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Chapter 987: Lamb to the Slaughter

Chapter 987: Lamb to the Slaughter
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Proofreader: Papatonks

Frowning, the executive said, “Qian Fan? How come I never heard of the Qian clan having someone like you?”

“Ha-h-ha, I’ve always been working out in the field and only recently came back at Clan Head’s orders due to these tense times. Executive Cao, it’s natural to not know me.”

Zhuo Fan spoke without any inflection in his voice, while also hinting that the executive hands were tied no matter how suspicious he might be.

“This is my daughter. I didn’t feel at peace leaving her alone at home so I’ve taken her along. I hope Executive doesn’t mind if she isn’t on the list.”

Zhuo Fan called Qiao’er over as a shield, which helped curb Cao’s suspicions. What kind of a spy would bring their daughter to work? She’d only get in the way.

A shame he had no clue this cute and adorable girl was anything but harmless.

Executive Cao nodded, “I believe you, but business is business and we must follow protocol in ascertaining every member, ha-ha-ha…”

Executive Cao gestured and one of his men brought Zhuo Fan’s token over and whispered in his ear before sending him off.

Cao turned from his man to Zhuo Fan, saying, “Since coming out of the field, does sir know about the five sects tightening their guard ever since central area’s operations in our homeland? The names and auras of main figures from major clans have all been included for inspection. In a few minutes we will have confirmation, sir. I only ask for a moment of your time…”

Executive Cao scanned Zhuo Fan for the slightest twitch, to find anything that might give him away. Zhuo Fan was aware of his attempt from the start and Serene Shores Trading made sure everything would check out when they set up his token. He had no doubt in his mind there would be no problems whatsoever.

“I knew this when I returned. Thank you for your care, Executive Cao.” Zhuo Fan smiled.

Executive Cao blinked and gave a dry smile. With all his attempts at getting a rise out of the other coming out false, he was now pretty convinced Zhuo Fan was who he claimed.

Soon, his man was back with an answer and the badge, “Executive, the Qian clan list does indeed contain such a steward among them, while the aura checks out as well.”

“Oh, then why wasn’t I aware of this?” Executive Cao asked.

The man continued, “Northern lands has many rare items that the many clans sell to all kinds of regions for a bigger profit by sending their people there. With how dark times are upon us, they all recalled their men and each clan has updated their roster. Over the last few days many clans sent their new list every couple of days, with the Qian clan sending their updated one just five days ago.”

“I see, it was just a misunderstanding, ha-ha-ha…”

Executive Cao confidently nodded at Zhuo Fan’s identity and smiled, “Steward Qian, please don’t mind it. It’s just a precaution.”

Zhuo Fan had no reason to panic, not when everything was foolproof, “It’s all for the safety of northern lands, ha-ha-ha. Oh, can now Executive Cao inspect the goods? We still have many drops to make.”

“Sure, sure, not a problem.”

Executive Cao took a jade slip, placing his trace on it, as a receipt, then took Zhuo Fan’s token and then marked it into the same jade slip to mark Qian Fan as the receiver.

This worked to solidify Zhuo Fan’s new persona, with not just Qian clan vouching for him, but Sun Sea Sect as well.

Taking this proof with him would make the rest of the journey smooth sailing, with each stop adding their own vouching for his identity and sealing his status in the northern lands while making it all the much easier to go to the North Sea’s shore.

Northern lands went through such a hassle every single time to root out any central area spy that might get any ideas. Sure, a bit of luck might get one past a checkpoint, but what about the many more that followed?

Once you got past all these thorough inspections, without any slip up, there would hardly be any more resistance for any, even those from the Sword Star Empire.

All, however, were oblivious of the Sword Star Empire never able to take this approach, while the ‘dead’ Serene Shores Trading could easily do it with their connections throughout the lands.

This was a faction that was under Zhuo Fan’s control. It was bound to become the fifth faction joining this conflict among the lands, without anyone noticing as it lurked and grew from the shadows…

With the stamp of approval, Zhuo Fan had the men unload Sun Sea Sect’s goods then left with the carriages.

“Hold up!” A sudden loud voice intervened with their departure.

“Steward Qian, t-the goods are off.”

Executive Cao had an odd look, “Why are there half of the usual items?”

Zhuo Fan put on a pained face and sighed as he pulled the executive over, “Executive Cao, I ask that you help a brother out and keep this matter hidden. I’ll be sure to give the rest on the return trip.”

“Just what happened?” Executive Cao got curious.

Zhuo Fan sighed longer this time, “Truth be told, the carriage with your great sect’s other half of goods got struck down by a central area’s agent!”

“You met with a central area agent?”

Executive Cao cried out, but Zhuo Fan was fast in covering his mouth with a panicked look, “Executive Cao, brother Cao, keep your voice down! Clan Head might get wind that I failed in guarding the goods and he’ll skin me!”

“What am I supposed to do? Of the promised goods, only half arrived…”

“Not so loud!”

Making a shushing gesture, Zhuo Fan spoke fast, “I told you, I’ll give the rest when I make a round trip. Your sect doesn’t need them right now anyway, and you can store them away. Then I’ll come back with the rest, and with a little bit extra to repay the favor.”

Executive Cao frowned hard and shook his head, “No, this is too important. The amount is too great and I’ll take the fall once it’s checked. There’s no reason for me to take such an unwarranted risk!”

“Fine, I’ll do you one better, but you have to cover for me!”

Zhuo Fan gnashed his teeth and hesitated before looking pained, “That agent is right behind us, meant to target our wares. He first ruined half your goods and having gotten a taste of destruction, he still followed us, biding his time for the perfect chance to destroy some more. So I plan on capturing him. You know as well as I do what a grand achievement a captured enemy spy will look on your record, especially in these dark times. So I’ll share the merit with you. We’ll both capture him and I’ll not only be pardoned for my loss of goods but even rewarded for such a feat. The clan would hail me a hero…”

Executive Cao pinched his mustache, calculating, “Will it be that easy to get him?”

“When he ruined our carriage, not even my dozen men could circle him with how fast he moved!” Zhuo Fan shook his head with a frown.

Executive Cao eased a long breath and cursed, “Since you can’t catch him then don’t waste more men over him. Alright, just go, but keep in mind to come back with the rest of the supplies, or I’ll take it up with the Qian clan!”

“Hey, you’re not capturing him?”

“Of course not, our job is to guard the sect, not catch spies for you!”

Executive Cao waved impatiently, “Get going already. The other sect is waiting for your goods. We can’t be lax one moment in tense times like these. Be careful on the road! Open up the barrier and let them leave!”

“Yes, sir!”

Zhuo Fan gave him a long look and shook his head. He went inside a carriage with his men while whining, “I say, irking someone is easier than walking. This rotten sect sure is laid back to not even want such a huge achievement…”


Executive Cao, huffed and put on a straight face like he wasn’t there. Once Zhuo Fan’s caravan was off, Executive Cao gestured and called for fifty Soul Harmony experts, “You guys will be following the caravan. Capture anyone that is sneaking behind it, and make sure to bring them back alive! Got that?”

“Yes, Executive Cao!” The men nodded, despite their confusion.

Zhuo Fan grinned to himself in the carriage, “Lighten up. The lambs are out of their pen and straight into the wolf’s mouth. Once the witch gets her fill, she’ll ignore us. Quiet days await us, boys, ha-ha-ha…”

The others gave Zhuo Fan a curious look as he stretched in his seat, looking mighty comfortable…


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