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Chapter 39: New environment (2)

Chapter 39: New environment (2)
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I resented Kim Hyun-Sung for a moment and even though I felt a bit like I had been stabbed in the back, I thought about how there wasn’t a reason for him to trick me. I was sure that there was a reason why he recommended the alchemist job to me. Otherwise, there was no way he would give me an epic-ranked item as a gift.

To him, it may not have been a big investment, but the Lee Sang-Hee that was in front of us only had two epic-ranked items. I had no idea how long had she been here, but not only had she changed her jobs a few times, but she had already reached her growth limit. From her perspective, an epic-ranked item would be…

‘Worth it.’

I was worried that maybe Kim Hyun-Sung just needed someone to make potions, but…seeing the way he acted, I didn’t think that this was the case.

‘I need to trust him.’

There was a good chance that this job wasn’t valuable just yet, but later on, I was sure that the time would come when an alchemist would be considered valuable in some way.

I plan to trust and follow our regressor for now since I knew that he wasn’t stupid and I was sure that he had a good plan.

‘As long as I don’t have to constantly make potions.’

It was fine as long as this wouldn’t happen. While I had a lot of different thoughts, the food arrived and we started eating with a bit of an awkward atmosphere around us. It was definitely a friendly atmosphere, but it felt like Kim Hyun-Sung and Lee Sang-Hee both wanted something from each other.

Park Deok-Gu shoved his face into his plate and was eating as though he hadn't seen food in a long time. Meanwhile, both Kim Hyun-Sung and Lee Sang-Hee looked like they had a lot on their minds.

They cleverly changed the subject by talking about different topics, but the innocent Park Deok-Gu was the one that hit the nail.

“Wow, this is delicious. I don’t know how long it has been since I ate a warm meal.”

“I’m glad that you’re enjoying the food,” Lee Sang-Hee said.

“My grandma told me not to trust anyone that offers free food…I guess the affection of Koreans still exists! Don’t you think so, hyung-nim?” Park Deok-Gu asked.

Lee Sang-Hee looked as if she got caught and to prevent losing this chance, Kim Hyun-Sung quickly continued the conversation.


“He’s right, now that I think about it. It’s just as Mr. Deok-Gu said. I appreciate you treating us well, but I’m curious as to why you’re treating us this way. Of course, we’re not uncomfortable by it. However…this feels a bit extravagant for it to be a celebratory event for us returning alive. If this is truly out of kindness, then I apologize,” Kim Hyun-Sung said.

“Oh no, it’s fine. I’m the one that…should apologize. You’re right and I’m sure everything is confusing for you all. All of you seemed a bit calm, so I don’t think I was able to understand how you felt. I understand that it’s difficult to trust people, especially after what you went through in there. I know, because I went through the same. I apologize for not explaining in detail earlier,” she said.

“No, it’s okay. I didn’t say it with that kind of intention,” Kim Hyun-Sung said.

“I guess it’ll be best to start out by explaining the background of this place,” she said.

“Yes, that would be great.”

“This place is a bit different from Earth, but there are some similarities. The Union of Kingdoms, the Republics, and the Holy Empire, which is the nation we’re affiliated with, are the three large countries that are maintaining the balance of this place. Of course, there are free countries and other kingdoms that I haven’t listed, but…the three countries that I mentioned earlier are the largest ones,” Lee Sang-Hee explained.


“Of course, we’re not the ones that created this country and I’m sure you noticed that on your way here. Besides us, there are locals that have been living here and the relationship between the earthlings and the locals are entangled with complex interests,” she said.

“I see…”

“Strictly speaking, our Blue Guild is affiliated with the Benigoa Empire, but at the same time, we’re not. We may be free from their laws, but we’ve been living on their land and have been receiving their cooperation and support, but it’s not just us. All the groups that have settled down here are moving based on their contract with the Benigoa Holy Empire.”

I somewhat understood what she said and in a way, I thought we were fortunate.

Each group had freed themselves from the empire’s influence and possessed somewhat of an autonomous right and I was sure they had to offer things in exchange for their freedom. Like being drafted if a war broke out…taxes, or something just as complicated.

Seeing as how the country wasn’t in chaos, I guess the three countries possessed something to prevent the guilds from stepping all over them. I was sure that they were keeping the guilds with autonomous rights under control with armed forces or with resources.

“I see,” Kim Hyun-Sung said.

“The tutorial dungeon opens up once every year. The Holy Empire has entrusted us, the foreigners, to manage the tutorial dungeon,” Lee Sang-Hee explained.

“And you’re referring to the Blue Guild, right?” Kim Hyun-Sung asked.

“No, when it comes to managing, there’s a rotation for it. All the large and mid-sized guilds gather and decide on the order. That’s what I meant when I said that we were in charge this time. Not only is the Blue Guild managing the tutorial dungeon this time, but we have the right to negotiate with you first,” she said.

“That’s fair,” Kim Hyun-Sung commented.

I was sure that the Holy Empire was the one that created that fairness because, for some reason, I just couldn’t imagine the earthlings gathering together to create some kind of order so that everyone would receive a fair share. I was sure that the empire was wary of the earthlings coming together, so they were trying to maintain a balance amongst the guilds.

It seemed like there were other solutions other than this, but there wasn’t a reason for me to know.

“In that case, are you saying that we’re affiliated with the Blue Guild?” Park Deok-Gu asked.

“No, as I mentioned earlier, we have the right to negotiate with you first. If I were to describe it based on the situation on Earth, it would be easier for you to understand it as us being the company and all of you are people that are waiting to negotiate your employment and salary,” Lee Sang-Hee explained.

“I understand,” Kim Hyun-Sung said.

It was just like what I expected.

“You can think of this large room and food as us bribing you, yes, that sounds about right,” she said.

For some reason, she displayed a bitter smile. Everything was moving according to assumptions, but I found Lee Sang-Hee’s reaction unexpected.

‘She’s extremely honest.’

Honestly, if I were in her spot, I would have mixed more than half of her explanation with lies, but there wasn’t a need to mix in lies if the explanation was long.

Rather than explaining her point of view, she only told facts about the reality that surrounded the Continent.

I expected it after seeing her nature, but this woman was too upright. I was certain that her honesty and upright attitude were the traits that brought her to this position.

It seemed like this was the kind of image that the Blue Guild wanted to show us.

‘They’re desperate.’

They were currently desperate, so I immediately started talking. It was a question regarding the Blue Guild.

“I have a question.”

“Go ahead.”

“What’s the Blue Guild’s position within the Benigoa Empire?” I asked.

It felt like she was being hesitant, but in the end, she nodded and answered. “The Blue Guild used to be one of the guilds that represented the Holy Empire. I can’t say that the guild is big, but…”

“You spoke in past tense,” I pointed out.

“Yes…all I can say is that we experienced an unavoidable situation, but I hope you’ll consider the guild’s future potential. Not only do we have the same growth potential as the other large guilds, but I’m sure that we can offer just as much as the other guilds when it comes to the amount and any conditions that you have,” Lee Sang-Hee explained.

I didn’t know what it was about us that she wanted to recruit us. To be frank, if she recruited us after agreeing to give us a large sum of money, but we didn’t provide the result that she was expecting from us, it would be akin to paying gold for shit.

Considering how we cleared the dungeon at record time and the four of us brought incredible results, it may not be a bad idea to invest in us, but she seemed to be in a hurry to even think of that.

‘She’s really desperate.’

I had no idea what happened, but I was sure that the Blue Guild was currently in a desperate situation. Otherwise, there would be no reason for them to gamble like this.

“It’s a bit difficult for us to give you our answer right now, but after hearing your story, I don’t think it’s all that bad,” Kim Hyun-Sung said.

“Oh, thank you.”

Kim Hyun-Sung reacted in a more positive way than I thought and it was as if he didn’t mind hearing her out. I had a feeling that he hadn’t decided on our next destination just yet.

‘Is this a potential place?’

There was a possibility and even though they were at the top at one point, the guild was currently falling, so we could potentially take advantage of them.

Anyways, when we took a positive stance, Lee Sang-Hee’s face brightened up.

“Then, you can rest for today…and…is tomorrow okay?” she asked carefully.

“Yes, let’s do that,” Kim Hyun-Sung answered.

Lee Sang-Hee nodded and started guiding us to our rooms. Unlike the sticky and uncomfortable ground from the tutorial dungeon, the room had a fancy-looking bed that made me want to cheer.

This was how business should be done.

There was a possibility that they may not treat us as nicely once we signed the contract, but we could live life like a king before that happened.

“If you’re uncomfortable with anything, please let me know. I’ll take my leave…” she said.

“Yes, thank you for taking care of us,” Kim Hyun-Sung said.

After she left, the members turned their attention towards me and it felt like they were waiting for me to share my opinion regarding this situation. In the end, Kim Hyun-Sung was the one that made the decision, but I spoke because Park Deok-Gu kept staring at me.

“It’s a bit sudden, but…I never imagined that we will be treated this way. I’m not used to this kind of VIP treatment,” I said.

“Me too, hyung-nim. Ugh…the conversation about contracts and empires gave me a headache. Did you understand it noonim?” Park Deok-Gu asked Jung Ha-Yan.

“Yes…sort of…” she said.

“It’s not as complicated as you think, Mr. Deok-Gu, Miss Ha-Yan. Right now, we’re in a position where we will receive extravagant treatment, and I’m sure that the Blue Guild isn’t the only place that’ll treat us this way. After we finish our first negotiation, we may receive different offers from different guilds,” Kim Hyun-Sung said.

“I hate things that give me a headache…” Park Deok-Gu said.

“We don’t have to think that hard about which place will be beneficial for us. This place may be better for us than joining a larger guild. The condition may not be as good, but since this place needs us immediately, I’m sure a certain standard of treatment will be guaranteed,” he explained.

“Then are you suggesting that we join a guild that needs our help?” I asked.

“Yes, it’s just my feeling, but Miss Lee Sang-Hee…she doesn’t seem like a bad person and the Blue Guild doesn’t seem bad either. I don’t know what caused the guild to fall, but since they’re focused on rebuilding the guild, I’m sure their offer for us won’t be disappointing,” he explained.

I nodded after hearing his answer.

I guess Jung Ha-Yan and Park Deok-Gu weren’t interested in this kind of conversation because when I looked at them, they looked like they were spacing out. I think me and Kim Hyun-Sung were the only ones that had a brain here.

What was a bit surprising was that he seemed like he didn’t want to become independent. He even seemed quite fond of the Blue Guild.

‘Lee Sang-Hee?’

She seemed like she wouldn’t play a big part, but after considering the possibility that Kim Hyun-Sung may have lived here in his past life, I thought that it wouldn’t be so bad to live here.

“Is that what we decided on?” Park Deok-Gu asked.

“Oppa?” Jung Ha-Yan called out.

“I think we should think about it more and I’m sure we’ll know more about things tomorrow since nothing has been decided yet. It’ll be better to just relax for the time being,” I said.

“He’s right, it’s best to think about the different possibilities. Yes, the different possibilities,” Kim Hyun-Sung said.

He seemed like he was saving his breath. I had no idea what he was thinking about, so I had no choice but to lie on the bed because I immediately started falling asleep since I stayed up last night.

Like Lee Sang-Hee mentioned before, the place had become busy the next morning.

Whatever happened to Lee Ji-Hye and the others at the shelter was none of my business, but I was sure that they had been rescued and were spending time at a different place.

The important matter was…


And about what they were going to offer…

I was sure that Lee Sang-Hee didn’t get any sleep last night because she was thinking about how much she would have to pay and what kind of support she would need to provide in order to recruit us. To the members that had an important role within the guild, this was probably the most important day for them.

We waited after eating breakfast and washing up before we heard them calling for us.

I thought that maybe the entire guild would try to negotiate with us, but that didn’t happen.

“Mr. Hyun-Sung,” Lee Sang-Hee called out.


Kim Hyun-Sung was the first person to go in.

I had no idea what happened, but after he entered, I heard people clapping.

Jung Ha-Yan and Park Deok-Gu were second and the same thing happened.

It was obvious, but it seemed like they were doing several tests and not just a simple interview.

‘I hate this kind of atmosphere…’

It was because it felt like I was about to reveal everything about myself.

I was envious of Park Deok-Gu and Jung Ha-Yan who exited with a slightly absent-minded look.

Compared to Kim Hyun-Sung, Park Deok-Gu, and Jung Ha-Yan, my stats weren’t that great, but if I used magic, then they would find out that I was a trap card.

My stats weren’t that bad. There might be a limit to my growth, but if someone looked at my current stats, they would notice that I was a pretty knowledgeable alchemist. My intelligence stat was high and I even possessed magic, which not many people had.

When I thought that maybe they would offer me a similar pay as the others, I heard a voice from inside the room.

“Mr. Ki-Young.”


As soon as I opened the door, I saw Lee Sang-Hee and a few other people. I was sure that they had executive roles or were on the recruitment team. An older man fixed his glasses and spoke. “Uh…Mr. Ki-Young’s job is…oh, alchemist, right?” he asked.

“Yes, when the second job opened, I picked alchemist,” I answered.

I was a bit confused when they looked like they didn’t like my job.

Lee Sang-Hee’s reaction wasn’t that bad, but everyone else either released a sigh or frowned. Based on the atmosphere, I guess they weren’t going to use the practice room that was in the inner part of the room.

Unlike Kim Hyun-Sung, Park Deok-Gu, and Jung Ha-Yan, they didn’t ask me anything. I guess I didn’t have to show off my talents or anything because I wasn’t the only person that was confused within this slightly cold atmosphere.

Lee Sang-Hee looked at me and smiled brightly as if to lighten the mood.

“We’ll make a down payment of 1,500 gold, which is about 150 million won. The contract term will be the same as everyone else, which is seven years and your salary will be 700 gold…what do you think? Of course, you can renegotiate your salary later and if you have any items that you need, we’ll do our best to provide them to you,” she explained.

What the gramps next to her said next was ridiculous.

“Under the condition that you join with the others.”

At this point, I understood what was going on…

‘You guys are nothing but trash…’

…They thought I was stupid.


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