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Chapter 1119: The Walls are Closing in

Chapter 1119: The Walls are Closing in
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In the skies above Japan, the Luftwaffe reigned supreme. By now the entire Japanese Air Force had been reduced to rubble, the factories that produced the Japanese aircraft destroyed, and the supply lines to facilitate their manufacture nonexistent.

The only thing that could possibly harm German pilots was what little remained of the anti-aircraft weaponry which was sparsely spread across the Japanese Mainland. However, with each shell fired, there would be no replacement. Not to mention that German bombers were capable of flying at such heights that the Japanese flak guns were incapable of hitting them.

Hans flew his Ta-183/III Jet fighter, which was specifically equipped with air-to-surface missiles and napalm bombs, as there were no longer any enemy aircraft to fight. All in all, Hans had shot down a total of two hundred and fifty enemy aircraft within this war, and by now had destroyed fifty Japanese tanks and another thirty Japanese armored personnel carriers.

Orders were to support the Japanese Loyalists in their fight against the Shiba Shogunate. As a result, Hans flew daily over the Japanese mainland at a relatively low altitude, searching for enemy targets to hit with his missiles.

He had even been promoted to the rank of position of Major and had been given control of his own squadron of fighter jets which were stationed on board the Sixth Carrier Strike Group. At the moment, Hans was strafing over the southernmost tip of Japan, where he spotted a small group of Shogunate Armor, primarily Type 1 Ho-Kis, with only a single Type 4 Chi-To supporting it.

In total, there were five armored vehicles, which were being supported by a large amount of infantry, who marched alongside the armor. Most of the Japanese armor that had survived the initial phase of the war with Germany, had now been reduced to scrap metal as a result of the Itami loyalists Panzerfausts, as well as the close air support provided by the Luftwaffe.

Upon seeing that there was only one tank in the group, Hans targeted it first, with an air-to-surface missile. He swiftly pressed the button once the radar had locked onto the tank, and in doing so, sent an explosive projectile raining down on top of the armored vehicle.

A large explosion occurred as a result of this attack, which was quickly followed by Hans spraying the tops of the armored personnel carriers with his auto cannons. With the relatively weak armor of the Type 1 Ho-Kis, this barrage of small explosive projectiles was all that was needed to instantly shred the Japanese armor to bits.

By the time the supporting infantry realized they had come under attack, all they could hear was the sound of the Jet Fighter's engines passing them by. However, their lament had not ended, as a napalm bomb dropped from the bottom of Hans's jet as he flew past the infantry. The moment it detonated, large streaks of flames flew into the air, consuming everything in their path, including most of the infantry, who were a part of the small armored column.

Seeing the amount of destruction that could be conducted by a single multirole jet, while completely unopposed in the sky, Hans thoroughly understood why his father was so keen on replacing the old propellor driven planes as quickly as possible.

What the German Military was capable of doing on a global scale was something no other civilization in history had ever been able to achieve. The Reich no longer needed to send boots on the ground to defeat their enemies. A small squadron of multirole fighters was all that was required to force the surrender of every other state on the planet.

These thoughts flooded Hans' brain as he flew around the southern tip of Japan, using the remainder of his payload on whatever enemy targets the Itami Loyalists called in an air strike upon. Within no more than two hours, the weapons on board Hans' jet were completely empty, forcing him to fly back to the carrier which sat in Tokyo bay.

Meanwhile, in Heian-kyō, Shiba was rapidly losing his mind. With his air force depleted, and his anti air defences rapidly running out of munitions, he was forced to realize that total defeat was becoming an inevitability. With each tank destroyed, the Shiba Shogunate lacked the means to replace it, meanwhile Itami's loyalists grew in number with each victory they achieved.

As much as he wanted to blame Itami for this result, Shiba could not find it in his heart to stay mad at the albino beauty for long, and instead, coped by spending most of his free time in what remained of the woman's old room.

At the moment, the Shogun was sifting through Itami's drawers, looking for something to pleasure himself with. After several moments of searching, he noticed the hamper out of the corner of his eye, which contained the Albino beauty's unwashed clothing.

In the hamper was an entire pile of unwashed clothing that Itami had left behind when she fled. Including a pair of red silk panties, which matched the albino beauty's sanguine eyes. As if he had found a treasure, Shiba's hands began to tremble. Just as he was about to pick up the undergarments, a thought flashed across his mind, and he was quick to close the door behind him while locking it to ensure that nobody intruded upon him.

Once the man was all alone, he lifted the silk panties out of the hamper and pressed them against his face, inhaling the scent of the exiled Empress's crotch, after which he proceeded to stroke them against his tiny member.

After he had finished his decadent act, Shiba covertly stashed the pair of used panties into his pockets, and fled from the scene of his crime. Shiba then entered his office, where he locked the silk undergarments inside of his desk. He did so just quick enough, because in the next moment, an officer entered the room with a grave expression on his face.

Upon realizing that the man was just about to give him some grim news, Shiba sighed, and messaged the bridge of his nose before ordering the officer to spit it out.

"No need to sugarcoat it, just get on with it already!"

The officer trembled on the spot after hearing the sharp tone in Shiba's voice and took a moment to collect his thoughts before speaking them aloud.

"As you already know, we no longer have any planes left in our arsenal, nor the means to manufacture new ones. A good 90% of our Anti-Aircraft weaponry has also been destroyed. Estimates say that by the end of the week, we will have nothing left to combat the Luftwaffe.

However, that is not the worst news. By now, a good 85% of our armored vehicles have been scrapped during the conflict with the rebels. And we estimate that by the end of the month, what little remains will also be destroyed. Which means we have roughly one month left at the most, before our only advantage against the Itami Loyalists is gone.

When that happens, we will be relying on infantry tactics to fight against the enemy, and even then, our munitions are already running low. Without the means to produce more smokeless powder and primers, we will essentially have another three months' worth of munitions to fire through our small arms, and artillery before our supplies have run completely dry..."

Shiba appeared perfectly calm after hearing this dire news, for only a single moment, before he flipped his desk upside down in a fit of rage. In doing so, the drawer where he locked Itami's panties broke open, and the now semen stained undergarments fell out of the desk and onto the floor, clearly visible by both men who were present in the room. The officer stared in disbelief for some time before stammering in fright.

"I... I didn't see anything..."

However, Shiba could not let this man escape after seeing his guilty deed, and thus quickly pulled out his sidearm and plugged a round into the officer's head. Where he then swiftly snatched up the silk panties and stuffed them into his pocket, just before what remained of the Japanese Imperial Guard entered the room to witness the murder of another Japanese Officer.

Without even needing to wait for orders, the men quickly dragged the corpse out of the room, and began to clean the bloodstains off the floor. Leaving Shiba to think about how the walls were rapidly closing in around him.

If he could not find some way to stop the Luftwaffe, and acquire more munitions, then this war would be over within the next three months, and Itami would have him executed, just like she said she would... No matter what, Shiba could not allow such a fate to occur, he just didn't know how to prevent it from happening.


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