Before the monster could roar, everyone looked at me as if they were demanding an explanation.
“Hyu… hyung-hyung-nim…” Park Deok-Gu said.
“How… did you manage to do this?” Kim Hyun-Sung asked.
Even Kim Hyun-Sung was looking at me the same way.
“It’s my job’s attribute,” I answered.
They looked as if they wanted a more detailed explanation. Fortunately, the anxiety they were feeling didn’t last long.
“This is the result of a biological experiment involving catalysts with the same genetic information,” I explained.
“Uh, I-I don’t understand what you’re saying…” Park Deok-Gu said.
“Could you dumb it down for us?” Kim Hyun-Sung requested.
“Sure. Think of it as a remote that has different spells compressed inside it and a television that reacts to the remote. The object that’s in my hand is the remote and the arm of that large monster that’s growing is the television. As long as I have catalysts that can react to each other, it’s not a difficult thing to do, but the process of preparing for this is a bit difficult,” I explained.
“But still…”
They all looked as if they were surprised once again and it was natural for them to react that way. When I first saw the result, not only was I surprised, but I even panicked. When I looked at my information again, I felt proud because I couldn’t believe the fact that I was the one that created this result.
[Name - Lee Ki-Young]
[Title - Mercenary Queen’s Lover]
[Age - 25]
[Nature - Cautious Strategist]
[Job - Bio Alchemy Summoner - Unique Epic Rank]
[This is a new job that remained undiscovered up until now. Even on the continent that boasts a long history, this type of alchemy method has never been seen. If every alchemist saw your results, you’ll be praised with much rhetoric. Because of the influence of your remarkable achievements, your rank will be upgraded to Unique Epic Rank. Your intelligence will increase by four points and your magic will increase by three points. The result of the bio alchemy that was created will determine the summons. You will acquire weak control over your summons.]
[Job Effect - Acquired basic magic knowledge]
[Job Effect - Acquired basic alchemy knowledge]
[Job Effect - Acquired intermediate alchemy knowledge]
[Job Effect - Acquired special summoning knowledge]
[Strength - 20/Below average growth limit]
[Agility - 21/Below average growth limit]
[Stamina - 25/Below average growth limit]
[Intelligence - 64/Above epic growth limit]
[Endurance - 20/Below average growth limit]
[Luck - 45/Above epic growth limit]
[Magic - 15/Below average growth limit]
[Ramus Tucker’s Introduction to Alchemy - Epic Rank - Alchemist Only]
[Magic Shield Ring - Rare Rank]
[Attribute - Mind’s Eye]
[Overall Review - I recognize your efforts in trying to avoid being in the worst situation, but it’s not good to struggle so much. No matter how hard you try, it won’t change the fact that you’re still in the worst situation. Apart from that, I commend you for your efforts. Struggle all you want until you reach your limits.]
My overall stats had increased a lot and I even obtained special summoning knowledge as a job effect. Actually, describing it as obtained was strange since it was knowledge that I created through the theory that I established.
Since everyone looked curious, I couldn’t help but talk with a small smile on my face.
“The name of the job is Bio Alchemy Summoner and the rank is unique epic rank,” I told them.
“It’s a unique epic rank?” Park Deok-Gu asked.
For some reason, Park Deok-Gu seemed discouraged and after checking his information, I was able to realize why he was making that face.
I noticed that everyone obtained a rare-ranked job except for Park Deok-Gu. Usually, people obtained rare-ranked jobs during their fourth or fifth jobs, but Kim Ye-Ri obtained it on her second job, which meant that she was growing extremely fast. Park Deok-Gu probably felt inferior because of this, but I could help him take care of his mental health later because answering the party members’ questions was more important right now.
“Unique epic rank… that’s amazing, Mr. Ki-Young.”
“I’ve heard about the rare, epic, and legendary ranks, but this is my first time hearing about a different set of ranks.”
“It probably means that you’re the only person that can obtain that job. There are a few adventurers within the city that have unique-rank jobs. Just like you, they obtained a unique ranked job after they discovered something new, but… when other adventurers tried the same thing, they didn’t obtain the same job despite having the same results.”
“I see.”
“Basically, it’s a job that can’t be mass-produced.”
‘That’s great.’
Being unique was an advantage. An advantage that would increase my worth by an enormous amount.
When I glanced at Kim Hyun-Sung, I noticed him talking as if he was kind of excited. While walking around the city, I used Mind’s Eye and checked other people’s information, but I have never seen anyone with a unique epic rank job. He might know something that I am unaware of, but if that wasn’t the case, then it meant that Kim Hyun-Sung was still currently unraveling some information about the future.
“Since it is focused on one specific field, there will definitely be a disadvantage, but I’m sure that there are enough advantages as well. I thought you were going to decide on taking the path that involves potions or the homunculus…” Kim Hyun-Sung commented.
“I did think about studying more about homunculus, but since my intelligence was low, I couldn’t really understand it. I thought it would be worth it to focus on the chimera, but I thought that trying to control the chimera would become problematic since I don’t possess any skills or magic that could maintain mind control,” I explained.
“I considered the possibility of controlling part of the chimera instead of the entire thing, but I immediately found the answer. Oh, I’ll tell you after cleaning that up first,” I said.
When I recited the spell again, the arm of the monster that had expanded started to get smaller. This was the revised edition of Jung Ha-Yan’s reverse spell, which reversed the effect of every spell.
“What you saw just now wasn’t a summon. This thing that can’t be considered a living organism doesn’t have a will of its own, but… thankfully, after I obtained this job, the system determined that it was a summon,” I told him.
“I see.”
It looked amazing, but that didn’t mean there weren’t any disadvantages. First, the quality of the material was very important. The quality had to be good enough so that I could stuff it with a magic circle that held a variety of spells. It meant that items that couldn’t be used as goods had to be used as consumables. I also had to use catalysts that were rare-ranked or above.
The second was that it didn’t last long. Unlike summons that remained next to their owners, the summons made from bio alchemy couldn’t be maintained for a long time. In addition, its entire body wasn’t ductile. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen after this, but as of right now, summoning a part of it was my limit. Even though it was magic, its attack was determined by its physicality, which was a disadvantage.
Things could change if I found another monster’s catalyst, but this was all I could figure out so far. Kim Hyun-Sung’s thoughts were more important than my decision. With the new job that I obtained and my stats, determining whether it would help in future expeditions was the most important. When I looked at Kim Hyun-Sung as if I was asking him to give me an overall review, he nodded and spoke. “You did well.”
“I knew you would do well, but the result is beyond my imagination,” he added.
“Thank you, but I do need to look into it more…” I told him.
I felt good when he expressed his satisfaction. I had this same feeling when I first demonstrated my abilities. Everyone looked surprised. I felt even better when they congratulated me.
“I knew you could do it, hyung-nim. Yeah… you’re amazing, hyung-nim,” Park Deok-Gu said.
“Thanks, Deok-Gu.”
“Congra…” Kim Ye-Ri spoke quietly. This was my first time actually hearing her voice. I raised my hand to lightly pat her head, but she quickly hid behind Kim Hyun-Sung, so my arm was left hanging in the air. It was then that I slowly started to look around.
I saw Jung Ha-Yan’s face and she looked anxious. But it didn’t seemed like she looked anxious because I extended my hand out toward Kim Ye-Ri.
‘Does she think that she’s been caught?’
I guess she thought the alchemy’s mechanism was very similar to the method she used when she used that spell because her face started to tremble. She must have been worried about me finding out her spells. Actually, I thought it would be best to have Jung Ha-Yan stop her actions, but it wasn’t the right time, so I didn’t say anything.
“Ha-Yan,” I said.
“Yes, oppa.”
When I grabbed her hand tightly, she seemed like she calmed down. I realized that I made the right decision when I saw her guilty look.
‘I need to let her realize it on her own.’
Letting her realize that her actions were wrong was the best method. Since her nature hadn’t changed yet, as long as she could still feel remorse, I thought that it would make her refrain from taking such actions in the future.
“How about we discuss what we obtained while we eat, Mr. Ki-Young? Afterall, you should also know what we’ve gained.” Kim Hyun-Sung suggested.
‘I don’t really need to know…’
Letting them explain it on their own was more comfortable for me.
“I guess you were satisfied with the expedition,” I commented.
“That’s not the case. At first, it was really difficult to the point that I thought about returning…” he answered.
“I would like to hear the details,” I said.
When Kim Hyun-Sung started talking, our surroundings became quiet. I wasn’t sure what kind of mess they got into, but based on the quiet atmosphere, I immediately realized that whatever happened must have been beyond my imagination.
“We entered a rare-ranked dungeon. After we entered the dungeon, it took us three days to start the expedition,” he said.
“What?” I asked.
“Miss Ha-Yan wasn’t feeling well…” he said.
I saw Jung Ha-Yan lowering her head. Kim Hyun-Sung was trying to make it seem like it was nothing serious, but I had a feeling that I knew what happened. She didn’t eat properly until the moment she left this place and since she stopped eating and drinking, her body must have been in a bad condition. She probably started crying and making a fuss while in the dungeon.
‘So that’s why they were late.’
The three days that Kim Hyun-Sung was talking about was probably the time it took to calm her mind.
“It also took Mr. Deok-Gu a long time to adapt. I saw other sides of him that I haven’t seen before and it was the same for Ye-Ri. Even though she barely has any experience, her unexpected actions caused the party to become chaotic. If Miss Hee-Young wasn’t there, it would’ve been even more difficult,” he explained.
‘He’s talking as if he wanted her to hear him.’
“Their teamwork was also a mess. If I didn’t get involved, we could’ve all died. There were many times where the rearguards were in danger because they shot an arrow toward the front which surprised the vanguards.” he added.
“We were in a situation where it wouldn’t have been strange if we got annihilated,” he commented.
No, he wasn’t saying it so that the others could hear him. He was telling me this to show me how much he suffered.
The scene was akin to that of a parent telling their spouse the bad things their child had done. As expected, Park Deok-Gu and Jung Ha-Yan lowered their heads even more.
“But as we continued, they started to improve and the results weren’t that bad,” Kim Hyun-Sung said.
“I see.”
“We also reached our goal of 60s in our stats and we succeeded in obtaining epic-ranked jobs as well,” he said.
“I’ll tell you the details once we’re inside,” he told me.
‘All of it?’
It didn’t take me long to realize that Kim Hyun-Sung’s words sounded strange. I checked the rank of Park Deok-Gu’s job again, and it was definitely rare.
‘This pig…’