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Chapter 82: Caught in the Empty Clubroom

Chapter 82: Caught in the Empty Clubroom
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When Ayase saw me entering the classroom, she immediately blushed and her eyes still glittered brightly. In fact, it's even brighter than normal.

Ah. This is probably because of my acceptance.

She greeted me by my first name but in a very soft voice that only I could hear.

This girl…

She became this cute when her gloom finally dispersed. I want to hug her but I need to restrain myself.

I now know I like her and I want her to be mine, I won't deny that anymore.

After our greeting, she tried to read her book again but she couldn't concentrate on it because of me being next to her.

I leaned closer and whispered to her ear.

"Aya, relax. You're mine now. Let's act normally in class, okay?"

She turned her head and like I thought, it's so red now that she might reach her boiling point any minute. Calling her Aya added to that. She liked it when shortened her name. She probably thought it's my form of endearment for her.

I sneakily held her hand to calm her down.

Those behind us are busy anyway so just this much is fine. I let go of my hold when I saw her returning to normal.

When Satsuki arrived and saw me, she still had that expression she had yesterday when she told me to be honest to myself.

After settling herself on her seat, she rested her head on her desk.

Tired from practice?

She then turned her head to greet us.

"Good morning Idiot Onoda and Rindou. What's wrong, Rindou? You're red this early in the morning."

This girl, now she's calling me with the same title as Sakuma.

"Uhm… No, it's just because of what I'm reading."

Satsuki stared at Aya for a few seconds before she was convinced.

Sakuma arrived soon and he's in a good mood. I didn't notice yesterday because of how he immediately annoyed me from his questions but it's probably because of him finally deciding to make his move.

He's a friend I betrayed by claiming Satsuki for me.

The class started soon and Shio, well, she deliberated whether to call me to the faculty again for a few seconds before finally deciding against it.

Finally remembering that emotion is now putting me in a dilemma. How can I determine if I like or love someone? Ah. At least I know that I want them. I just have to look closely and ask myself.

The classes passed by uneventfully and lunch break soon arrived.

I went ahead to that clubroom without waiting for Nami's message. She will come. I know. When I saw them in class, Ogawa still hadn't confessed so I still have time to take advantage of this time.

I went for bread again as lunch and when I was almost done eating, the door to this empty clubroom opened. Nami entered from it.

She's late today and she doesn't have her lunch.

"Did you wait? Hina dragged me to the cafeteria to eat."

"No, it's fine. You need to show up or they'll start to wonder where you are going during lunch."

She sat next to me, our chairs were already moved closer.

"Finish eating that first. I'll wait."

"What's wrong? You're surprisingly timid today. Did something happen?"

Right. Unlike her usual attitude, something seems to be bugging her.

"How did you even notice it? Is it that obvious?"

"I'm looking closely at you, of course, I'll notice."

She sighed and took my hand to her, crossing our fingers together on her own.

"Stop saying all the right words. I'm starting to get confused."

"Confused about what?"

Since she's like this, I won't comment on her surprising action. Holding my hands on her own. She started to be assertive.

"This guy. You're surprisingly dense at this kind of moment. Of course, I'm confused about you. Look I even take your hand by myself."

"Are you falling for me?"

No. It's too early for that. She's confused about something else.

"No. It's not that. I can't explain it but it feels like I'm feeling more comfortable with you than anyone else. Is it because of you being the same as me?"

"I don't know. We're not entirely the same, Nami."

Of course, I always aim for her to be comfortable with me. How else can I steal her?

"I really love Kazuo but spending time with you like this. It's calming and comfortable. It's like I'm free from all the burdens."

"What kind of burdens are you talking about?"

She tightened her hold on my hand like it's more comfortable for her this way. Our fingers fit perfectly on the gaps.

"Me being considerate to my friends. It's getting heavy. Acting like someone who's in control of the situation. Daiki cherishes me truthfully, he'll do anything for my sake. Hina, even if she wanted Kazuo for herself, we get along together as long as it's not about him where she has a strong rivalry towards me. And Kazuo. We often fight, but that's just our way of getting along. In the end, we like each other."

"I see. You're finding it hard to maintain your cool. If you continue you'll soon snap."

Why so suddenly?

Ah. It's because of that Ogawa. The tension of his impending confession is getting to her head.

"Yes. Daiki, I couldn't see him as more than a childhood friend and It's hard to act oblivious to it. Even if I will to tell him that I know, he will just brush it off and tell me to do what I want. Hina, her rivalry and the way she does things about it is getting worse but I can't tell her to stop because I still want to give her a chance."

"I see. You're confused because of how you find it calming when you're with me than with them."

Just imagining their situation, it's really heavy. But my situation is heavier. I don't know how they can cope with it. Waiting for their turn.

Especially those girls from the other school. I bet Yae, Ria and Aoi are already itching to meet me again but they're holding themselves back. I want to see them too but because my hands are full, I can't.

For the time being, I'll stop adding more targets. Just until I'm done with them. This desire though, I hope there's a switch to turn off its Target Locking function.

"Yes. Hey, Ruu, what should I do?"

"Be mine, Nami."

She looked up at me and stared into my eyes, her lips are now close to me, just a little push and I can take it into a kiss. But yeah. It's not good to be forceful if it's Nami. She's still confused.

"There you go again. It will be heavier if I did become yours. I won't be your only one."

"Eh? You already considered that?"

"N-no. It's just a passing thought."

"It won't be heavier. I'll take care of you equally."

Even if it's just a passing thought, she still considered it. Did she think I wouldn't have time like this for her after she becomes mine?

"Equally, you say. It's impossible. You will end up having favorites."

"True. But Nami, like how I am focused on you right now. I turn my focus to the girl I am with. To make them feel special to me. Because they are special, you included."

Yes, Akane's the most favorite. Well, I loved that silly girl way before I met the others. It's to be expected.

I always try not to think of other girls when I'm in front of them. Just like now, my whole focus is on Nami.

"You're only justifying your nature as a womanizer. In the end, you're just collecting us."

"Maybe, but that's just how it is. I'm not collecting. You know my reason for wanting you."

I moved my free hand to touch her face. Nami did not reject it, she let me feel her cheeks on my palm.

"I still can't. But if you won't try to steal me, we can continue this."

"No. Wanting you to be mine. That won't change. I like you Nami."

Now I said it. I do like this girl. I don't know if it will evolve to love but maybe it will? I want her to be mine.

"Huh? Like? Since when do you learn to say that? You said you can't feel that kind of emotion."

"Since last night. I remembered. It's not that I'm incapable, I have only forgotten about it. Something happened that made me remember these emotions. How it felt, how to feel it, everything. And yes, I like you, Nami. Maybe it started as wanting you but I like you now. It's still mixed with my desire to have you but I can't deny these feelings."

When my words reached her, she suddenly pouted. Like she felt wronged by it.

"No. That's not fair, Ruu."

"How is it unfair?"

She removed my hand from her face, instead, she held it with her other hand.

"You, suddenly saying you like me. I thought it will take you more time to realize that but now you're saying you remembered it? It's unfair."

"It may be unfair for you. But since I remembered, I need to realize things now. Most of them are waiting for this."

I see. She also noticed that I like her. Maybe I'm already showing these emotions before but I was interpreting it differently.

"Then why are you here with me? Don't you need to go to them?"

"I just said the reason."

She's my focus now. There's no way I'll just leave her here.

"You... I will still accept Kazuo."

"It's fine. I will be your boyfriend on the surface anyway. What do you think, Nami?"

Right. The plan. Even if she accepted him, they will know it is us who are dating. Maybe I'll give a few chances to that Ogawa but I will make Nami mine when he's not looking.

"You're the worst, Ruu."

"I know."

"You really won't stop at wanting me to be yours?"

"I won't. In fact, I feel it's stronger now that I remembered these emotions, it made my desire more straightforward."

Remembering it made my desire stronger. By admitting that I like Nami, the want to steal her was intensified.

"No kisses. Only hug and holding hands."


She thought for a few minutes before releasing a sigh.

No kiss? I will make her want it soon. Even if I don't ask her, I will try to make it look like it happened naturally. Let's start with what she needed for now.

"Then we have a deal, you womanizer. Make me feel relaxed now. This is why I'm here."


It's not just about our practice session now. She's here to relax with me.


I smiled at her answer. In turn, she slapped my face lightly, a little protest to stop my smile. She then reddened and turned her head away, a slight smile beaming on her lips.

We moved our chairs closer. After that my arms circled around her taking her in my arms, her head rested on my shoulder naturally. Unlike yesterday, her arms moved to hug me back, her grip tighter than mine.

"Is this calming enough?"

"Yes… It really is different when I'm with you."

Her soft voice travelled to my ears. Though I can't see her expression, I can imagine it from her voice.

"Well, as long as you feel relaxed. I guess this much is fine for now."

"What 'for now'? It won't be more than this."

I patted her head and stroked her hair. She became more relaxed when I started doing that.

Then no more words were uttered. We both enjoyed the relaxing atmosphere around us. She repositioned her head that was resting on my shoulder. She's now facing my direction.

I look down to see her only to see her staring back at me. I'm feeling the urge to kiss her at this moment

It was already in this fluffy atmosphere when suddenly, the clubroom door opened and someone entered from it.


"You! What are you doing with Nanami?!".

He shouted when he witnessed what we were doing.

"Wait, Daiki, stop!"

He was about to jump at me but he stopped when he heard Nami's voice.

"Why him, Nanami?"

He couldn't believe that it's me with her.

I don't know how he found out about this clubroom. But that's not important right now.

"Don't ask, Daiki."

Nami stood up in front of me, covering me from him.

"No. I thought it's Kazuo, Nami. If it's him, I don't mind it. But this guy, I told you I wouldn't be able to get along with him."

Right. This guy hates my guts, eh? Well, we're of the same mind. That's why I don't bother to consider him as a threat.

"Tadano. You like Nami, don't you?"

"So what? Don't butt in!"

The hostility he has towards me increased. And I still don't mind it. This guy needs a hit in the head to wake up.

"Isn't this clear from your eyes? Nami. She's mine."

To show it to him, I stood up and hugged Nami from the back.

"Hey, Ruu. Stop."

She's not rejecting it but yeah, Tadano is here so she's asking me to stop.

"Ruu?! What did you do to her?! And Kazuo that bastard. Why did he let Nanami be with you?!"

When he saw how close I am to her and how Nami wasn't rejecting, he almost bit off his tongue from anger and he dropped to his knees.

"If you like Nami, you shouldn't be a coward and concede her to another guy. What are you, a cuck?"

Ah. This is why I hate his guts. He's the opposite of me. He's willing to concede the girl he likes to someone else. This guy really needs to wake up. This might look like helping him but if he stays like that, he'll really end up as one soon enough.

Err. He is one now. In his eyes, Nami is already mine.

"You don't understand! Don't say things you have no idea of!"

What do I even need to understand? It's not like there's some hidden story. He just wanted Nami to be happy with the guy she likes. And he thought that guy was Kazuo so when he saw me with her, this became his reaction.

"What? Then tell us. Tell Nami. What is really on your mind or heart, whatever that is."

I'm giving you a push, man. Man up and fight for it. Even if you lose, at least you fought for your love.

"Ruu. Stop, please? Can you leave us for now? Let me handle this."

Nami turned her head to me with pleading eyes. She put her hand above my hands resting on her navel.

I guess I'll leave this to her. Since it already reached this point, I angered him enough. This will also be his reaction when the plan starts anyway, at least Nami can deal with him now. I just wonder what she will say to him and if my words will have an effect on him.

"Okay. I'll go back to class."

Releasing her from my embrace. I started walking out of the room.

"Let's talk later."

Nami whispered to me before she went down to the kneeling Tadano.

I glanced at them once more and saw Nami staring at me. We nodded to each other and upon leaving, I closed the door to that empty clubroom.

It's a surprise no one was startled when Tadano was shouting earlier.

Even if Nami doesn't say it, she's now falling closer to me. But she will still go for Ogawa. It's fine too, it will satisfy this desire of mine by slowly stealing her away from him or them.


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