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Chapter 134: Lies Mixed in the Truth (1)

Chapter 134: Lies Mixed in the Truth (1)
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Lies Mixed in the Truth (1)

As I would be standing in a court, I would have to keep my body and mind in order.

I didn’t know about my mentality, but my external appearance was bound to be important

I needed to prepare myself better this time around, compared to going to a social event.

It was Lee Jihye who took care of me this time, but Jung Hayan, who learned a lesson from the last incident, was also snooping around and disturbing the Black Swan’s Guild staff with all her might.

She looked at me with satisfaction only after receiving I thanked her, but in fact, Jung Hayan’s stake in this work was less than 1%.

As I stepped forward with Lee Jihye, my delegation representative, I saw the courtroom in all its silent entirety.

Meanwhile, my representative was already taking a seat. Over at one side, the religious leaders were doing the same.

When I saw Bishop Jessica and Helena, the Director of Inquisition, and other important contacts, a satisfactory smile blossomed from their mouths as I slightly greeted them.

‘They’re important… The religious leaders.’

I didn’t know why, but Cardinal Basel, who was always smiling, looked a little serious.

As she was one of my precious insurance, it would require careful management

‘That’s because a priest can only hold a religious trial with a cardinal level or higher.’

On the other side was the jury. Originally, it was the right thing to be invited to such an event, but in Duchess Catherine and Marlin Young-ae’s case, this did not seem all that necessary.

Since this was not a jury system, it cannot be said that they had great authority, but it was still good having a supportive audience.

When I made eye contact with them, the two began to smile.

This place began to feel more and more like the Colosseum, and we were the gladiators ready to fight to the deaths. All things considered, this was not such a bad metaphor.

“Because this is also a fight.”


“Nothing, Jihye-ssi.”

“You’re so cold.”

As I shook my head as if it was nothing, I saw Lee Jihye immersing herself in her papers again.

As we didn’t know what would happen, she was trying to check other countermeasures as well as other factors in various ways.

After some more time, people started to fill up the empty seats, appearing one by one.

The judges we already talked with had already entered, followed by Cha Heera and Yuno Kasugano in the witness stand, and…

“Please let the defendant in.”

There stood our lovely Ito Souta.

He looked quite confident as he entered through the door.

As if to appeal that he was not a sinner, he was casually looking around, but the handcuffs on both hands showed that he was the perpetrator.

Precious colleagues who I planted in the audience were slowly opening their mouths to speak.

“That… That piece of trash…”

“Do you know where we are, for you to come like that?”

There was no need to explain for the sudden pressure and intensity within the room.

As the people on Ito Souta’s side started screaming, the ones who had spoken only a couple of words started yelling and pointing at each other as well.

However, the uproar didn’t last long, for the Supreme Court Justice had begun to speak.

“I ask everyone to be quiet. Anyone who makes a fuss in the sacred court from now on will be dismissed.”

“This trial was held at the request of the defendant Ito Souta, the Guild master of the Yamato Guild. Before we start with the trial, I will give a time for Benigore’s goddess prayer. Cardinal Basel will carry out the prayer.”

“Let us pray.”

I could see complex and annoying procedures everywhere. I wanted to start the trial right away, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.

While everyone had their eyes closed, I let my eyes drift over to Ito Souta, only to see him staring right back at me.

‘He’s angry.

I could tell that with just one look. It was, of course, natural for him to remember what I had done to him during the last time we met.

The eyes that were directed at mine looked like the eyes of a demon, ready to tear me apart

Of course, he was scary. However, knowing that he can’t move, there was no reason to be scared. In any case, Victor Hart and the Imperial Knights were guarding me, and there was no way a guy with his hands tied up could hurt me.

It was only natural for me to raise the middle finger once again. As I stuck out my tongue with the corners of my mouth raised as much as possible, blood oozed from the lips that Ito Souta had been biting.

‘What are you going to do, you bastard?’


Once again, it was proving to be hard trying to rein in my laughter. I knew that one had to be quiet when they prayed, but riling Souta up was so much fun.

Plus, that was the evilest look I had ever seen.

“Give us the blessing for a fair trial…”

“I would like to express my sincere thanks to Cardinal Basel for your hard work. The trial will last 60 minutes….”

I nodded as the Supreme Court talked about how the procedures would go. I already knew about it, anyway.

It would take place several times, but I could squeeze Ito Souta out if this went according to my plan, but the time I needed would not be enough for one day only.

“Then first, the plaintiff’s testimony… This trial will begin with the statements of Lee Jihye, the representative of Lee Kiyoung’s delegation. Plaintiff?”

“Yes. Honorable Supreme Court. Before I start speaking, I would like you to look at the data we have compiled.”

“Please bring it in.”

“The incident didn’t happen for the first time at the church on the 18th. My client, Lee Kiyoung, has been under constant threats of murder and unknown threats. This was the reason for some transactions between the Blue Guild’s Lee Seolho and the Yamato Guild.”

“Please continue.”

“My client, Lee Kiyoung Lee, was directly harmed on October 1st, and you all probably remember the Lindel terrorist incident. This terrorist incident, contrary to what is known, was not a terrorist attack, but an assassination that specifically targeted my client, and the incident involved dozens of innocent Lindel free people. When the Blue Guild, the Red Mercenary Guild, and the Black Swan Guild were investigating Lee Seolho, they found that he had contact with Ito Souta of the Yamato Guild and even secured testimony. Still, a few days later, on October 7th, his corpse was found near Ramadel Mountain.”

‘You’re speaking so well, Jihye.”

“The corpse of Lee Seolho found near the Ramadel Mountains was damaged by numerous torture wounds, but in the wounds, traces of the katana used by the Yamato Guild were found. I will present the data submitted and the conserved body of Lee Seolho as evidence.”

Of course, everything was fake information. It was me who killed Lee Seolho in the first place. However, it wasn’t all that bad to use a few tricks with Lee Seolho’s body, which was with us.

“Apart from that, most of the pleural fluids of the Lindel terrorist incident killed themselves before being caught, but we were able to confirm that the poisonous ingredients detected in their bodies were the main methods used by Japanese assassins.”

“I have objections. There is no evidence that the poison found in the assassins in the terrorist incident belongs to the Yamato guild. It is unsuitable for use as evidence.”

“First, I will take it as evidence. Please bring in the related materials.”

“Yes, Honorable Supreme Court.”

That was not fake information. Of course, there was no evidence that the assassins were sent from the Yamato guild, but depending on how you fabricated it, not having evidence was also evidence.

“It was not possible to check the exact background of the effluents, but it turned out that most of them were Japanese from the free city of Celia. I will also provide the evidence that the form of the weapon they were holding and the magical mechanisms was largely from the Free City of Celia.”

As expected, from the other side, Ito Souta’s representative eagerly started talking.

“I have objections. There is no evidence that they really came from Celia, even if they say that the magic mechanism or form of their weapon is from the Free City of Celia. Other groups trained professionally in order to condemn Yamato…”

“I will first take it as evidence.”

“That’s ridiculous!”

“Please be quiet. All of the plaintiff’s statements have not yet been completed.”

Our Supreme Justice was eagerly taking evidence where our argument felt lacking. At some point, he would begin to feel that something was wrong.


This only meant that Lee Jihye had already met with the Holy Empire’s Supreme Court Justice several times before. Of course, I had no idea what they had talked about, but he had received a lot of bribes, so he must be willing to close his eyes to some extent.

There would be no fair trial within this courtroom.

“I have objections! That evidence is…”

“I think it’s evidence good enough to be taken. Please bring in the related materials.”

“Yes, Honorable Supreme Court.”

“I have objections! It is not physical evidence; it is more of a belief. Please reconsider the possibility of this being fabricated material.”

“Stop! All statements to the plaintiff have not yet been completed. First, let’s read the related materials. Representative, please bring in the materials.”

“Yes. Thank you, Honorable Supreme Justice.

And Souta’s representative again began to shout.

“I have objections!”

“I will take it.”

“Thank you, Justice.”

Everything was full of evidence. For him, this was a faux trial.

Those who I had planted here were applauding whenever the Supreme Court nodded, and every time Ito Souta’s side opened their mouths, they all threw them a cold gaze.

There were no holes in this plan.

No matter how much they stated that our information was fabricated, it was too late – it had already been taken as evidence. Everything indicated that everything was indeed the work of the Yamato Guild.

“The Juliana case is in a similar vein, Justice. In order to accuse my client as a killer, Yamato Guild’s Ito Souta made a plan based on information obtained from the terror attacks of Lee Seolho and Lindel. If you look at the item information of the legendary item, Juliana, as you can see, it only moves if it poses a threat to my client.”

“I see.”

“Kazuma Hiroyuki of the Yamato Guild was ordered by Ito Souta to act as a direct threat to my client. I will present as evidence the materials with the analysis of Juliana’s reaction pattern and Yuno Kasugano’s testimony.”

“I’ll check. Yuno Kasugano of the Yozora Guild, please come to the witness stand.”

“Yes… The first thing I saw…”

Could this get any smoother? Yuno Kasugano’s testimony was also very reliable.

The jury and the religious people nodded at her testimony, and after it was over, she began to speak once more.

“Let the plaintiff take the last statement.”

“Yes, Honorable Supreme Court Justice. As everyone knows, you will remember the attempted murder case at the last social gathering. Fortunately, thanks to Cha Hee-ra, it became an attempted incident, but I don’t think I need to prove this because he committed the sin of anger in a place where all nobles and religious people gather. It is undeniable that Ito Souta has evil intentions towards my client with all the evidence and circumstances that have been said so far, and everyone has confirmed with their eyes that he intentionally put magic into my client’s arm that day.”


“I won’t bother presenting evidence separately because everyone here is a witness. That is all.”

Even the ending was good.

Ito Souta’s representative also made a few statements in the middle, but it was a futile attempt that managed to sway no hearts.

I don’t know how he’ll refute this, but…

‘This isn’t the end, is it?’

This was to Souta we were talking about. It wouldn’t end so easily.

He was competent and smart, so he certainly wouldn’t collapse like this.

‘Show me what I’ve expected.’

It’s obvious that had fake evidence or whatever, and as I expected, Ito Souta began to speak.

“It’s not true. The words of representative Jihye Lee are a little different from the truth.”

‘That’s it.’

“I didn’t commit the Lindel terrorist incident, the Juliana incident, and the attempted murder incident either. To be precise, it was done on our side, but I can affirm that I have nothing to do with any of these.”

“Please refrain from statements that make no sense, defendant.”

“This is not a ridiculous statement. Everyone, and the Honorable Supreme Court Justice. It’s a little bit sudden, but the potions that are currently being distributed in Japan… Have you ever heard of fantasy potions?”


As expected…

He bit the bait.

He bit it very properly.

‘I am so glad that he’s competent.’

Fortunately, you noticed the detailed changes happening around you. Fortunately, you have reached results that could not normally be reached. It was fortunate of him to have dug into the relationship between the fantasy potion and I as fabricated evidence.


Laughter was already busting inside me. However, I quickly resisted it.

‘Thank you, you smart motherfucker!


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