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Chapter 1104: Perceived Infidelity

Chapter 1104: Perceived Infidelity
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The sun shone brightly upon the von Kufstein Royal Palace, and as the light trickled through the crystal glass windows, it set itself upon a familiar scene. Berengar lie naked under the sheets of his bed, alongside Adela and Henrietta, who clung tightly to his firm and muscular body.

On this morning all was well within the German nation, and Berengar opened his mismatched eyes to see the two golden-haired beauties by his side. A warm smile emerged on his lips as his gaze caught the sleeping expressions of his cousin and sister, who both had the grace of angels, even in their most vulnerable state.

Berengar gently kissed the two women on the forehead before rising out of bed, and in doing so, awaken his bedmates from their slumber. Henrietta rubbed her azure blue eyes gently in an attempt to break free from her groggy state, while Adela gave her man a morning kiss. Upon seeing this, Henrietta began to pout, before giving her brother a kiss of her own.

This was a perfectly normal scene in the House of Kufstein, where Berengar shared an intimate relationship with his many wives and lovers. After getting up from the bed, Berengar haphazardly tossed on his bathrobe, before giving his girls a wink as he departed.

Starting off his day with a proper bath and a nice warm meal was a must for the man who worked an average of fourteen hours a day. After Berengar concluded his morning rituals, he found himself at work within the confines of his office, where he would spend the rest of his day.

While Berengar started off his day at the crack of dawn, Itami had an entirely different set of habits, which she practiced in the morning. Because there were very few things for the Japanese Empress to do while she was living in Exile within the borders of the Reich, she often slept until noon, where she would rise from her bed and take a bath.

Once finished, Itami would descend to the dining hall where the kitchens' chefs had worked hard to prepare the meals which she enjoyed from her homeland as well as a variety of local dishes. However, on this day, as Itami stepped into the bath, she noticed something unusual. She was not alone in the large pool, instead the redheaded beauty she recognized to be Linde was being rather intimate with her favorite playmate.

Itami peered through the mists of the private bathhouse, only to see a scandalous scene. Linde had her hands wrapped around Honoria's breasts, and her crotch while passionately making out with her. This caused Itami to immediately become flustered as her ivory skin lit up into a pristine red. As much as the Japanese Empress wanted to look away, her attention was fixated on the couple and their obscene actions.

That's right, Itami considered the two women's illicit relationship to not only be an act of adultery but also one that was taboo. The scenes only continued to get more perverted, until finally Itami could watch no longer and fled from the bath, seemingly without alerting the others to her presence.

She hastily dressed herself before rushing to Berengar's office, where the receptionist sat outside his door with a pleasant smile on her pretty face. The woman took one look at the distraught expression on Itami's face and immediately became worried, hitting the button on her intercom to speak with her boss.

"Umm... Your Majesty, the Japanese Empress is here to see you and she looks rather distressed. Should I send her in?"

Berengar's voice was filled with a stoic tone as he nonchalantly replied to his receptionist.

"Sure, send her in..."

After which, the doors to his office unlocked, and Itami burst through the entrance, where she saw Berengar signing away at a mountain of paperwork with a carefree expression on his face. The man did not even look up at his guest as he responded calmly to her visit.

"So what's gotten you so riled up today?"

Itami did not have time to think about her words, and instead quickly blurted out her thoughts without even considering the potential ramifications.

"Your wife is cheating on you!"

When Berengar heard this, his pen came to a sudden halt, as he placed it by down on his desk where he proceeded to gaze up at the albino beauty with a stern expression on his face. Contrary to what Itami was expecting, Berengar spoke with a hint of intimidation in his voice.

"That's an awfully serious accusation you have just made. Do you have any proof of this claim?"

Itami could not tell why Berengar was so angry. She suspected that the very idea that one of his women was unfaithful had stoked his ire, thus she calmed herself before making her next point clear and concise.

"I saw her, Linde, she was in the bath with a brunette girl, and they were.... Doing unspeakable things!"

Berengar simply scoffed when he heard this and got back to his paperwork. As he did so, he calmly explained the situation to Itami in a way she found was unbelievable.

"You're referring to Honoria? Yes, I am quite aware of their relationship, and I have already given the two of them my seal of approval, so to speak."

Itami had become completely flabbergasted as she gazed at Berengar with a look of bewilderment, as if what she had heard was completely and utterly insane. Thus, she was quick to voice her disbelief.

"You knew? And even accept it? Why?"

A slight smirk emerged on Berengar's face as he once more placed down his pen and stared at Itami with a smug expression on his face.

"Well, aside from the obvious benefits of having bisexual wives, I have in the past often found myself at war. Rather than worry about my women cheating on me with some knave while I am busy fighting in the trenches, I have helped encourage them to experiment with each other as a way to satisfy their urges.

It's not just Linde and Honoria. There's also Adela and Henrietta, who are quite fond of one another, as well as Yasmin and Priya. Quite often, while I am sharing a bed with one or two of my wives, the others are sleeping with each other. The relationship that my women share is not a simple harem, but a sisterhood, that they each take very seriously.

So, while I am glad that your first instinct was to alert me to the first sign of infidelity, I assure you it is not a problem. I would rather have my wives and lovers be intimate with each other, then constantly fighting amongst themselves for their position in my life. Now, if one of my women were to lie with another man, that would be a serious problem..."

Itami could hardly believe what she was hearing? Was the Kaiser's palace in reality a den of lust? The very idea that all the women by Berengar's side were also intimate with one another had made her skin crawl. Berengar could see that the Japanese Empress was uncomfortable with his lifestyle, and thus decided to do something about it.

"If it makes you that uncomfortable, I will tell my women to restrain themselves while within your vicinity."

Itami had known for some time that Berengar was living a polygamous lifestyle, but until now, she had never considered the possibility that he shared his bed with more than one of his wives at the same time. The very idea made the Japanese Empress feel as if she had just been dunked into a pool of filth.

However, there was also another thought in Itami's mind as she envisioned a scene where Berengar was with all ten of his women at the same time, with a fat smirk on her face. Yet this thought did not end there. Instead, Itami saw herself kneeling before the man's feet, naked, with only a collar and leash as a means of clothing.

This perverted thought immediately caused the albino beauty's ivory skin to once more flush red, which Berengar took notice of. However, he did not want to question just what the woman standing in front of him was thinking of in order to succumb to such a condition. Thus, he picked up his pen and started writing once more, waiting for Itami to climb her way out of whatever trance she had found herself in.

After several moments of awkward silence, Itami shook her head in order to wake herself from this vivid dream of perversion, and found herself staring at Berengar who was ignoring her presence entire. It was only after taking a deep breath to calm herself did the Japanese Empress respond to Berengar's previous statement.

"Very well, you do that..."

After saying this, Itami swiftly departed from Berengar's office while slamming the door behind her. It was only after he was alone, did Berengar place his pen down once more, as formed his fingers into a triangle while contemplating what he had just seen.

For the slightest moment, the eye of Horus had reported a deep sense of attraction coming from the Japanese Empress. It was so overwhelming that Berengar had been forced to avert his gaze. It was very clear by this powerful aura that Itami had thought of something awfully perverted about him, and it had aroused her.

Thus, in this moment, Berengar formulated the idea that perhaps he would take Itami as his fifth and final wife, ensuring that the throne of Japan passed onto his future descendents. How would he achieve this? By continuing to behave towards Itami as he already had done so since their first encounter. After all, it was clearly working in his favor.


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