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Chapter 52: Pretend Dating

Chapter 52: Pretend Dating
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When I went back to class with 4 cans of beverage, Sakuma's eyes lit up. I handed him the soda, juice for Rindou and lemonade for Satsuki. Well, all that's left for me was coffee.

With that, if ever that guy starts to suspect something that Satsuki met someone, I will be out of the suspected person. Plus there will be Harada's testimony if the need for it rises up. It's a bit embarrassing to bring that up for Satsuki so it's better to have this another layer of alibi.

"Why lemonade?"

"I thought you would like it."

Satsuki glared at me, her face still a bit red because of what we've done. She knew I was teasing her by giving her that. After she drank my semen, she needed that to wash away the smell. Err. Yeah and having that lemonade will also make her remember our special moments.

"T-thank you, Onoda."

Rindou thanked me from her seat. She put down the book she was reading and started to drink it slowly.

"Next time, buy me pineapple juice Onoda."

Sakuma chimed in. This guy. He even had that gall to request.

"Shut up. Buy one for yourself, there won't be next."

"You're always so serious. I was joking. Thanks!"

There really won't be next though. Ah. There might be, if another excuse needed to be made.

When the 4th period started, Satsuki already settled on her seat and having that lemonade made her calm down a bit. Earlier, there's still the hint of lust when she looked at me, good thing no one picked that up.

Fukuda and his gang also came back before it started. They seem to have had a good time somewhere. Well, at least the hostility he showed earlier lowered but it's still there. I really need to settle that before I work on that Harada.

The class proceeded slowly and most of us started to yawn but yeah, the thought of the coming lunch break made us hold on until it arrived.

When the bell rang, I waited a bit before going out. I brought with me the contraceptive I will give to Satsuki, it will surely be either her or Andou that will follow me out.

It's better to be prepared than forget it again or it will be dangerous.

I put off going to faculty until later after school. Shio never specified the time so I guess after school works too.

"Onoda. Come with me."

As I expected, Andou followed me behind. We passed by the cafeteria to buy lunch but we didn't settle on one of the tables.

Andou went out while I just followed behind her. Along the way, I messaged Satsuki to wait for me later outside the School Building. Kana messaged me too, wanting to meet later, after school. I told her I am a bit busy so she can wait for me at the stairs where our first kiss happened later before the lunch break ends.

I followed Andou and we arrived at the Club Building. There were some students here who spent their lunch break in their own clubrooms.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere we can talk."

With that vague of an answer, I can only follow until she stopped at an unmarked room. Is this one of the empty rooms of this building?

Andou opened it and we both stepped inside. There was nothing here except a few tables and chairs. It really is an abandoned room or a room used by a club that was recently shut down.

"Do we need to be here? You're just telling me the answer to my suggestion right?"

"Yes. But we also need somewhere to eat this, right?"

She raised the lunch meal she bought from the cafeteria. Well, I also bought one.

She sat on one of the chairs and settled herself there. I followed and sat next to her. We both opened the packaging and started eating.

"Ah. Thanks for earlier."

"Don't mind it. I did that for Hina to do what she wanted to do. In any case, you suddenly became that popular that even Harada took notice of you."

"So you knew what Mori was aiming for. About Harada, I don't know, I only met her on a train and she suddenly took interest in me."

"Of course, who do you think I am? I'm giving her a chance to fight for Kazuo. That girl, she truly likes him. If we're in an anime I would've allowed her to be with him too but sadly we're not."

This girl. She's right. If they're in a harem anime, it's fairly normal for them to be with the main protagonist together. Though most of it ended in open ending because of the indecisiveness of the author. Ah. Those damn authors. Just pick one or pick all. Don't leave your followers hanging!

Well, currently they're in my story, both of them will eventually end up with me. Ah shit. I'm getting excited again.

"Ah. Harada probably noticed your uniqueness."

Andou added. Uniqueness eh?

"What uniqueness? I'm a normal student. I aim for being the Classmate A role, you know?"

"You're far from being Classmate A. Don't dream something you're not. Anyway about your suggestion. I've done some thinking and I decided to accept it."

Andou giggled while saying that first sentence. This girl. I was Classmate A in middle school just so you know. Ah. Yeah, the moment I decided to aim for those close to me, I already stepped away from that role. But I still want to maintain it.

"Do I not look like one? I'm ordinary and don't stand out. Well, since you accepted. I have a condition. You still remember that you owe me right? I'll change that to this condition. "

"Shut up and stop dreaming Onoda. You look ordinary? In your dreams. True you're not as good looking as Kazuo but you're far from ordinary plus that temperament of yours. And sorry but you're standing out like a sore thumb since Wednesday, you should start to wake up now. Forget about that illusion of yours and tell me that condition."

Damn this scary girl, don't break down my character like that. I'm aware of all that. Well, Nikaido told me about my mysterious aura. It must be what they're seeing on me. I wonder, maybe if I didn't make a move on anyone in our class, my life will be quiet. Only having Kana and Haruko with her girls. Then I'll look for targets from other classes. My high school life will be the same as my middle school. Obscure as Classmate A.

"Alright, alright. I'll wake up now. Tsk. You should at least play along, you know? Haa. Okay for the condition. Listen well. Since we'll pretend that we are dating each other, I want our time to be real. We'll act like real lovers."

"Huh? What do you mean to act like real? Are you thinking of taking advantage of our act? One can only be as shameless as you Onoda. Forget it."

Andou almost stood up because she couldn't accept the condition I put out but I held her arm to stop her.

"Let me finish first. You want them to think you're not dating Ogawa, right?"

"Yes. That way there won't be complications about our friendships."

"If we act sloppily, they'll easily notice."

"Ah. You're right. I guess your condition has its merits."

This girl. Don't jump to conclusions that fast. You almost flipped my lunch by your sudden movement. It's a good thing that she's this sharp. I don't need to explain too much.

"You don't have to be wary. I won't do anything that will equal to taking advantage of you. I just want that time for me to try and steal you away from him."

"Your first sentence was admirable but the next one was too nasty."

"I really want you Andou. But yeah, I don't need that love of yours, you can give that to Ogawa for all I care. I just want you to be mine."

"Onoda. I told you, you can't have me. I will never let you. And you, not wanting my love is even more nasty. Do you only want me for my body?"

She might be correct though but yeah, this is my desire talking. Having her as mine will fulfill it. In normal eyes, that's how they will interpret this desire. Only having an eye for the girls' body.

"Ah. Do I need to explain? Well, you wouldn't understand. But I guess since it's you, I can tell you. I want to steal you from him. If I succeed that would fill up my desire. Can't you just give me a chance?"

"Huh? What desire? Chance to steal me? How will you do that? Will you force me?

"Well, it's a long story. Just know it's a desire to steal someone from somebody. And this time, it's you. Do you think I can force you?"

"That sounds really nasty. Onoda. Aren't you afraid I will tell this to others? Well, yes. You can't. Alright. That chance. I'll give it to you. As long as you don't go overboard. You wouldn't be able to sway me to be yours anyway."

Finally she accepted the condition. I have to prepare for that. How can I steal her during that time when we act? Then I will still have to divide my attention to Mori. Ah. And there will be more. If we started acting, I might find out those other harem members. I figured asking Andou for their names will make her suspicious.

"You still need me. And well, how could I put this? I somehow trust you wouldn't do that. Our personality is the same. You even did that to get Ogawa, while I will use this chance to get you."

"Haa. You're right. We have that same personality. Alright. I accept. Do your best to steal me. Well, you'll surely fail anyway."

"Well since we're done, let's add another layer for our act. It's better to be this prepared."

"What do you mean?"

And for the finishing touch. Haa. It's going well, at least. First with Mori. Now with Andou.

"We'll hide that we are dating. We'll only show it towards your friends and those you want to show it to."

"I guess you're right. It will be troublesome in the classroom if everyone knows. And it's even us pretending. Tsk. Let's finish up here. I'll tell you when Kazuo confesses."

"Sure. But don't you think we need practice?"

"There you go again. Practice for what?"

"For our acting. Let's see. Let's start with this. Holding hands."

I held out my hand to her while I stared directly into her eyes. She'll pick it up for sure. For a believable act, she will determine that we really need this.


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