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Chapter 1134: The End of an Era

Chapter 1134: The End of an Era
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When Berengar and Itami arrived in Japan, they were greeted by over ten thousand German troops. The most elite of which were assigned to be their escort. Standing at attention, with his arm raised in the air, was none other than Colonel Andreas Jaeger, the man who had practically founded Berengar's multiple special operations units, and who was in the eyes of many the ideal soldier.

The man was not dressed in the same WW2 style uniform that the rest of the German soldiers wore. Instead, he and his men were wearing the typical special operations uniform, which included an East German M56/76 pattern Stahlhelm, with netting, a Russian defender 2 style plate carrier, with a smersh style load bearing equipment, and a blumentarn camouflaged uniform.

Berengar knew that in the coming years, this advanced body armor, helmet, and camouflaged uniform would become the standard for the German Army, but for now, only a proud few had the privilege of wearing it.

After swiftly returning the salute, of the ten thousand soldiers, Berengar and Itami continued to walk towards the armored car which had been prepared to take them towards the Japanese Palace, or what remained of it after several intense battles. First with Shiba's downfall, and later with the Sturmkommandos assault. The General who had been tasked with controlling the Japanese Capital was swift to approach Berengar and Itami as they made their way to their vehicle.

"My Kaiser, you will be proud to know that the city is completely under our control, and is under a total lockdown, until the time where you and the Japanese Empress make your speech. From there naturally, you and the Empress will have full authority on how you wish to proceed with the occupation."

Berengar nodded his head in silence, and Itami simply followed by his side like a loyal puppy. She did not even want to make a comment, knowing that it would make Berengar look bad if she were to suddenly voice her opinion.

After all, she was from this day forward, nothing but the Kaiser's puppet. Having noticed Itami's obedience, Berengar smiled and nodded his head once more, before posing a question that she was not expecting.

"Empress Itami Riyo, what do you think? Shall we continue to enforce a state of martial law until a time where your population comes to trust the new regime? Or do you believe such a thing to be an unnecessary act?"

For the first time since she had met the man, Berengar had actually asked for her opinion on something, and thus she stammered momentarily before shedding her insights on the matter.

"I.... I think it is best to continue with the martial law until a time where we have disarmed the public. It is impossible to know how many weapons lie in the hands of my civilians, and whether they will welcome the transition back under my rule.

Though things have been chaotic since I was first forced into exile, and we have been bombarding the local populace with our propaganda, it is too early to tell how many of my people have wholeheartedly embraced our narrative, and how many are still resentful towards me. The last thing I would want is to present a security risk to you and your men after you have decided to come all this way to help me restore my country."

Berengar silently nodded his head in approval with Itami's words, it became abundantly clear that the only reason the Kaiser had asked for her opinion was as a test, which she was happy to pass as she continued to chase after the man towards the armored car.

Once at the door, Berengar allowed Itami to enter the vehicle first, before sitting next to her. The car was flanked by a number of infantry fighting vehicles and Panther tanks as it rolled through the streets of Heian-kyo. Itami gazed out the tinted windows of the SUV and noticed that her people were still confined to their houses, staring out at the armored column. While the car continued to make its way to the palace, the driver said something which caught the woman's interest.

"Since before your arrival, a number of our special operations units have begun raiding each and every building, thoroughly searching for illegal arms and munitions. You may already be aware, but to reiterate, the order to surrender any and all weapons other than swords has been given across the country, and anyone who is found in violation of the disarmament decree will be arrested and interrogated as a rebel where they will then be tried in a proper court of law.

This process will take some time, but we estimate that within six months to a year, there shall be no weapons other than old swords in the hands of the civilian population. The Itami loyalists have surprisingly agreed to the disarmament process, and General Tsugaru states that he and his men will comply, so long as they are given a favorable position in the new Japanese Self-Defense Force, which will be formed once the German occupation is effectively over.

Currently, there is a warehouse in the city, which is being filled with whatever weapons we come across, whether they be domestic manufacture, or our own designs. With each passing day, the stockpile becomes larger and is under heavy security to ensure that nobody steals from it."

Itami was surprised by how quickly the Germans had already begun to disarm her people. However, before she could ask further about this, Berengar spoke about something which surprised her.

"What about the foreign aid regarding food and medicine? Have you begun handing out rations to the local population, and curing their ails? I don't mean to sound too impatient, but by now the Japanese population must be severely malnourished and riddled with illness.

The sooner we show this country that we are here to help, and not to oppress them, the better. Also, I want a team of engineers dispatched to fix Heian-kyō's power plant. If it is beyond repair, then they need to build a new one pronto."

Itami was completely caught off guard by Berengar's remark. He seemed less interested in maintaining security, and more interested in helping the Japanese people recovering from their losses. Of course, this was only natural to Berengar. After all, the sooner the local population accepted the German occupation, the sooner it would enter a secure state.

Despite her shock, Itami remained silent as Berengar continued to discuss the reality of the situation within the Japanese Mainland. That was until they arrived at the Palace, where she immediately noticed a large gathering of German and Japanese soldiers, along with a clear and present media.

The moment the Kaiser and the Japanese Empress stepped out of the vehicle, they were bombarded by questions from the media. However, Berengar did not say a word, and instead grabbed hold of Itami's hand and led her to the podium. Itami had been stunned into silence as the cameras zoomed in on her pretty appearance, while Berengar took to a nearby podium and began to speak to both the German and Japanese public.

"I want to thank you all for gathering here on this monumental occasion. We stand here today in the ruins of Heian-kyō to formally put an end to this war, which has needlessly cost the lives of countless men, women, and children.

Over the past few years, a sinister regime has bled the Japanese people dry, while waging war across the world for the sake of one man's ambitions. The Tyrant known as Shiba Kiyohiko lies dead. Killed by his own men in a desperate power struggle.

Each and every one of these so called Japanese Warlords have thus far either been eliminated by the German Armed Forces and its allies, or are currently on the run, where they will be hunted like dogs until their last miserable breath.

Humanity will never forget the atrocities that Japan has committed beneath Shiba's reign of terror. Nor should they. However, now is not a time for vengeance. The people of Japan have suffered far too much during this war, nor are they at fault for the actions of one madman, and his army of fanatics. Thus, rather than further punish the Japanese people further than they have already endured, I have decided in an act of compassion to do everything in my power to help rebuild their once great civilization from the ground up.

As many of you know, the Japanese Empress, Itami Riyo, has previously fled to the German Reich, where in her absence she has created a government in exile, one that has been instrumental in the downfall of the Shiba Regime. As an era of strife and turmoil comes to an end, a new one shall rise in its place.

It is the dawn of a new age, one of cooperation and prosperity between the German Reich and the Empire of Japan. And to solidify this partnership between our two realms, I have come to a critical decision, which not only affects my life personally, but the entire world as well..."

After saying this, Berengar fumbled through his pockets before pulling out a small case. To the shock of the entire world, he then got on one knee and opened the container to reveal a platinum ring encrusted with diamonds with one exceptionally large heart-shaped red diamond in the center.

Itami gazed upon Berengar's actions with complete and total shock, as did the entire audience, both those who were present at the palace in Heian-kyo, and those watching the broadcast across the Reich. Berengar wore an exceptionally charming expression as he voiced his thoughts aloud for everyone to hear.

"Itami Riyo, though I once perceived you to be my worst enemy, someone who was completely beyond the realm of redemption. Things could not be further from the truth. During the time you have spent as a guest in my palace, I have gotten to know you on a deeply personal level, and though things have been difficult between the two of us, especially as of late, it is my belief that we are somehow connected by fate. Even if I can not rationally explain how that is possible...

Though I do believe that we both have a long way to go before our bond is as strong as the one that exists between myself and my other wives, I would be honored if you would marry me, and work towards such a bright future together as husband and wife. For the sake of whatever relationship we may have, and that of our two Empires, I implore you to consider my offer..."

Itami gazed upon Berengar, and the large heart-shaped diamond ring he was offering her with a trancelike expression on her immaculate face. Though she did not know why, tears had begun rushing down her crimson eyes.

She had no idea that Berengar had planned to propose to her with the entirety of the Reich as his audience. If she had known she would be put on the spot like this, she would have never bothered getting on the plane with the man in the first place.

Though a hurricane of emotions was occurring within Itami's heart and mind, she could not help get the words 'connected by fate' out of her head. For she had felt the same way ever since she first met Berengar. As the entirety of the Reich watched with their breaths held for the answer, Itami wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded her head thrice before hugging the man.

"Yes... Of course I will marry you!"

Berengar smiled, and placed the ring on Itami's dainty finger, before passionately kissing her for the entire world to wtiness. Whether through the live broadcast, or the many replays which would be shown across the Reih and Japan.

Meanwhile, Itami was in a state of utter bliss. Never in both of her two lives did Itami believe she would actually say these words to a man, but she had always secretly hoped she would. Nor did she have any idea that Berengar would be the one to ask, especially after how cold he had been these last few months.

To Berengar, this was a simple business decision. The best way to cement his influence over Japan was to marry Itami, and have a child with her who would one day rule over the entire region. And though his emotions regarding Itami were still a bit conflicted, he believed the woman was on the right path to redeem herself. Thus, he could live with the current relationship that existed between the two of them, and build upon it with each passing day.

After Itami's answer, the crowd broke out into cheers, as did every bar and every house across the Reich. It was truly the end of an era. What lie beyond was new Pax Germania, one that would last for centuries and would establish German hegemony across the globe.


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