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Chapter 30: Morgan Company (1/2)

Chapter 30: Morgan Company (1/2)
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Chapter 30: Morgan Company (1/2)

“Are you alright, Ryouma-kun? You look tired.” [Reinhart]

Reinhart asked me on the way back from the mine.

“I was hoping we could drop by our partner for your three products, but…” [Reinhart]

“Don’t worry. I’m alright. I just used to much mana.” [Ryouma]

Creating all those red soil bricks with Create Block brought me near mana exhaustion. It’s been a long while since I last felt like this, but other than that, I’m alright. After all, I didn’t actually exhaust all of my mana. This much discomfort shouldn’t pose a problem.

One hour later, our carriage finally reached town. We stopped in front of a certain store. It was not lavish by any means. It was a simple store made out of wood and had a calm feeling to it.

I thought for sure we’d be going to a luxurious store considering this was the duke, but it seems that’s not the case. Because of that, however, the store was not intimidating.

As soon as we entered the store, we were brought to a huge guest room where paintings lined up the walls and a decorative vase could be seen at one corner. The store was much more luxurious inside than outside.

The sofa I sat on was soft, and my body sunk into it.

…It’s just a bit more lavish than the reception office for clients in my previous world, but I feel a little out of place… Anyway, let’s just sit and behave beside Sebasu-san for now.

As I behaved myself and quietly waited, before long, a well-built man came. He was the person responsible for the store.

“My, my, if it isn’t the people of the duke’s household. Welcome.” [Well-Built Man]

“It’s been a while, Serge.” [Reinhart]

“It’s been a while, indeed. It would be great if we could meet more frequently, but alas, it seems the opportunities just refuse to show themselves. Regardless, it is good to see that you are all well.

I do believe this is our first meeting. Greetings. I am Serge Morgan, president of the Morgan Company.” [Serge]

Oh, he’s talking to me.

“I am Ryouma Takebayashi. I met the Jamil Household by some stroke of fate. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” [Ryouma]

He smiled back at me. I heard he’s someone we can trust, but exactly what sort of person is he, I wonder.

“Alright, let’s get to business…” [Reinhart]

“Did you bring something new today?” [Serge]

While I was thinking to myself, the two of them started talking business.

Wait? Today? I guess Reinhart-san must’ve brought several things here already.

“Before I show you the goods, I want you to promise me that not one word of this will make it out of this room. I trust you. But I want to be sure.” [Reinhart]

“But of course… We value the information of our partners. We would never leak it. And in fact, if you so wish, we could work in such a way that not even the slightest trail would be left. Still, I must say this is unusual for you, Reinhart-sama. I never thought you would say something like this.” [Serge]

“The goods this time come with some… circumstances. Mark my words, what I bring to you today will bring profits beyond anything I’ve brought you yet.” [Reinhart]

Really? As far as I’m concerned, a raincoat is about as common as they come, but… Well, I don’t really get it.

“Sebasu.” [Reinhart]

At Reinhart-san’s behest, Sebasu-san took out a waterproof cloth from his Item Box, as well as a slime thread, and the iron ingot I made.

“Oh, this cloth has good texture.” [Serge]

“Texture isn’t all it has going for it. It can also repel water.” [Reinhart]

“…Is that true?” [Serge]

“Use Identify or wrap you hands with it and touch water, I don’t mind. That’s a test product, so feel free to experiment with it.” [Reinhart]

“Then I’ll do just that…” [Serge]

Serge-san summoned a servant and asked for a bowl of water. Until then he used Identify to examine the cloth.

As Serge-san’s eyes began to sparkle, the bowl of water came, and immediately, he wrapped his hand in water, and then soaked it into the bowl.

“Reinhart-sama, what a truly wonderful cloth this is!” [Serge]

“Right? So, do you think rain gear made from it would sell?” [Reinhart]

“But of course! It would definitely!” [Serge]

Wow, he really likes it!

“But that’s not all I brought. Take a look at this thread next.” [Reinhart]

“I shall examine it.” [Serge]

He took the spool of thread into his hands and examined it by touching it and pulling it.

“Was the same material used to make this thread and that cloth?” [Serge]

He could tell!? Without a single hint, just by touching, he was able to tell!?

Reinhart-san smiled and nodded.

“As expected of you, Serge. Although there were some slight changes to the process, the thread and the cloth were indeed made with the same material. What do you think? The thread has good quality, no?” [Reinhart]

“Yes, companies specializing in luxurious clothing probably won’t even blink before gobbling all of it up. It’s beautiful, yes, but what’s most remarkable about it is its durability.” [Serge]

“Actually, we have clothes made from that thread and that cloth.” [Reinhart]

This time what was taken out was the set of clothes I made for cleaning the latrine pits. Huh? Wait a moment. I have my set with me. When did they make that?

“These are clothes meant for working with water or dirty places. The design is a bit… original, but function-wise, it’s excellent.” [Reinhart]

“Yes, I’m sure laborers will love this. Once word gets out, it’ll sell like hotcakes.” [Serge]

“We’ll need to do something to make it popular first, but it definitely has a lot of potential. Now, as for the last one…” [Reinhart]

The last thing that was brought out was of course my iron ingot.

“Mind if I use Identify?” [Serge]

“Not at all.” [Reinhart]

Serge-san identified the ingot with Reinbach’s permission, but afterwards, he was visibly disappointed.

“It’s good material, yes, but… If I may be frank, there’s nothing special about it. It’s just an iron ingot.” [Serge]

“Then what about this one?” [Reinhart]

Sebasu-sama took out the other ingot (ultrahigh purity iron) and handed it to Serge-san.

“Is this silver? No, this weight…”

As he said that, he used Identify on it. In the next moment, he was visibly shocked. He tried to keep his composure, but he still couldn’t stop himself from sweating buckets.

“Reinhart-sama, this ingot is…” [Serge]

“Amazing, right? We’d probably cause a huge fuss if we sold this thing.” [Reinhart]

“Naturally. With a luster enough to be mistaken for silver, anyone would be able to tell that it’s different from the iron we know. People will definitely want to get their hands on the manufacturing method.” [Serge]

“And because of that we’ll have to settle for that previous ingot. Actually, that ingot used to be just like that, but it was made to be more like normal iron ingot.” [Reinhart]

Serge-san nodded.

“That makes sense, but then it won’t be different from any other ingot. It won’t catch attention. Is that alright?” [Serge]

“It’s fine. We just want to sell these ingots legally without anyone knowing. These ingots come from the abandoned mine, but we didn’t find a new vein.” [Reinhart]

“I see, so you wish to keep the manufacturing method a secret while still selling the ingots?” [Serge]

“Yes. To be more precise, I want to export these things to other countries. If we sold it locally, we’d have to indicate where it was made, but if we exported it, it would be enough to just mention our country.” [Reinhart]

“I see. Yes. That shouldn’t pose any problems.” [Serge]

Seriously!? With just that!?

“Also, Serge, I want to introduce to you the secret manufacturer behind these ingots.” [Reinhart]

“Thank you.” [Serge]

“The manufacturer of these ingots is also the developer of all the three products I showed you.” [Serge]

Oops, this isn’t the time to be shocked. I’m being introduced.

“All three products are so amazing, and yet, you’re telling me they were all made by one person?

Reinhart-san smiled.

“Yes. The one who developed all these is none other than… Ryouma-kun.” [Reinhart]

The moment Reinhart-san spoke my name, Serge-san’s eyes turned into dots, and he looked back and forth between me and Reinhart-san.

Volume 2 Chapter 30 part2

“W-What did you just say?” [Serge]

“Ryouma-kun is the developer of all these things. I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s the truth.” [Reinhart]

“You really made all these, Takebayashi-sama?” [Serge]

“Yes.” [Ryouma]

“I told you it’s true, but please keep this a secret… It would cause problems if people were to find out how skilled a researcher he is despite his age. Moreover, he’s also an alchemist.” [Reinhart]

Serge-san became suspicious as soon as he heard the word ‘alchemist’.

Alchemists really have a bad reputation.

“I know, I know, it’s suspicious, but he made that ingot in front of me. It’s definitely not a scam.” [Reinhart]

“I see, so you did it right in front of Reinhart-sama. If you don’t mind, could you show it to me too?” [Serge]

Oh? He’s suspicious, but he’s willing to put aside his prejudice to see if it’s true. Well, the duke did bring me, so it’s not like he could just ignore me.

My mana isn’t in the best condition right now, but it looks like I’ll have to do this one more time.

“I’ve already used a lot of mana today. Do you mind if I just make something small?” [Ryouma]

“We have plenty of mana recovery potions in our store. Please feel free to use them. This much isn’t anything to speak of so long as you could truly show me alchemy.” [Serge]

Is it really ok if I accept this? Well, alright. In that case, I’ll be able to do this properly.

“Then please prepare me a potion, two sheets of paper, and a pen. I need to draw a magic formation, you see.” [Ryouma]

Serge-san summoned a servant once more and asked for the things I asked.

“Will this do?” [Serge]

“Yes. Thank you.” [Ryouma]

After thanking him, I took the things I asked for and drew a magic formation, then I took out the red bricks from my Item Box.

“This is hardened soil from the mines. It will be used as ingredient for my alchemy. Please take a look.” [Ryouma]

Serge-san used Identify.

“It’s from the mines, indeed.” [Serge]

“I’ll be starting then. It’s a bit dangerous, so please refrain from extending your hands into the formation.” [Ryouma]

Mana coursed through the magic formation just like it did back at the mines. Light shone, and in the next instant, an iron ingot was quickly made.

I handed it to Serge-san.

“Please examine it.” [Ryouma]

Serge-san was already wide-eyed from seeing the process, but when he took my iron ingot and used identify on it, in the next moment, he stood up from his sofa and bowed deeply to me.

“My deepest apologies!” [Serge]

“I-It’s fine!! Really! Please. Lift your head. I know alchemists have a poor reputation, so it’s only normal for you to be suspicious, Morgan-sama. If anything, I’d say you treated me well.” [Ryouma]

The duke might have introduced me, but I’m not even a teenager, I’m a kid. If a person of such high standing were to suddenly apologize to me, I can’t help but want to apologize too.

Even though my old boss gave me a stern talking to that it’s better to just keep up relations instead of ignoring someone or acting suspicious…

“Thank you. I didn’t think you’d actually be the real thing… Could it be you’re not as young as you appear?” [Serge]

…Huh? ..Eh? No way! …He found out!?

“W-What are you saying all of the sudden?” [Ryouma]

“I’ve heard real alchemists could make medicine that restored one’s youth or gave eternal youth. I thought it was just a hoax because of all the scams, but if you’re the real thing, then…” [Serge]

“I can’t.” [Ryouma]

So that’s what it was. Sheesh, sure scared the life out of me.

I took out my status board and showed my age.

“I can’t make a medicine that restores youth or gives perpetual youth. Perhaps there are people that could really make such a thing, but it’s impossible for me. At most, all I can do is put this lump of soil inside a magic formation, and turn it into an ingot.” [Ryouma]

“I see. I beg your pardon.” [Serge]

Reinhart-san interjected here.

“Now then, since we’ve made it clear that Ryouma-kun is the real thing, let’s continue. Just as Ryouma-kun has showed you, he came up with all these things with his exceptional abilities and knowledge.

But if others were to find out that he’s an alchemist, they will surely think it’s a scam. And even if they do acknowledge his abilities, an 11 year-old child is bound to garner much animosity. There will also be those who would want to pull him over to their side.

So I want to propose a deal between you and Ryouma-kun, Serge. He’ll sell his goods to you at a fair price, and in exchange, you’ll keep quiet about his identity.” [Reinhart]

“Very well. That much won’t be a problem.” [Serge]

“Ryouma-kun, Serge is a trustworthy merchant, so just drop by his store whenever you want to sell something. You can also buy things from here safely.” [Reinhart]

“Thank you.

Serge-san, I look forward to working with you.” [Ryouma]

“I look forward to working with you too, Ryouma-sama. Please come whenever you can, I will be here to receive you.” [Serge]

“Ryouma-kun, feel free to use the soil from that mine as you please. You can feed them to the slimes or sell them as ingots, it’s up to you.” [Reinhart]

“Are you sure? But what about your profits?” [Ryouma]

“That’s an abandoned mine. It’s only natural not to make any off of it. Besides, we’ll make some off the taxes when you sell your ingots to Serge. There’s no loss for us.

Moreover, I expect a lot of profits to be made from the waterproof cloths.

You can sell them here or at any branch of the Morgan Company, right, Serge?” [Reinhart]


And Ryouma-sama, if you tell me your address, I can inform a nearby store to purchase from you. Of course, while keeping your secrets.” [Serge]

I’m grateful, but aren’t these people being too nice?

After that I told him I lived in the forest, and he was naturally shocked. I wasn’t sure whether I would be going back to the forest or not, so I decided to just tell Serge-san my address after I make up my mind.

For the time being, I would be selling my goods here at the store, but if I do decide to come back, I can sell my goods at a branch store in Gaunago Town.

They spoil me so much, I don’t know how to thank them anymore.

I think I’ll just make some ingot and threads while I’m in this town. I should be able to make a lot if I use two days’ worth of mana.

I got a lot of mana recovery potions from Serge-san as an apology for doubting me, so it shouldn’t be a problem.

Still, I’m glad there’s a place I can finally sell my stuff at.

Serge-san told me to drop by whenever.

If I sell to him, I won’t have to fear getting ripped off.

After that, serge-san and a female servant saw us off, and we went back to our lodging.


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