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Chapter 260: Chapter 257 Skyview Nobility

Chapter 260: Chapter 257 Skyview Nobility
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James leads them through the city, slowly explaining the state of things as he knows them as he points out various landmarks.

"As you might already know, there has been a lot of fighting over the throne. Only one Royal is left right now. So he's been named King. Duke Archibald, whose estate you can see on the left is the head advisor to the King, a powerful and respected man in the city. Even if many vicious rumors have been spread about him lately, some going so far as accusing him of failing to produce an heir because he prefers young boys.

In practice the Skyview Kingdom has always been run by the oligarchs, the last dozen kings, going back a thousand years, have been under their control. The new King started out differently, having obtained a radical idea from a new arrival. He implemented a document called the Magna Carta, which granted a set of basic protections to the commoners. It made him immensely popular among the masses, but upset many Nobles who preferred to exploit their workers beyond what most would deem socially acceptable.

Here, nobility is hereditary, but conditional. If a family falls from wealth they lose their titles. Likewise, if a family gains great wealth, they gain esteem and titles. If you could prove to the Dukes you hold sufficient wealth, you could have your Duke titles recognized as a Duke of Skyview as well as your home nation. It's all very official, and grants a number of benefits.

We will be passing the monthly nobility allocation fair in a kilometer or so, it's being held to our left and up the hill in the palace courtyard. Most of the ranking Nobles will be there for the day, welcoming wealthy visitors to the nation."

Misha interrupts his narration to find out more about these wealth based Nobles. "What sort of benefits do Nobles gain?"

"They can buy land and rent it out, commoners and foreigners cannot. They can lend money for a fee, create employment contracts and enforce debt bonds on those who fail to pay or break a contract. They're allowed in the palace if they reach Earl or greater rank. Then of course there's the limited ability to levy taxes on their renters beyond the base rate charged by the Kingdom itself. It's all formalized through the system."

To the members of the Darklight Host, that all sounds extremely sketchy, like the worst aspects of the Guild System on a national scale. But if that's how things are here, it's better to flaunt their wealth a little to avoid issues later.

With this new information, the fashion sense of the country becomes much more obvious. In other places they've been, fashion is the primary concern, everyone wears casual clothing they think looks good. Here, a large number of people wear mismatched armor everywhere. They're not planning on fighting, they're showing off their high level equipment, as proof of wealth to separate the low level nobility from the commoners.

Legendary Armor pieces are the Luis Vuitton handbags and Louboutin shoes of this world, a status symbol intended to set the wearer apart from those without them. Cain suspects if he were to see the status bonuses on many of those items they would be ill suited to actual use by the class wearing them, but it's more important to them that the item is high level and Legendary.

Cain considers changing outfits, but the suit he's wearing is quite stylish, one of the many clothing items they picked up in Tortuga, and somewhat distinctive, as the cut of the shirt and coat are not something Cain has seen anyone in this country wearing.

They actually are still armor pieces, which can be worn without a disguise. Cain no longer suffers that restriction, as every form he uses is a transformation, which can wear whatever he likes. But, since these were made to have a wider audience, they are considered by the system to be chain mail, with platinum threads woven through them.

He could also pick a transformation with clothing included, as this Mafia Don appearance defaults to when he's in armor, but visualizing a new form with appearances for all the gear he's wearing is more work for him than simply picking an outfit, so he will save the effort for when he changes into new armor which disrupts his fashion.

"How about we go visit the event? We were hoping to get a Guild House on this end of the continent, and it sounds like I will need to be a local noble to qualify."

"You will. A knight can own an acre, you'll just need a platinum bar in verifiable wealth and a gold bar for the registration fee." What a scam. The whole country sounds like a ponzi scheme run by the oligarchs.

Cain tries the Guild Bank again, gaining access this time. The Demon Kingdom Guild House must be within bank range of Skyview. That's good news, it saves him trying to get equipment valued to prove his wealth.

The event within the palace grounds looks much more like a garden party than anything else. Both visitors to the nation and local Nobles have gathered here in high spirits, enjoying the atmosphere, as well as the food and drinks. A band is playing from somewhere nearby, an upbeat tune that a number of the young Nobles are dancing to on a patio.

Listening to the conversations, Cain learns that the monthly event is not only for new nobility, but also for those looking to upgrade their status, and those whose ranking has been called into question. They're not the only ones here, of course. The abundance of Nobles also attracts those who aren't intending to change their status but who enjoy a good party.

The actual ranking takes place to one side in a series of square pavilion style tents. The retinues of the wealthier nobility have gathered near here, along with many of the Knights and some others looking to make business connections or strategic alliances to solidify their own position.

In Skyview, most nobility are the equivalent of a CEO from Cain's old world, so their close Companions and Assistants are usually the upper management of their organization. By comparison, Cain is more of the Mafia boss that the system named his appearance. A leader with trusted Lieutenants and Commanders running a diverse organization instead of an organized and focused company.

Gathering two Mythril bars and a chest of gems from the Smithy stockpile plus a gold bar to register his application, Cain steps towards a tent labeled "Upper Nobility". The bystanders look nervous, but don't say anything, assuming Cain knows what he's doing.

"All of you can wait out here and enjoy the party. Gerald shouldn't do anything to draw attention and I can handle a little paperwork." The Companions can't help but snicker at that. Cain does exactly zero of the Guild paperwork. The Companions themselves do more of it than he does.

Those that overhear the conversation assume that the Lynx eared Beastkin is the criminal he looks like and may have offended someone important, bringing him looks of sympathy. Even if he has the money the Dukes won't approve him as a noble if he's offended them. Without a noble title, you can't buy anything larger than a house in the city, and any store you open would have to be leased. A serious limit to the advancement minded group gathered here.

Cain is about to head in when one of the Dukes comes out, escorted by a messenger and five scantily clad women. Inside the tent Cain can see everyone has an entourage.

Going in alone would just be too plebian for that group, Cain realizes.

"On second thought, a bit of grandstanding is important if we're going to impress them. Evangeline can you undo the Merger? Four identical Seraphim should do the trick. In full armor please."

James looks a bit perplexed, but that quickly turns to shock when he finds himself looking at identical quadruplets. Before he can recover enough to speak, Cain strides forward into the Upper Nobility tent with an easy grace, muscles rippling under the yellow shirt he chose for today, matching Misha's dress.

The oligarchs look to the well dressed man that has entered their territory, judging his worthiness, then doing a double take when four identical Epic Quality Seraphim women follow him in, wearing full battle regalia. As far as shows of status go, he's doing pretty well.

"Greetings. What might we help you with? Mr. Cain is it?" A portly Duke doing his best to hide an extra fifty kilos under an expensive suit asks.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. I am Duke Cain of Blood Sands Castle in the Great Desert. My travels have brought me here and I wish to register my title as local Nobility in order to obtain a summer home." The Dukes nod in understanding. Skyview is a tropical country, not as wet as the Elven Kingdom to their east, but far from the scorching arid desert Cain called home. With their Royal Succession issues solved, the country is again becoming attractive as a vacation spot.

The next to speak is a distinguished looking gentleman in his eighties, by apparent age of course, as actual age can be deceiving with transfers. He's chosen a heavily embroidered set of black Taoist robes that compliment his prodigious goatee. It's pure white and nearly reaches his waist, contrasting vividly against his clothing.

"As I'm sure you're aware, impressive allies alone aren't enough here in Skyview. Do you have the documented proof of your wealth?"

Cain sets a solid Mythril bar on the table between the plush leather chairs set up for the tent's occupants. Then another and a small chest of gems, then a gold bar.

"I have had the good fortune of mining out a Mythril deposit you see. When it comes to raw wealth, my military might pales in comparison." The assembled Nobles look suitably impressed. Mythril Armors are paper thin, the strength of the metal making bulk unnecessary. Mythril weapons are usually forged over a core of lesser materials, or Elemental energy friendly metals to influence their bonuses.

Entire bars of the precious metal, much less an entire mine full of it, are an incredible amount of money. Even a single coin of the precious metal is worth a platinum bar and would earn him a spot as a Knight, who could buy an acreage here in Skyview.

One of the Dukes uses an ability and then nods to the others, verifying the authenticity of the precious resources in front of them. Satisfied, the goateed Duke motions for Cain to put them away and takes out a long tobacco pipe.

"It seems fortunes favor you. Where might your nearest property be?" The Duke, ChenWu42 asks between puffs.

"The closest to here should be the Keep in the Demon Kingdom Capital. A recent acquisition, but well appointed." The questions now feel more like a formality than anything, they've already made up their minds about the young looking Noble in front of them.

A narrow faced assistant with what looks to be a painter's easel bows politely and sets up his tools. "Last up is the official recording. But you must be in your original form. My skill says your human skin is an innate transformation."

Cain considers the shock factor of a ten meter tall Ancient appearing in the tent, which is his natural form, but decides to go for the human sized version. They look the same anyhow, just in different sizes.

When Cain shifts the suit changes to a complex garment of layered cloth, he would still call it a suit, though in a fashion he's never seen before. The change is unexpected, as his Ancient Form is still vaguely bipedal, close enough to a human physique that it could wear the other style of suit if you ignored the wings and tail.

"Is this close enough to my true form for your skill?" Cain asks, realizing that his voice is not a sound but a power that feels as if the entire world is bending to his will, depositing the words directly into the listener's mind and overwhelming their thoughts due to his lack of experience.

[Mental Projection] is an always active ability of the Ancients in their true form, which lacks a conventional vocal cord. Their innate magical power is immense, even without training, and Cain can feel his potential skyrocket as he tries this form for the first time. Perhaps a class with more magical ability might be an option for him during the next advancement. He certainly feels like it would be a good fit.

What Cain doesn't notice right away is the aura of Existential Dread that an Ancient gives off. Because he doesn't notice, Cain also doesn't turn it down until Evangeline pokes him and sends a message that his aura is turned up to the maximum, the same as hers was when she first arrived.

The painter taps the canvas on his easel and a lifelike image is captured of Cain with a swirling black background that gives off a sinister feeling. Even an image of his Ancient Form carries a hint of the aura.

Cain shifts back and the Dukes are finally able to take a proper breath. "My apologies, the aura can be a bit intense. I don't use my default transformation much."

"So that's an Ancient? I think I saw one in a nightmare once." The portly Duke is doing his best to sound composed, but Cain can see his knees shaking.

"The pictures of the Dukes are hung in the palace, but we'll give the visitors a heart attack if we hang this. Even the painting feels like it could eat your soul. Why ain't we just go with something human?" The painter suggests.

"That's the miniature version. That form is actually ten meters tall, but the tent isn't suited to such a thing, so I shrunk it to fit the room." Cain explains, back in his previous Mafia Don disguise, the soft color of the yellow shirt seeming incongruous now that the others have felt Cain's Ancient Aura.

The big man shudders again and makes a cross gesture in front of himself, perhaps he really did have a nightmare about Ancients. The painter is more composed, making an image of Cain's human form and passing it over to ChenWu42, or Duke Chen as he prefers.

"Welcome to Skyview Duke Cain. Your name is now registered as a noble of the realm with all associated rights and privileges."


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