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Chapter 1008: Leading

Chapter 1008: Leading
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Proofreader: Papatonks

Bu Xingyun never let Zhuo Fan out of his sight, staring with a murderous gaze and clenched fists.

He only listened to Executive Cao’s account and brought him here to recognize the culprit to use some excuse to make it better for his sect.

The five sects of northern lands were doing fine so far so how come you just had to poke a central area Sword King to get your home wasted? Was it bad leadership, or no leadership? Just hearing it would irk his mood.

There was also the matter of reputation, which had received a serious blow. Only he had his sect which became ruined under his lead and would be lauded as a laughingstock for years to come, if not eternity.

He had to think of something, anything. Something along the lines of giving himself for the good of northern lands, fighting tooth and nail with central area’s spies, only to be betrayed and ending up in this sorry state.

Now the joke would catch a heroic vibe that would turn jeers into calls of respect, and it would be the grounds for extra support in recovering as well.

This was the script he wanted to play. Catch the spy, get the reward and restore the sect to shut everyone up.

Though it seemed that someone was improvising in his little act, shifting the focus of the play. Executive Cao just spoke up and Zhuo Fan mocked him for disrespecting Sea Bright Sect, having no manners.

The problem was, it affected him as well by association since he was the Sect Leader. As he also started ranting without Ling Yuntian’s accord, but Ling Yuntian was nice enough to keep mute about it.

But he already tasted his disrespect and felt their unkind attitude for Sea Bright Sect.

[You can’t follow simple etiquette as a Sect Leader and executive while a mere merchant can? I can only assume from this that you got destroyed for very good reasons, provoking the other into attacking with your arrogance. Loose tongues end lives.]

He not only gained nothing but lost instead, falling out of favor with the big boss. Bu Xingyun’s anger surged as consequence, from seeing Zhuo Fan as a pawn to use in his favor to hating his guts.

He glared hard at Zhuo Fan then spoke to Ling Yuntian. “Sect Leader Ling, my executive has gotten ahead of himself and I’ll be sure to address this back at the sect. But Steward Qian has yet to answer his questions. Would it be possible for Sect Leader Ling to help?”

“Ha-ha-ha, that is why we’re here.”

Ling Yuntian laughed and still spoke on a kind tone while saluting, “Steward Qian is such a courteous man. Having just arrived at my sect, I should play the host and honor your, but some problems have appeared that need Steward Qian’s input. I can only ask that you forgive my insistence.”

Zhuo Fan smiled, “You’re too kind, Sect Leader Ling. It’s my honor to be of any help to you.”

“Yeah, Sect Leader, Steward Qian has bowed alongside me before the great gates. He is a respectful man and is sure to not mind this slight inconvenience.”

Dai Qianchou at the side bowed and said.

Anyone else would become suspicious.

[What’s his relationship with Qian Fan? Why is he taking his side?]

But he wasn’t speaking for Qian Fan at all, reporting instead to Sect Leader Ling of his equally respectful demeanor that he reciprocated with at everyone’s salute.

Just because Zhuo Fan had bowed with Dai Qianchou before the gates, Dai Qianchou spoke up so that Sect Leader would keep this in mind.

Otherwise, with Qian Fan being a mere merchant, the others could’ve easily pushed him for answers.

Now however, Ling Yuntian was present as well and Bu Xingyun couldn’t use force.

Zhuo Fan’s act was a minor one, yet the effect was grand, gaining Sea Bright Sect’s protection.

This became evident with Ling Yuntian’s following words, “Steward Qian is thoughtful…”

Bu Xingyun’s face twitched, looking at the three of them with a sigh. Knowing force wouldn’t help him here, he would have to use guile, giving Executive Cao a look.

The executive caught on and started shouting, “Qian, I want an honest answer. When the Sun Sea Sect was destroyed, did you draw that witch, Frigid Rain Sword King over?”

“Frigid Rain Sword King?”

Zhuo Fan looked shocked, “I never met her so how could I’ve drew her?”

Executive Cao sneered, “You’re still lying? Then answer this. Didn’t you say that when you were delivering goods to our sect that a central area spy was following you?”


“Then you asked me to go grab the spy, right?”

“Uh, I guess?” Zhuo Fan muttered with a frown and a hesitant nod.


Executive Cao clapped in success, “Ha-ha-ha, yes, that’s right! We went to capture the spy but it turned out to be Frigid Rain Sword King from the central area. This led her to attack our sect, slaughtering everyone. If you didn’t draw the witch, who did? Sect Leader, Sect Leader Ling, everything’s clear now. I ask that you seize this spy and find out what else has he been leaking through thorough interrogation!”

“Guard, arrest this man! Throw him in prison and activate the barriers so he can’t escape!” Bu Xingyun shouted eagerly.

Dai Qianchou cleared his voice with a bow, “Sect Leader Bu, you’re in Sea Bright Sect…”

“Oh, right, it’s Sect Leader Ling’s right to issue this order. Forgive me, I forgot myself, Sect Leader Ling.” Waking up from his blunder, Bu Xingyun apologized.

Ling Yuntian gave a careless wave but his words seemed to say otherwise, “Sect Leader Bu, we all make mistakes and slip, but as Sect Leaders, we must remember that while being hasty is one thing, and the value of life is another. I only hope that you will work to correct your impulses.”

Bu Xingyun shuddered, knowing Ling Yuntian was chiding him, but was forced to nod.

“As Executive Cao gave his version, it should now be Steward Qian’s turn. Steward Qian has shown hesitation just now so you must have a different opinion, ha-ha-ha…”

Ling Yuntian ignored him and gave Zhuo Fan the right to speak with a bright smile, and the chance to turn it around.

Bu Xingyun’s face sank, but was helpless.

Zhuo Fan bowed and looked grateful as he smiled at the smug Executive Cao, “Executive Cao was right, but there are a few parts I feel that were left out that leaves room for interpretation. Allow me to fill the gaps.

“Executive Cao would you kindly answer me whether or not I was the one who approached you about the spies when I delivered the goods? Have I asked Executive Cao explicitly to go capture the spy?”

“Uh, well…”

Executive Cao hesitated and Bu Xingyun glared, “Spit it out! Did you not insist that he led the witch to us? Why are you stammering then?”

“Yes. Sect Leader, when you wanted to learn about this very quickly, I was being concise, thus leaving some random details out…”

“Random? Like?” Bu Xingyun glared at him.

Executive Cao’s lips quivered, not knowing how to say it. Zhuo Fan laughed and bowed, “Sect Leader Bu, it’s better for me to tell what happened in detail. The fault lies with my caravan. On that day, the central area spy had set her eyes on us and destroyed one of our carriages. So when we arrived at your sect, we only delivered half. We explained what happened and asked for extra days to bring the rest.”

“Is that right?” Bu Xingyun turned to his executive.

Executive Cao nodded, “Yes, that’s exactly right.”

“In other words, isn’t it their fault for failing to guard the goods?” Bu Xingyun asked with doubt.

Scratching his head, Executive Cao gave an awkward nod.

Zhuo Fan interjected, “May I continue?”

“Go ahead…”

Bu Xingyun found no issue and waved at him to resume.

But this in fact helped Zhuo Fan in leaving his own tiny, but crucial, detail, “Executive Cao then permitted us to come back with the rest of the goods and we left. Later I heard a huge ruckus and the world shaking with lighting covering the skies. There were shouts as well, but we were so scared we chose to flee at once…”

“Wait, that’s not how it went…”

“How then?”

“I couldn’t just let you leave when you only gave us half the goods. It’s you who said that you have someone following you and that catching him will earn us a great commendation. Did you not say that these goods are nothing compared to that?” Executive Cao rushed to ask.

Zhuo Fan nodded after a pause, “Yes, and then?”

“Then I let you go.”

“Since we couldn’t give you the goods, how come you let us go?”

“What nonsense! What’s more important, some lost goods or catching the spy? I let you go to draw him out and then grab him!”

“Did you then? Half the credit is mine!”

“As if! What credit is there to share when up against a Sword King? More like share a jail cell! Uh-oh…” Executive Cao grunted to a stop, realizing his slip.

Zhuo Fan smirked, “Hear that? We were bait. They went to grab the spy. How did we go from being on the same side to becoming a central area spy?”


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