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Chapter 274: Chapter 271

Chapter 274: Chapter 271
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After an hour of socializing, a horn sounds from somewhere else in the palace, and Duke Chen comes over to escort Cain and the ladies to the Throne Room. While they didn't really enjoy the enforced time with the ladies of the nobility, they did manage to gain two new friends, a pair of twins. Both are tall and muscular wolf kin women of the Shaman class. They're wearing smart skirt suits, not fancy dresses, so Cain assumes they're someone's clerk, here to bring notes and help with a proposal.

As they walk, Cain overhears them talking about the imminent annual flooding of the Long Fang River, one of the three dredged canals that lead near the capital and the one that flows through Cain's new territory. Their boss is looking for funding for the repairs that must be done afterward, so Cain decides to give them the heads up.

"Before he died, Archduke Ferdinand built a dam at the border between his territory and mine. It will absorb the overflow coming down my branch of the river, so you'll only need to worry about the other two canals flooding." This news takes them both by surprise, and one runs off to get their boss, a human Dutchess with her gray hair pulled back into a tight bun.

"He built a dam, you say? That old codger fought the idea for a hundred years. Said it would ruin the property value of his territory. What sort of shape is it in?" The old Dutchess asks, getting right to business.

"Solid and well gated for flow adjustments. The downstream side is right at my border, so I can adjust it to keep the levels safe." Cain explains.

"Excellent. I might not know what made him change his mind and flood that worthless Valley, but I am glad he finally saw sense for once in his life." Her piece said, the older woman turns and leaves, her Assistants smiling sadly at her back.

"Don't mind her, they're former lovers and even afterward were once very close, but that dam project was a point of contention for a long time. I know she secretly misses him but doesn't want to say anything that might upset the hidden Anti-Royals." One of the twin's whispers before the other pokes her to make her shut up.

Duke Chen leads them to one side, where many business faction members gather, and the twins break away, waving goodbye to Misha and Mythryll.

[This place is full of two-faced degenerates. I think those three were the only decent women we met the entire time.] Mythryll sends in a party chat, and Cain smiles at her.

[The political Nobles seem to be clueless hedonists. One of the Minster's wives even tried to proposition me right in front of her husband and uncle.] Cain adds, and Misha frowns, stepping closer to him.

The throne room is completely full now, with everyone settled into their places. Another series of horns sounds, and Duke Chen leans over to advise the newcomers. "Ladies curtsy until your thigh is parallel to the ground; Dukes bow 45 degrees at the waist. The lower ranks will be kneeling."

Even the Greetings for the King have rankings in this country, it seems. The doors open moments later, and King James enters in full regalia, a wand of office in one hand and a bright white Kitsune in his other. Gwen has disguised herself to look like just a puppy, showing no signs of ability to transform or having a system.

It's a masterpiece of illusion, because it doesn't alter her form at all, only hides her status. Casually sitting with the King and mostly disinterested in the proceedings, she seems happy with her assignment.

The assembled Nobles are gushing over how cute the King's new pet is, and Cain smiles. It's good to see that they're getting along. The King makes his way gracefully down the red carpet to his throne before turning back to greet the room.

"Arise. We have arrived, and Court is now in Session. Bring forth the first petitioner."

First up is the Dutchess, worried about flooding in her territories. Her property sits southwest of Cain's, between him and the capital, but south of the road that they took to Long Fang Valley. The river they dammed won't directly flood her property, but it tends to mingle with the overland flooding of the other canals during a particularly wet season.

She gives a rather long-winded but passionate presentation about the need for improvements, a presentation which she's clearly done many times before. But this time, she's giving it to a new King. One who hasn't lived his entire life under the thumb of the oligarchs, one who just got back from a trip to the outside world and saw how such a project made the locals happy. A King who knows firsthand that it will be good for the nation.

"The Crown has heard your pleas, Dutchess. From today it is ordered that the interior ministry formulate a plan and have the two remaining uncontrolled canals dammed and their flow prevented from breaching the banks this rainy season. For the good of the nation and the nobility as a whole, this infrastructure project must be done." King James pronounces, and Cain can see one faction congratulating each other while the interior minister and his allies look more than a little panicked.

All the responsibility is now on them, and every noble whose land they might flood for the project or whose land gets flooded because they completed it improperly will now be looking to them for compensation.

Though his title is minister, the man is much more of a Project Manager in practice, overseeing construction and maintenance that involves multiple Nobles. In the past, the Kings were so compliant that the upper nobility essentially self governed, as well as running the country by proxy.

As he waits for the excited chatter in the room too quiet and the assembled Nobles to be ready for the next petitioner, James reaches for the food and wine next to him, thinks better of it, and gestures someone forward. A wolfkin that Cain recognizes as a Shadow Stalker, and a Bodyguard Summon created by Gwen, emerges from the shadows and samples both the fruit and the wine, lightly sniffing over the plate before taking it away and handing the King the wine.

It's only seconds later when the Beastkin returns with a plate of pie samples, but that simple action causes more commotion than the construction project. Both Cain and King James note the Nobles who look exceedingly nervous, and Cain can see many others doing the same.

Outright replacing the Monarchy wasn't the majority opinion among the Oligarchs during the war. For the most part they simply wanted the one they controlled to be on the throne, which led to almost all of them dying. King James doesn't yet know it for sure, but from Cain's observations, and the deductions of his merged Companions, his Reign has solid support among the assembled Nobility.

The group that was introduced to Cain as the Royal Advisors appear to revel in chaos and looked the most nervous when the food was taken away, presumably poisoned. But the less political faction, led by Duke Chen, the rest of the business faction, and most of the middle nobility appear to stand on his side.

Duke Chen moves over to talk to Cain while the next petitioner, an Earl from the border regions, comes forward from his place towards the middle of the room.

[I see you gained influence quickly. The System might have hidden their allegiance, but the Financial Faction has realized that they are most likely your loyalists. None of the others have a training program like that for Beastkin Assassins. With them watching the King, it will upset the Anti Royals, so be careful.]

It's sent in a private message while Duke Chen whispers to Cain about the Nobles who will be most affected by the dam project, giving him the look of a polite senior statesman helping the newbie.

This Earl that has come forward with a petition is part of the Business Faction, in a sharp gray three-piece suit with a purple shirt and bow tie. He's come to ask for Royal assistance with the Gnolls. Cain can see the quest is nationwide and still active, presumably Neverending if the farmers reports of constant attempts at Gnoll territory expansions are believed.

"The Crown Sympathizes with your plight, and that of all Border Territories, our front line of defense against invasion. Would any present offer a force from their lands to quell the current threat?"

It's an excellent platitude, but that's all it is. Few of the Nobles will risk their forces these days.

"Duke Cain has a mercenary force that can be tasked to assist with your emergency. Four Dragons and a wing of Drakes with their handlers." Cain offers graciously, and the Earl's face lights up as he bows deeply to Cain.

Two Supporters aren't a significant loss, and he will still get some experience from their adventures. Despite the distance, they still count as part of him.

"As your neighbor, I shall send assistance as well."

"And I."

"I shall mobilize the regiment as soon as We return."

The surrounding Nobles, who would have helped him anyhow, out of concern for their own lands, add their voices to Cain's, bringing the numbers up to a reasonable sized force.

The King makes a complex hand gesture to the announcer, and the man steps forward to bring up the next point of business. "The Crown thanks its loyal Nobles for their support of those in need. Now before we call the next petitioner, an announcement must be made.

Our beloved King James will be celebrating his Fifteenth Birthday next month, the marriage age for Skyview Royalty, as all here are aware. But as our King's betrothed perished during the fighting and with her the monogamous marriage contract, a new announcement will now be made regarding the security of the Succession.

During the birthday festivities, all unbetrothed daughters of the nobility are invited to attend, regardless of standing or title. A Royal Harem will be formed from those who catch the King's eye."

That's an announcement that shocks the nation's nobility. Not just human daughters of high nobility, but every noble daughter without a betrothed has a chance at the harem?

Duke Chen explains the situation as the throne room turns deafening with chatter and multiple Nobles start sending messages to spread the word. When they're born of a harem without a named Queen, the sons will all have the opportunity to ascend to the throne by order of birth. A large part of the Anti-Royal faction is Beastkin, who have always had their influence limited with no chance at Royalty.

This could be life changing for them, completely flipping their stance on the Monarchy should any Beastkin daughters be chosen. Of course, many Anti-Royals want unfettered power and see it as necessary that the Royal Family is gone entirely, but if King James's plans work out, they'll be a fringe extremist group, small enough for the other factions to wipe them out with ease.

It's a genius political move, despite the fact that it further alienated many of his advisors, a faction who have continued to sow dissent and chaos in the kingdom since he took over the throne. From the content way James pets Gwen though, Cain suspects the reason is only 70 percent political and 30 percent love of fluff.

Maybe closer to 50/50.


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