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Chapter 74

Chapter 74
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Salvatore Pero, the key member of Cosa Nostra, came out of the alley, got into the car waiting for him, and looked at the guy who had both his arms slashed off.

Face turned pale without blood circulation. Though he was still in the state where he’s fortunate to be breathing, Salvatore said in a cold tone.

“That trash. Get rid of it.”


“B- Boss….!”

Before the guy could say anything, he was dragged away by the other members, and Salvatore who turned away said nervously.

“Let’s go.”

“Uh, yes.”

Salvatore who leaned on the smooth seat, recollected the scene from a while ago.

“What on earth happened to that guy Fiore?”

Not long ago, Fiore’s condition wasn’t good as now. He is physically healthy but mentally rusting.

Though he’s an S-class hunter, he was a person who was turning into a ‘human’ that could kill up to any amount, only if he did well in stabbing weak points.

But changing sharply like that in a moment of time. Salvatore who recalled the scattered poisonous energy from a while ago patted his back without realizing it.

‘By any chance, if the token was with Lucia……… she probably could’ve died there too.’

It may have been arrogant to provoke him more than required. Salvatore who planned to be careful in the future thought of the troops in preparation.

‘I have to adjust the plan.’

If it’s Fiore who’s regaining his original skills that he used to not know before, there’s nothing that can be done with the troops now.

Salvatore’s eyes twisted at the thought that they have to request backup from them once again.

What on earth happened that Fiore has gotten strong again. Suddenly that face popped up again in his mind when he was deeply thinking about it.

‘No way……. Is it because of that guy called Kang Yoo-sik?’

The genius who is attracted by dozens of guilds and big names for showcasing incredible magic tricks, causing an uproar in the whole world.

‘Do I really have to get rid of that guy?’

In case Fiore gets even more stronger there, it will be even more troublesome.

Salvatore was seriously thinking of a way to kill Kang Yoo-sik and just shook his head.

‘No, that’s the most foolish move.’

Already there’s a monster named Fiore, and the moment I kill Kang Yoo-sik, two monsters compared to that will come in here and create a scene.

‘I’m just going to do as planned.’

There are some kind of variations but he is still going to do it.

The majority of the organization’s executives expressed neutrality and there wasn’t almost any who supported Lucia.

If only the successor’s token, the Andvaranaut could be found first, this sick and tired fight could’ve come to an end.

‘I’m gonna have to look into Lucia’s side at the same time too.’

Even if I don’t kill them, I need to brush them off in order to make it easier to control Fiore.

Salvatore who went over the plan smiled at the situation that’s going smoothly and tightened his fedora.


And from the inside of it, red glowing eyes wiggled hideously.


“uhhhhhhh……. uohhhhh”

Dense forest with no trail.

A bloodstained man ran restlessly while breathing out loud, and footsteps of dozens of people behind him followed.

A situation where it wouldn’t be strange even if they caught up to him.


A black & shiny energy jolted from the golden ring on the man’s left hand, and a dim fog like substance wrapped around his body.

The man who saw it stopped running and hid himself in the tree around him and in a while appeared the guys who followed him.

The chasers who postulated a battle with Mine using all the equipment. Though they were all troops who couldn’t be ignored as B-class hunters, none of them could see the man hidden in the tree.


And like that, the chasers went past the tree, running through the mountain trail. The man who checked on the sound disappearing, let out a breath.

“It-It’s over…… All thanks to you……”

He smiled with a hazy look on his face and patted the ring, making the fog around him disappear like a charm.

The man who saw that, staggered to his feet dripping blood around him with it. He suffered injuries to his limit ever since he ran away stealing the ring.

Though he ran away tenaciously with the help of that ring, he was slowly nearing the end.

“No…… you’re still mine……. I can’t give you to someone else……”

He mutters like crazy while going down the mountain trail and those who chased him weren’t there anymore.


Except for the cross-shaped machines.

Six aids scattered all over the place created a hemispheric barrier surrounding the area and the man who realized that, looked around with a surprised expression on his face.


The man who realized that he had been pervaded, pulled his sword out right away and swung towards the barrier.


But the sword that bumped against the barrier simply bounced off in vain and the man’s eyes widened at the sight.

Even if someone says that he’s gotten weak, how could it bounce back an attack of a B-class hunter so easily?

Right when he was giving an unbelievable look at that.


Fireworks exploded in front of his eyes.


He stumbled at the unexpected fireworks and felt something wrap around his legs.

While being flustered at the pouring attacks, he reflexively clutched his left hand with all his might.


The mana that spewed out of the ring tore the shadow snake that coiled his legs into bits and the man who was freed, turned his head to find his enemy while biting his teeth.


And he could see a silver fist coming scattering through the lightning.

A fist with a lightning accelerator & an airgetlám smashed the man’s face and above that, Kang Yoo-sik even invoked the mana that ended the casting.

“T1 Tempest.”

The two storms that burst out from his fingertips tore apart the man’s body completely, spluttering blood and flesh around.

Kang Yoo-sik who neatly killed the man without having the need to confirm it further brushed off the blood smeared on the airgetlám and looked around.

“Was it too bombastic……”

He used the T1 tempest instead of the Guihwachang & Gwihwaok skill, just in case the light could be seen from that side, but this side is a mess.

Kang Yoo-sik thought for a while looking at the spluttered traces around and shrugged his shoulders.

‘So what.’

It’d be the same whether a fine body is discovered while going further down or a body in pieces here and there is discovered.

The only difference is that the ring has been moved around and there’s no need to kill a lot more people.

‘Let’s see….’

Kang Yoo-sik who looked at his surroundings, discovered a glowing light under a nearby tree and went towards it right away.

A golden ring shining brilliantly. He had a feeling of throbbing just by looking at it and he heard a strange voice as if whispering.

– I’m your object……… Take me…..”

The voice of a woman was almost echoing in the head.

Kang Yoo-sik dazed at that voice that feels familiar though he’s definitely hearing it for the first time and Perceval hurriedly yelled out.

– Lord! That’s a cursed ring! Quickly-

– Don’t listen to him.

Perceval’s voice was cut off with the woman’s voice tickling his ears again and Kang Yoo-sik reached his hand out.

– I’ll keep loving you. Quickly hold me.

As if the voice was dragging him, he picked up the ring on the floor and the whispering woman screamed in an exciting voice.

– YES…… Quickly hol-…..

“Shut up.”


– Uhaargh?!

A scream rang loud as he flicked the ring with his finger and the mana that blocked Perceval’s voice dispersed.

“I was wondering how long she’s gonna talk, she talks till the end huh, This is why a cursed item is…..”

– L, Lord! Are you alright?

“I’m okay. There’s no issue.”

It did feel quite dizzy but just that. He has used such items as bait before his regression so he’s used to dealing with it.

‘But still, they’re certainly powerful as well huh.’

He prepared for it while Airgetlám & Perceval could’ve cast off the curse to some level but still, this level of influence is…

They didn’t make dozens of mine and call it the devil’s ring for no reason.

“What do you mean what. It just didn’t work on me.”

– That, that cannot be…… How can a guy like you.….”

“Anyways, just be obedient. If you don’t want to get hit again.”

Kang Yoo-sik got up from his seat and looked at his surrounding after collecting the aids that formed a barrier.

“Firstly…… I don’t think I’ll get caught.”

But as the surrounding is extensively surrounded, he’s got to move quite fast to slip away from there

Right when Kang Yoo-sik was about to leave after quickly removing any traces, Perceval whispered carefully.

– Uh…… Lord. I’m sorry to bother you when you’re in a hurry but I have something to say.

‘What is it?’

– That ring. I think it will be usable if you do well.


Kang Yoo-sik who started walking, gave a mysterious look.

The ring they got this time, the Andvaranaut is an item with an outstanding performance but so far there wasn’t a ‘hunter’ who used it properly.

That’s because the ring is so powerful that it was almost impossible to fight the battle by suppressing and using it.

Due to that, everyone that used the Andvaranaut before the regression were nothing but ‘mine’ that fell for the whispering and that was the reason it was called the Devil’s Ring.

‘For real?’

– Yes. Based on the information entered by the lady you left me with, Ban Hye-young, it’s certain.


Kang Yoo-sik who was lost in thought looking at the ring then nodded his head.

‘Okay. Try it.’

– Alright. Lord. Please wear the ring on your right hand.

Kang Yoo-sik put on the ring right away on the middle finger of his right finger and the fellow who had shut up throughout started whispering in a female voice again.

-It’s okay……. Leave everything to me……..

It was a certainly more powerful throbbing than before. And when Kang Yoo-sik was slightly twisting his eyes at that.

– Do not whisper to Lord in a profane voice!

– What the… How did you get here…..!

– Be polite. You indecent bastard!

– Ah, it hurts! I said it hurts!

The sound of Perceval and Andvaranaut quarreling rang loudly while the black energy that was rising from the ring was dragged towards the pendant.

– Lord. Please try using the ring.

‘Ah, yes. Okay.’

Kang Yoo-sik focused his mind on Andvaranaut and the strengths he could use immediately popped up in his head.

Assimilations that naturally melt around… the curse of Andvari that disrupts the judgment of the object, and finally, the stigma of Fafnir that gives things the effect of greed.

Among them, Kang Yoo-sik chose the assimilation that is most useful to him first.


The fog that came out of Andvaranaut wrapped around his body and Kang Yoo-sik looked at his surroundings.

‘Hmm. Looks like it’s done.’

Though no changes could be seen from the outside, the existence felt by the cognitive maximization is definitely vague.

Kang Yoo-sik made his way down while maintaining the assimilation, discovered the hunters who are maintaining siege.

“When on earth we going to catch?”

“As for that…. They said that they lost it again.”

Kang Yoo-sik who passed by the two hunters who were talking nervously, easily went past the police siege behind and entered the city.

Kang Yoo-sik who got out of the siege easily took off the ring and looked at it in amazement.

‘Heyy….. It really worked huh?’

Who knew that the Andvaranaut could be used so efficiently. While Kang Yoo-sik was amazed at it, Perceval’s confident sounding voice rang in.

– How was it?

‘It was perfect. But how was it possible?’

– The curse on Andvaranaut was because of the ideology on the ring called ‘Andvari’. It was possible to use it because I dragged that to the pendant which is the main body of it all.


Though Andvaranaut is an extremely good item, indeed, looks like it is one grade lower than Perceval,

While Kang Yoo-sik was amazed, Perceval continued.

– And also, Lord. I just discovered another truth.

‘What is it?’

– I think one of the blades has loosened up halfway.


Kang Yoo-sik who was surprised at it, voiced it out without realizing. Why did a blade loosen up again suddenly?

– Somehow, I think that Andvari’s ideology hit on the device of the blade that Ban Hye-young adjusted. But since that the guy is weak, just halfway only…..

– Who, WHO IS WEAK! You are the one who is unnecessarily str-

– Quiet!

– Uaaaaaaah!

Andvari’s whining was quieted down again and Perceval continued his explanation.

– Anyways that happened and looks like the blade has loosened up halfway.

‘Hmm. So, that means the remaining half will loosen up too if we find a similar fellow huh.’

– Yes. Perhaps it’s possible if you get another ideology like Andvari.

Kang Yoo-sik patted his chin at Perceval’s words.

He doesn’t know exactly what kind of guys they categorize as ideologies, but he knows that it’s an item that rumbles loudly.

When Kang Yoo-sik was thinking of grabbing a date to investigate on the other side.

– Uh, hold on. I’m getting a familiar blood smell from somewhere?

Andvari muttered something strange and Perceval replied to that right away.

– This fucker! Saying nonsense agai-…..

‘No. Wait. I do get a blood smell from somewhere?’

Kang Yoo-sik who felt the smell questioned Andvari and a small light glistened from the ring.

– That way! From that way, the blood smell that’s similar to this bastard is………..

At Andvari’s scream, Kang Yoo-sik ran towards that way while maintaining the assimilation and in a moment, a hurried breath along with the sound of one’s running footsteps was heard.

At that, Kang Yoo-sik climbed up a wall and watched the men in pursuit from far away.


He discovered a red-haired woman who is being chased by dozens of men.


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