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Chapter 120: The Black World (1)

Chapter 120: The Black World (1)
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I couldn’t help but scream. I couldn’t understand what happened just now, and I also couldn’t understand what was going on.

‘This woman is crazy.’

The shaman that was in front of me must have lost her mind.

I kept pulling the door open, but the door was shut tightly. This wasn’t the type of trap that I had imagined, but it was more confusing than the situation I had in mind. During all of this, the shaman kept saying things that I couldn’t understand while bowing.

“Master! Master! I’ve waited a long time for this day.”


“My light, my love, my everything,” Yuno said.

“Don’t come near me,” I said.

I got goosebumps on my back as she crawled toward me and I had no idea how to deal with this.

‘Should I call for Jung Ha-Yan?’

If I made physical contact with Yuno, then Jung Ha-Yan would find out whether I liked it or not and I was sure that she would come here right away after realizing that something happened to me. Actually, she may already be on her way here.


When I thought about whether that was the right choice or not, I couldn’t help but frown. Because of the shaman’s unexpected actions, I had completely forgotten my first objective of coming here. My goal was to find out why she called for me and to see how much of my power she knew about.

I must’ve stepped back without realizing it because my back was now against the door, but Yuno wasn’t that far from the spot where she started bowing. Even though the door was locked, there wasn’t a reason for her to hurt me.

‘If she wants to do something…’

She would have already done it. The way her body shook made me feel anxious, but having a conversation with her was the right decision. For a moment, I thought about imitating her master, but I didn’t think that it was a good idea because if her eyes could see one’s essence, then she would notice my shenanigans.

When I sat on a chair after looking around, the shaman looked at me as if she was expecting something. Something felt off, so when I looked back, I saw the bizarre tools and they were items I didn’t want to know the use of.

‘Why does she have those things in the first place…’


‘Don’t make those noises!’

“Master,” she said.

‘Don’t expect anything...’

The spot I was sitting in wasn’t that great. I wasn’t sure why there was a whip on the chair, but having a normal conversation was the priority. The problem was that I didn’t know how I should start the conversation. I was confused about whether I should lead the conversation or if I should go along with what she was saying. As a person who was in a position of overwhelming power, I was inwardly screaming that I didn’t want to be in that position and I was doing that while looking a bit miserable.

It only took a moment for me to realize that I had been thinking for a long time. No matter what was going on, I thought that it would the best to say something, but the shaman spoke first. “Please speak comfortably.”

“Do you know who I am?” I asked.

“You’re my one and only master,” she answered.

“That’s not the point of my question. I’m asking if you know exactly who I am,” I said.

“I know nothing other than the fact that you’re my master,” she said.

‘What in the world is going on…’

“I realized it the moment I saw you. The fact that you’re the person I’ve been searching for and that you’re able to see through everything…” she explained.

“So you knew?” I probed.

“I-I’m sorry. Does that make you uncomfortable?” she asked.

‘Stop it.’

“I’m honestly a bit flustered. I don’t understand why you’re calling me your master and honestly, I think that this is my first time seeing you… I only came here to confirm some of my thoughts and I don’t know the reason why you’re treating me like this. And you’re right. I do feel a bit uncomfortable,” I told her.

“I’m very sorry. I-I didn’t think about how you would feel… y-you see… yes… I’m sorry. I-I’ve made a terrible mistake. P-Please kill me,” Yuno said.


“Oh my… you probably don’t understand the situation because I-I got too excited. Please forgive me!” she yelled.

‘She’s not acting...’

A different type of tear flowed down from her closed eyes and she seemed very confused. I felt like I could trust her more because she didn’t seem like she was lying. One thing I was sure of was that she could see the future and the past because that was the explanation I saw regarding her attribute.

[Attribute - Eyes That Can See The Essence, Past, and Future - Legendary Rank]

[Pay the price to see what others can’t see.]

The explanation was vague with no details about how it worked, but it was correct to assume that she could see the future and the past because the name of the attribute was Eyes That Can See the Past and Future.


“Have you looked into my future?” I asked.

It could be assumed that the future me must have influenced her in a bad way and as she continued looking into the future, that influence must have started eating her away. Of course, that was assuming the shaman wasn't lying and she was truly showing how she felt.


“Or have you met me in the past?” I asked.

“None of those, Master. To be exact…”

“To be exact?”

“It’s neither the future nor the past. I’m not sure how to explain it… but there are things I was able to see with these eyes. It may sound strange, but what I’m seeing is both the past and the future and it’s a memory etched into my body, to be exact,” Yuno explained.

“A memory etched into your body?” I asked.

“Actually, it’ll be better to say that it’s an engraved memory of the spirit. I’m not sure how to explain it, but six years ago when I first came here…”

“I thought you came here four years ago?” I asked, interrupting her.

“That’s what the public thinks, but I came here six years ago. I-If you’d like, I can make it four years ago…”

“No, that doesn’t really matter. I’d actually like an explanation,” I told her.

“Wh-When I first came to this place, the first thing I saw was me being by your side and I’m not sure how to say it, but I remember being really happy. Of course, it was a memory that I couldn’t accept at that time…” Yuno explained.

“Is there a reason why you don’t think that’s the future?” I asked her.

“When I see the future, it’s usually white, when I see the past, it’s gray and when it’s neither, I see black a-and I call that the dark world,” she answered.

“I see,” I said.

It was convincing because the status window never lie. If what she saw wasn’t the future or the past, then it was obvious.

‘My past life?’

It could be something that the woman’s mental illness had created, but what I recalled right now was the past life that Kim Hyun-Sung had experienced. It could be a parallel world or it could just be her imagination, but…

‘It’s possible.’

This woman looked like she already knew me and knew exactly what my attribute was. It didn’t seem like she had realized that this was her first life, but if the dark world she saw was the past life, then it was likely that she was a regressor, too. The problem was about me…

‘Did I survive?’

I did have a past life, and I thought that I was the least likely to survive. During my past life, Kim Hyun-Sung probably wasn’t a regressor, so I most likely didn’t follow him and I must have continued to stay with Park Deok-Gu. Kim Hyun-Sung had already saved my life twice in the tutorial dungeon and if it wasn’t for him, then Lee Ki-Young wouldn’t have been able to go to the continent.


Not only that, but based on how that woman was acting, I guess I was somewhat of a competent person. I had no idea what exactly happened, but I felt strange. However, all of this only applied under the condition that whatever the woman saw in her past life was all true. I couldn’t confirm her information just yet, but getting intel wasn’t a bad thing.

“Did you see anything else? Actually, what did you see about me?” I asked.

“I couldn’t see a lot of things. I apologize, but my attribute doesn’t allow me to see the things I want to see. I can sometimes see the future and the past I want to see, but when it comes to the dark world…”

‘I wonder if there’s a penalty...’

“The things I see in the dark world are either fragmentary or memorable things. O-Of course what I saw most was being with you, Master… no, the majority of the memories are with you,” Yuno said.

“What kind of memories are they exactly?” I asked.

“I-I’m a bit embarrassed to say, but th-that’s…”

I noticed her quietly looking behind me and that was when I understood the shaman’s reaction.

‘Lee Ki-Young, you bastard! What the hell did you do?!’

Based on the status window, she was only 20 years old. I didn’t know exactly when I met her, but I couldn’t help but awkwardly laugh at the ridiculous situation.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to say it because I have an idea. Let me change my question, then. How did the two of us meet in the dark world? Were you able to see that?”

“Y-Yes, since it’s related to you, I could somewhat see it. I can’t tell you the details because it’s in fragments, but I remember going out to find you,” she answered.


“In the dark world, I sometimes saw a future where I was with you and I felt confused because of how happy I looked being with you. I even saw myself being miserable when I saw myself with you. I felt miserable when I first arrived here, so I understood that feeling, but the me in the dark world seemed really childish and I even sympathized with you, Master. I was stupid enough that I wanted to reject my future with you, but at the same time, I pitied you,” she explained.

“I see,” I said.

“You were badly injured during that time, so I devoted myself to treating you and I remember spending a lot of time with you, Master,” she added.

“You saved my life,” I commented.

“I-It was nothing. Anyway, the scene I saw after you had almost fully recovered was…”



“The scene you saw was?” I asked.

“You were choking me,” she answered.


“You were choking me in the memory that I saw. I didn’t see what happened after, but I clearly remember what you said to me,” Yuno said.

For some reason, I felt nervous.

“What did I say?” I asked.

“I don’t need your useless pity, you dirty bitch. All of you are the same. That was what you said and… that’s how you and I ended up together. In the next memory I saw, a lot of time has passed and that’s how we ended up together in the dark world. Hehe…” she answered.


I couldn’t understand how she and I ended up being together there. I felt flustered after hearing her story to the point that I was kind of confused. After calming myself down, I recalled every detail that she told me and it helped me organize my thoughts.

First, the shaman could see the future and the past. Unlike the shaman in the past who could see just the future and the past, the shaman in the second life could see her past life.

Second, she couldn’t see the future and the past whenever she wanted. The visions would happen randomly.

Third, there was a limit to how much of her past life she was able to see. Based on the situation, she could only see the memories that were engraved into her spirit.

Fourth, I wasn’t sure why, but the shaman in this life wanted to be my servant. It could be a side effect of seeing too much into the past.

Fifth, in her past life, she saved Lee Ki-Young’s life.

Sixth, the shaman in the first life felt confused when she saw her future with me. She denied and refused her future.

Seventh, despite that, the shaman in the first life pitied me, so she decided to save the human named Lee Ki-Young. I wasn’t sure how or where she found me, but the shaman of the past saved me as I was dying and took me to her home.

Lastly, the Lee Ki-Young of the past choked the shaman of the past when he recovered. After some time passed, the shaman of the past discovered that she couldn’t change her future and ended up having the same result as her visions.


Yuno tried to change her future but failed.

If I were to exclude everything and explained the basics of the situation, I had basically backstabbed my benefactor and now, no matter how much I thought about it, there was no excuse for being such a piece of shit.

‘That bastard was a total piece of shit...’

The Lee Ki-Young of the past life was the perfect example of a human scumbag and he was a piece of trash that couldn’t be salvaged.

‘That… shitty bastard…’


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