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Chapter 75: Old Beast Versus Cheapskate

Chapter 75: Old Beast Versus Cheapskate
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Sheyan nodded slightly while slicing off a huge chunk of roast meat from the stick, before sprinkling spices on it and finally chewing. After eating, he dusted off his hands and joined the tipsy pirates beside him in merriment; Interlocking hands as they danced about and sung wantonly explicit songs.

Sheyan appeared nonchalant to what he heard before. After waiting for a long time, that pirate seized the opportunity when Sheyan sat down to rest to ask.

"Although this may seem pretty presumptuous, but Mister Yan, aren’t there two major characters waiting for you?"

Sheyan turned his head, laughing out as he said.

"What is your name?"


"Mr Saloon, if they were really sincere in wishing to talk to me, they would take the initiative to find me and not leisurely order me around like a servant. The only person who has the authority to do that in the entire Caribbean sea, is the stingy yet great captain Ammand! When I swore loyalty to him, I already gave this authority to him."

Sheyan spoke earnestly without hesitation. That pirate could offer no rebuttal as he stared in a daze at Sheyan’s back. Suddenly, a deep yet stable voice emitted.

"Crew head, next time when you discuss about me in front of others, remember to discard the word stingy in front of great in the future."

"This voice…...it’s Ammands’!" Sheyan hadn’t expected to encounter him here. Stunned, he turned around. Right there standing, was Ammand and even Scarface Harry who threw a heavy object over.

Sheyan caught it with one hand, and instantly realized it was money pouch that wasn’t light at all. "Shing...shing.." it rattled with a shake. Upon opening it up, golden rays shone forth; containing flawlessly pure guineas of at least a hundred coins. Regrettably, these coins were marked out as currency only usable in this world. Otherwise, trading it with the nightmare realm would reap at least several thousands of utility points.

"Enjoy a little more." Ammand looked to be pleased with Sheyan’s former answer. His spine was as straight as before, as he strolled towards the Bell and Mug.

Sheyan felt a tightness in his heart, very obviously, the pirates’ stolen goods had already been disposed off. Also, they had probably settled their internal distribution, if not why would Ammand casually toss out that many gold coins at random?

This undoubtedly meant, the merchants of Turtuga port were preparing to return after purchasing the stolen goods. This was the moments of foreshadowing, for the eventual discovery of the ravishing Madam Lord Fokke’s disappearance.

Nevertheless, Sheyan was confident in his meticulous cautiousness with regards to this matter, so much so that not one drop of water could leak out. Besides, there weren’t any form of forensics or later technological investigation methods.

Still, he felt a vague apprehension. Truthfully speaking, if the worst possible outcome happened, and by some sort of mythical method in Turtuga port the truth was uncovered, news of him murdering Madam Lord Fokke would cause a huge uproar. However, the secret affair of Jack Sparrow and her would also be exposed!

Who knew which individual Lord Fokke would place his hatred on. Sheyan knew how people thought. He reckoned, the repulsive adulterer would be more abominable than killing his wife in hatred. Nevertheless, both were outcomes of life and death, and mistakes weren’t permitted! Moreover, Sheyan could not turn back now.

If one did not take risks in this realm, how would one receive generous reapings?

While Sheyan was pondering nervously in his mind, a sudden movement scurried beside him. A tall and sturdy figure towered over him and proceeded to sit down.

Sheyan turned to look, and saw a middle aged man with white hair; his face had a mixed blood look between an indian and a caucasian. His nose stuck out like an eagle’s beak, and his warm gaze, on the contrary, contained a treacherous aura. This middle aged man held onto a wine pouch that had a dual headed eagle embroidery. Laughing as he looked at Sheyan, he raised his pouch and drank a mouthful.

Sheyan was already fairly familiar with this sort of scenario, he returned a smile and then raised his own wine pouch to drink a mouthful in return. The middle aged man’s eyes brightened up, and trying to probe more, he asked.

"Seaman from the east? A brave man who battled the decaying undead alone and slayed it?"

Sheyan’s heart raced, he realized the identity of this middle aged man with white hair. Laughing he raised his own wine pouch again.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr Bill."

The second mate of the Flying Dutchman, Old Bill, let out a roaring laughter.

"At first I still doubted that you managed to slay such a horrific creature, but now I see that the rumours are true."

Sheyan replied honestly.

"I must explain something that many chose to leave out – That decaying undead had a severe injury to his head previously, besides its owner wasn’t around. If not, the dead person now would be me."

Old Bill nodded.

"This answers my second question. Very well, child, your honesty has won my respect. Boldly speaking, I am very interested in any sort of dubious objects dropped by this gruesome creature. If coincidentally you obtained something, then believe me that your reward will be generous."

Sheyan giggled, he was obviously not a small child that could be coaxed by these mere words. He raised his left hand, on the middle finger there was an extremely malicious looking bone ring. This object was obviously counted as one of the "dubious object’ that Old Bill had mentioned. Therefore, Sheyan used it as a touchstone, probing how much he meant by relatively generous reward."

Old Bill grabbed Sheyan’s left hand, raising his brows as he closely examined it. After a while he clicked his tongue and said.

"This should be made with the bones from the decaying undead, although it doesn’t look much, but i will still offer you 3 guineas. How about it? This price definitely had you surprised right!"

After listening to his valuation, Sheyan instantly labelled him with the word "beast". He also understood his earlier warmth was just a facade, regarding these essential items, the charm attribute was important in beginning negotiations. Sadly, Sheyan’s charm was a mere 8 points, and there was no way this second mate would reach a level of generosity.

With regards to this light blue grade bone ring accessory which could raise the two important usable attributes in strength and physique, if it was the nightmare realm, it could be at least sold for a thousand utility points. Yet, this Old Bill claimed to be generous but only offered 3 guineas. Furthermore, those were coins that could not be brought out of this world! The difference between the two were like two worlds apart, Old Bill’s personality was also clear to see, there was not much to elaborate.

Since he realized in front was a vehement iron chicken, Sheyan’s enthusiasm waned. Without smiling one bit, he tossed out the coin purse that Scarface Harry had gave him.

"Respected Mr Bill, if you have a similar kind of ring, I’ll buy it with 4 guineas. How many do you have, I will buy it all! What do you think?"

Old Bill turned embarrassed, his expression turned awkward following Sheyan’s statement. However, his skin was naturally dark and thus could not see the red blushes.

Sheyan could already perceive his character and was too lazy to beat around the bush. Thus, he immediately retrieved the mission object, ‘Still beating heart’.

This mysterious and gruesome object caused the surrounding observing pirates to gasp in shock. Old Bill’s pupils contracted and swallowed his saliva loudly. Sheyan bluntly put forth.

"You are an experienced and knowledgeable man, the salt you ate is more than the rice I’ve seen, but of course, I know how precious this object is….. Enough of all the bullshit, if you cannot produce something I want, then I believe there will be someone else that wants this."

Saying till here, Sheyan’s eyes twinkled as he continued.

"I forgot to mention, just now Walker from Queen Anne’s Revenge sent a message over saying, the great Captain Blackbeard wishes to have a chat with me."

Old Bill’s expression sunk.

"What exactly are you looking for?"

Sheyan shrugged his shoulders and replied.

"That depends on what you have to offer."

Old Bill stared at Sheyan and coldly scoffed.

"Young man, aren’t you afraid of eating what you cannot digest?"

This sort of threatening tone made Sheyan a little unhappy, the disdain apparent with the curling of his lips. He then stood up and exclaimed.

"Very well, looks like I’ll pay a visit to the revered Captain Blackbeard."

Seeing that Sheyan didn’t respond to a hard approach, and even stood up and walked towards the Queen Anne’s Revenge, Old Bill became a little anxious. Flustered, he jumped up and replied impulsively.

"You fool! Blackbeard will surely swallow you up and not even spare your bones!"

Yet Sheyan casually shrugged his shoulders.

"Then he would have to face the explosive wrath of the Son of the Black sea, Ammand. I am a pretty qualified crew head, finding someone else to replace me is not an easy thing."

Faced against Sheyan, Old Bill could only sigh. Standing up he called out.

"Okay alright, you win. Let’s go over to one side to discuss."

Sheyan casually replied.

"No problem, but I must warn you, a person’s patience has its limits. You previously succeeded in challenging my weak tolerance and intelligence with merely 3 guineas. I hope it will not happen again. If not, trust me, you can say goodbye to this heart forever."

Old Bill’s face twitched, as though a portion of his face was carved out. Sheyan understood him and this second mate was similarly clear on the personality of this damned Seaman Yan from the east, which was the most difficult and demanding kind.

Old Bill sighed. Placing his hand inside his bosom, his hand emerged with something that looked like an ancient flat tiny box; of which, stored a wine cup within.


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