, more intricate than ever. These Abilities were divided, separated, and combined with newfound complexity.

Eren's eyes emanated a proud glow, particularly his Sedating Gaze, which had been elevated to an entirely new level. If he were to use this ocular Ability on the Grayscale Fire Wyvern, its effect would be unparalleled, as both his Spiritual Force and Sedating Gaze now had the power to influence even the mightiest draconic beings.

As the Hero's Heart Ability strengthened, Eren's pulse quickened, its rhythm echoing like drums of liberation. His skin took on a transformative, slime-like state, enabling his heart to pump blood at an astonishing rate.

His hair followed suit, momentarily resembling a mess of slime before regaining its luster. With this evolution, every aspect of his being embraced the powers of his unique bloodline foundation. This newfound unlock allowed him to freely access all his abilities and unleash the full potential of his Elder Ichor bloodline like never before.

As Eren completed his breakthrough, his eyes slowly opened, revealing a radiant smile as he beheld his transformed self with a newfound perspective. He gazed at his hands and the rest of his body, bursting into laughter filled with exhilaration.

"Kekekeke. This power, this bloodline—it's beyond belief it's downright ridiculous!

It keeps astonishing me, as if it holds the very essence of magic and mana, and I'm just unraveling its true potential step by step.

With this, I can chart any path I desire.

This is… my 5th Ranking breakthrough…

My peak for the Lazarus Project," Eren exclaimed, clenching his fists in excitement.

Rising to his feet, he examined his rejuvenated form, adorned in new attire after his breakthrough left his old clothes in tatters. He took a deep breath, gathering his resolve, and decided to step out of the peculiar zone Alephee crafted for him, eager to embrace the boundless possibilities that lay ahead.

AN: Note to self. This chapter was published on 6th August 2023. ;)


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