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Chapter 415: Gruffyd's Journal

Chapter 415: Gruffyd's Journal
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The sorceress' face glinted from the flames' light. There were some lines on her face, which were the spices the vampire dabbed on her before Roy's intervention. Rather than a sorceress, Triss looked like a princess from Zerrikania.

She was captured by an evil beast and trapped on a stone bed. Eagerly, she waited for a prince to swoop in and rescue her.

The prince did come, but he was not what she expected. He was wearing bloodied armor and a pair of tight pants. The prince was muscular, and two swords were strapped behind his back. His eyes were heterochromatic, and she knew what he was. A witcher.

He was a young and handsome witcher. He had short black hair and slightly pointy ears. His nose was aquiline, his brows were thick, and his eyes were gleaming like stars in the night. And I feel like I've seen him before. But where?

"Who are—" To her surprise, she noticed the disappearance of the magic that was binding her. Triss sat up, but the prolonged lack of movement numbed her whole body.

Her legs gave out. She stepped on her right foot and fell straight into the witcher's arms. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around him as tightly as she could. She resembled a lady who was ecstatic to see her lover after a long hiatus, and she buried her face in his chest for a long, long time.

Gods, this is embarrassing. Already I'm hugging him before I can even finish my sentence? You're a slut, Triss! You should be ashamed of yourself! Her ears were red, and her cheeks were burning. The smell of blood on him permeated all her senses, and her heart raced furiously.

She looked up and met the witcher's gaze, but he had a weird look on his face. There was confusion and also feigned calmness in his eyes. For some reason, Triss eased up, and a desire welled within her. The desire to lean onto the witcher for a while longer.

"We meet again, Miss Triss Merigold." Roy helped her sit back down on the stone bed and smiled, though it was a weary smile. "I'm Roy of the Viper School. Do you remember me?"

"Oh, yes, of course." Triss quickly composed herself and whipped a handkerchief out to wipe the spices off her cheeks. And to hide the blush underneath. She said, "Roy, the Ender of Filth and the Sewer Butcher. Vizima's opera would put that show on from time to time. And you've changed a lot."

She sat up straighter and raised her head. Quickly enough, she regained some of her old serenity. You weren't as manly back then. She crossed her legs and extended her hand at the witcher.

"Oh, alright. Sewer Butcher it is." Roy kissed the back of her hand and sighed. "And you're still as gorgeous as ever. But how did you end up in a dangerous place like this?" Roy feigned ignorance.

He stared at the sorceress. Her cheeks were unusually red, and there were tears in her eyes. If this were Coral, Roy would have quickly checked for a fever. "Are you alright? I have some potions if you need them. Sorry if they aren't really great though."

Triss shook her head and took a deep breath. The last bit of electricity coursed through her hand, and then it was gone. She felt great and was enjoying this moment.

Triss twirled a lock of her hair in an attempt to stop the shivers that came from the witcher's touch. Her fluttering heart calmed down a little, and she thought of the knights, whom the vampire wounded. I wonder what happened to them. Are they getting proper treatment?

She recounted her tale and stared at the witcher with gleaming eyes. "You killed that monster, didn't you? How did you do it? And what was that big squid?"

"Oh, it was already badly injured when I fought it. It was pure luck. I think the squid was an illusion it created to scare me." Roy lied as naturally as he breathed.

Triss didn't think it was possible for the higher vampire to be hurt. She saw how formidable it was. It took her magic spells head-on and tore through the knights like they were kids. And it even hummed while it was trying to make a dish out of her. There is no way that thing could be injured. She wanted to read Roy's mind, but that would be offensive to him.

The look on her face did not escape Roy. He added, "There's another reason. A famous alchemist by the name of Kalkstein sponsored me. He wanted me to track the vamp down and kill it. Even decked me out with a lot of magical equipment. Like the latest bomb he invented. Can even kill a dragon. And that's how it was injured."

Sorry, Kalkstein. I didn't wanna drag you into this, but I have no choice.

That explanation was believable. Triss knew about Kalkstein, and she wasn't surprised he would ask someone to hunt down a higher vampire. Most people would give those monsters a wide berth.

"Lady Triss, I have a request," Roy blurted, his gaze still on Triss.

And there's that feeling again. A wave of excitement washed over Triss. Her palms were sweaty, her breathing ragged. Her heart was thumping, and her cheeks were rosy. Anxiety and anticipation filled her heart. Wonder what kind of request it's gonna be. If it's too bold, I might have to think about it. She clasped her legs and tensed her cheeks, her chest jiggling from all the excitement she was feeling.

Roy noticed the state she was in, and he shook his head. Must be the wounds. "I need you to keep this fight a secret for me." He circled around and made a serious plea. "Do not tell anyone about this. If that monster's comrades find out I killed it, they'll hunt me down. Neither me nor Kalkstein want to be hunted down."

"Huh?" Triss trembled, and her jaw dropped a little. She hung her head low like a disappointed child. "I-I swear to the goddess of magic, I will keep this fight a secret, or I shall be turned into a hideous hag."

"Thank you."

"No, I should be the one saying thank you, Roy." Triss held her talisman. Her face was still pale, and she shuddered. "You saved me from that man-eating monster. Had you not stepped in, I would be nothing but bones by now. I owe you my life." She stared straight into the witcher's eyes. Her cheeks were red, her eyes were glistening, and she was smiling. "How can I ever thank you?"

Come to Novigrad and help me out with the Trial recipe, Roy said in his mind. However, in reality, he answered, "I was just following the path Destiny laid out for me. And Destiny will present me with a reward. That responsibility does not lie on your shoulder."

"You'd refuse a mage's gift? Even after you've saved her life?" There was discontent in Triss' voice. She pushed herself up and wobbled over to the witcher. Her strength had not fully returned just yet.

The scent of roses wafted in the air, but it wasn't as strong as Coral's. It was more… refreshing. Invigorating. "I didn't mean that." Roy shook his head in resignation. "Just… let me think about it, okay?"

"Sure, take your time. Money, items, anything. As long as I can do it." Slowly, she wobbled past the witcher and looked around the chamber, but all she saw was the rough aftermath of the battle. She blinked in confusion. "Where's the corpse?"

Roy stood by her side. Her hair was even more lustrous than Coral’s. "Turned into a puddle of blood and disappeared after it died."

No, he was lying again. Roy tucked the empty shell of a corpse into the coffin Kalkstein gave him and hid it in his inventory space. It was an important item for a request, after all.

And Roy had gotten the second item for his Elder Blood's power up—a higher vampire's essence. Now all he needed was the essence of a dragon, and he could make a potion to evolve his bloodline.

A frown furrowed Triss' forehead. Suspiciously, she turned around. "But higher vampires are immortal. Are you sure they can die—"

The sentence was never finished. Triss was standing too close to the witcher, and the moment she turned around, she found her chest pressing against him, and her forehead was touching his lips.

It looked like she wanted him to kiss her. Once again, Triss lost composure. You're so dead, Triss. You horny old virgin! I-I hugged him a moment ago, and now I made him kiss me!

"Are you hurt, Triss?" the witcher asked softly.

He held her arm, and for some inexplicable reason, she fell into his embrace. The sorceress gave him an apologetic look, her eyes glistening with tears. With a weak voice, she said, "Sorry, I think I hurt my leg." She sniffed the air, taking in the scent of the witcher once more.

Roy shot her a look of suspicion.

'HP: Very healthy.'

Hm? "I'll hold you, then." Roy brushed his nose across Triss' hair, and he tasted a familiar scent. A scent that was present in Coral's lab. The smell of mandrake.

It was a kind of aphrodisiac. A strong one. The higher vampire crushed it into dust and mixed it in with its spices. The sorceress had absorbed it after the spices were lathered on her face. Oh, no wonder she's acting so weird. Roy did not say that out loud, however. He feigned ignorance and held her back with one hand and her elbow with the other.

The two of them were millimeters away from each other. Past the table of spices they went, and slowly, they arrived at the other end of the cave. There, they saw a few human skeletal remains, a grill, a cauldron, and a burlap sack. That was everything Gruffyd had.

It was but a short journey, but a weird feeling filled Triss' heart. As if she were affected by an overdose of anesthetic, she felt currents of electricity coursing through her body.

And she loved it. She couldn't help it. A feeling of love welled within her, and a desire to do something took over her mind. It was her wish to fill the void in her life. She wanted to do something to bring life to her dried-up heart.

Triss stared at the ground, where the moss sat. A bold, insane idea took over her mind. So we have moss here. She stood on her tiptoes and raised her head to approach the source of that scent she so loved. Come, sleep with me. The moss shall be our bed, and the night shall be our blanket.

But then Roy suddenly clapped his hands, ending her train of thought. He placed her on the table of spices and quickly untied the burlap sack in the chamber, and then he pulled out a leather book. "The guy kept a diary? Boy, was he unorthodox."

He turned around once more. "Are you sure you don't need anything, Triss? You're as red as an apple. You're probably down with a cold."

Triss hung her head low. Her hair covered her face, keeping Roy from seeing the look she was making. "No, it's alright. Read what's in that, okay?" She rubbed her burning cheeks. There was a hint of embarrassment and disappointment in her voice.

Roy cleared his throat and opened the brown leather book. The first line was written in Nilfgaardian.

Mocha aep Gruffyd's travel log


January 1262

Dammit! Dammit! I am the world's apex predator. A noble among nobles. And yet, I, the great Gruffyd, is subject to the whims of an inferior creature.

Forced to hide within the house of a declining noble family. Forced to disguise myself as a nobody. Forced to suck the disgusting blood of that dying old man like a careful mouse.

All because of him. I am to control myself and my desire to feed. Do they expect me to suffer? I have had enough of this. I will leave the south and move to the north alongside the Nilfgaardian troops.

Once I leave that old git's turf, I shall no longer be under his control.

And things have gone swimmingly. I successfully became a pawn of the central army. Now I shall be marching to war and feasting on the blood of the fallen. The warzone is a feasting place.


April 1262

The central army has rendezvoused with the third group's Alba division, Deswen division, and Aad Feyn division at Amell.

Two months. That's how long it has been since we set up camp. And every day is the same. Training, training, and more training.

"Sync your steps! Sync your direction! Keep the ranks tight! Move with your team!"

"Now thrust!"


That's what they kept saying. The act of swinging this measly spear around angers me. And I have to lower my strength to these mortals' level. This is torture.

But the silver lining here is that Emperor Emhyr takes this war seriously. He spared no expense in keeping his troops well-fed. We have meat every day. Pork, venison, beef… Most people would be on their knees and thanking the emperor for his generosity.

Not me. I'm a great higher vampire. Meat isn't enough. No. I require blood! War cannot come soon enough. And I can't hold on without blood much longer. This is driving me mad.

Eventually, I ripped two of my comrades apart and sucked them dry. These… perverts tried to assault me, but they made one fatal mistake: I do not play with my food.

That very same night, I flew away from Amell and traveled across Yaruga. I landed in Sodden and deserted the army.


They say the blood of northerners feels cooler. And the Elder isn't here to keep me down. Time to see if the rumors are true.


June 1262

I've stayed in a barn for two months. Finally, I can release everything I've repressed so far. I killed and drank to my heart's content. And I conclude that the blood of virgins and magical creatures possess the sweetest taste.

If you add fear into the mix, then it makes an already great drink into something perfect. Every time I drink, the world opens itself up to me. Life feels… complete. The two hundred years I spent in Vicovaro was a waste of my precious time.

I was nothing but a maggot squirming in a shithole, waiting for humans to feed me nothing but disgusting food. The elder's pervasive oppression is nothing but a waste of my life.

But now life has a purpose once more. I've decided to switch up my feeding area every month. The Northern Realms have a lot of different drinks out there waiting for me.


August 1262

Temeria's capital. Worse than a remote province in the south. The outcome of this war is evident.

But this also begs a question. If the Northern Realms were to fall into Nilfgaard's hands, will the Elder come to exert his control over me once more? And the answer is, he might.

And so, I started going all-out. To my surprise, one of us is living in Vizima. A beautiful female, but she leads a life not even dogs would envy. Still, she's older than me, and I'm not about to cross her.

One last meal, and it's goodbye to Vizima. Great underworld, bless me with the good fortune of a feast before my departure.


Roy and Triss exchanged a look.

The guy came to the north because he couldn’t stand the south? What was he, a comedian? Roy thought to himself. He noticed something important in the journal. The elder who resided in Vicovaro, the one who restricted Mocha, must be the south's Unseen Elder.

Wonder if he's stronger than his northern counterpart. Roy would meet these two eventually, so he made a note of it.

Triss had snapped out of it. Working as a royal consultant taught her to seek out important clues, and she noticed something in this journal. No, she didn't care about Mocha's rant. "Everyone knows Nilfgaard is amassing its troops at Amell in an attempt to march forth into the north." But I never knew Emhyr wasn't just setting his eyes on Cintra. According to this journal, he wishes to conquer the entirety of the Northern Realms.

"And this journal alone talks of the central army and the third group. Judging from that alone, there are more troops we don't know of. We're facing an army of tens of thousands. And that's a conservative estimation. This is more than what His Majesty has planned for."

Triss did not look happy at all. She was clenching a lock of her hair tightly. "Can Cintra even hold them off?"

The concern in her eyes did not escape Roy. "You're going to sell that information to Foltest, aren't you?"

Triss hesitated. Perhaps I should hand this to Keira. She wants to gain the king's favor, after all.

Roy tossed the journal to her, and she took it, albeit surprised. She didn't understand why Roy would give her something so valuable without any hesitation.

"I am a witcher. That thing is of no use to me. You may do as you please, but leave me out of this."

Roy wanted to try something. He wanted to see if Adda's dissuasion and the evidence Triss had could convince Foltest to change his mind and send some reinforcements to Cintra. He'd like to see if his actions could delay Cintra's annihilation for a bit longer or even alter the course of history. The chance was slim, but it was worth a try.

Triss pursed her lips. She held her talisman tightly as she stared at the witcher. Moved, she said, "You saved my life and gave me something valuable. H-How should I thank you? Have you decided on your request?"


A smile tugged on Roy's lips. Alright. Trust is built. Now's the time for the request.




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