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Chapter 919: Split Decision, Brewing Troubles

Chapter 919: Split Decision, Brewing Troubles
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Mariposa, on the other hand, scoffed, "What has your Headhunter Syndicate done? Even if I had all day to explain, it would not be long enough. All I will say is that this time, you and your Headhunter Syndicate offended the wrong person. For this, you only have yourself to blame."

She then raised her voice and declared, "Since everyone is present, I will say this now! Palace Master Izroth and the Mystical Realm Palace are friends of my Sleeping Gardenia! As long I am here, no one is allowed to touch them! Otherwise, they will have to deal with us!"

After Mariposa spoke, it fell silent. Those present knew that there was a close relationship between Sleeping Gardenia and the Mystical Realm Palace; however, they never expected Mariposa to voice her position so strongly. Usually, one would wait to read the atmosphere before stating their stance. But, Mariposa completely ignored this standard. Now, if everyone else agreed on the opposite, she would have placed herself and Sleeping Gardenia in an unfavorable position!

"I am of like mind as the guild leader of Sleeping Gardenia. I owe Palace Master Izroth a great debt. My Sacred Beasts will not sit back and watch if there are those who will threaten him." Meng Jiang commented without hesitation.

"I advise the two of you to reconsider. What is one person's worth when compared to the authority of the top guilds?" Dragon stated.

"It's not that I disagree with what you're saying, but... Aren't you overlooking something important here? Right now, the Mystical Realm Palace is the only place that's capable of selling and mass-producing grade three pills. If we upset its owner, aren't we just handing over an opportunity for others to rise?" Asgard noted.

"I will admit, having two grade three Apothecaries is useful. But, so what? In the end, what matters is power above all else. As long as we will it, what player will dare buy from the Mystical Realm Palace without our permission? At that point, the owner of the Mystical Realm Palace will have one of two choices—submit or watch as his shop becomes a desolate wasteland." Dragon said coldly.

"Absurd! Dragon, I'm warning you right now! If you follow through with this nonsense, I will consider it a direct attack against my Sleeping Gardenia!" Mariposa intervened.

It was common knowledge by now that Sleeping Gardenia had a close relationship with the Mystical Realm Palace. In fact, due to her initial investment and agreement with Izroth, Mariposa received 10% of all the profits that moved through the Mystical Realm Palace. Therefore, if Dragon interfered with the business, it was not just harassing a close ally; it was the same as attacking Sleeping Gardenia itself!

"This woman... Since when was she so passionate about protecting others? Does she have some kind of special relationship with the owner of the Mystical Realm Palace?" Simplicity thought to herself with a smirk on her face.

"Heh, this Izroth only has himself to blame. Who told him to set a bounty on a top guild? I agree with Dragon's take on this. That kind of arrogance has to be checked while there's still time." Seeking Fangs said.

"That's right! This guy is too shameless! He wants to destroy my Headhunter Syndicate for no reason!" Vault exclaimed.

"No reason? Shameless? Was it not guild leader Vault who made the first move in placing a bounty on those close to Palace Master Izroth?" Mariposa glared.

"I don't know where guild leader Mariposa received her information, but I regret to inform you that it's filled with falsehoods. My Headhunter Syndicate never made such a move." Vault replied.

"How can your words be trusted after what happened at the first event? Your actions almost caused an all-out war between the top guilds. Do not think everyone here is ignorant of what transpired that day." Mariposa stated.


"Let's stop right here." Dragon said as he glared at Vault.

He then continued, "We've gotten too far off topic. But, since there seem to be different takes on my approach, let's put it to a vote, shall we? All those in favor of restoring the authority of the top guilds?"

Dragon was the first to raise his hand. Soon after, five other hands went into the air.

Among those who decided to side with Dragon was Vault, Simplicity, Seeking Fangs, Reject, and Asgard.

"And, all those against?" Dragon's voice sounded as he lowered his hand.

This time, however, only two hands went up. These hands belonged to those who originally voiced their disapproval, Mariposa and Meng Jiang.

As for those who did not take either side, there were Ewan, Wang Ping, Masterworks, and, surprisingly, Haishe.

"I do not agree with your approach, Dragon. That being said, I have no intention of dragging Cross Haven into your mess one way or the other." Ewan stated solemnly.

Ewan and Cross Haven's relationship with Izroth and the Mystical Realm Palace was not bad by any means. However, it was also not close to the point that he would voluntarily step into the middle of it.

As for Wang Ping, Hypers Symphony had always been close allies with Cross Haven; therefore, he decided to follow in Ewan's footsteps and abstain from taking a side.

When it came to Masterworks, of course, his Seven Dreams Consortium had no need to choose a side. They would merely side with the person who came out on top. After all, that would lead them to the most profit.

But, while everyone else had a clear reason for their position, one that remained a mystery was Haishe's.

Fatal Touch was usually the first to jump at an opportunity like this; therefore, it came as a surprise to everyone that Haishe decided to abstain instead of siding with Dragon.

Regardless, everyone had already made their stance on the matter clear.

"Then, since it appears everyone has made up their mind, those who are not in agreeance may leave. Your presence is no longer required. But, before you depart from the Mirror World, I will give you some free advice. Those who block our path will be shown no mercy." Dragon declared.

"I hope everyone remembers my words clearly. If you still choose to target the Mystical Realm Palace despite my warning—don't blame me for being ruthless when the time comes." Mariposa commented before her ethereal-like body vanished from the Mirror World.

"So be it." Meng Jiang said as her figure dissipated as well.

Soon after Mariposa and Meng Jiang disappeared from the Mirror World, the others who did not side with Dragon followed close behind, one after the other.

"Dragon, this time, you may have bitten off more than you can chew, let alone swallow. I hope you are prepared." Ewan said before his figure dissipated.

"Hmph, just a bunch of weaklings. Once we force the Mystical Realm Palace to submit, don't come crawling over for a piece." Dragon scowled under his breath.

"So, what now?" Asgard inquired.

"We wait. Right now, this event makes it too difficult to move freely. Once it's over, that's when we'll make our move. Until then, we'll bide our time and begin preparing. As long as everyone here is willing to follow my lead on this, I assure you, you will not suffer a loss—only gains." Dragon said confidently.

"I was worried that brat Ewan would stick his nose in the middle of my business and side with the Mystical Realm Palace to spite me, but it turns out he's actually taking a step back. As long as Cross Haven is out of the picture, the others are of no concern." Dragon thought to himself as a grin found its way onto his face.

In his eyes, the time until they conquered the Mystical Realm Palace was just right around the corner!


A few moments ago, in the Ferae Jungle...

Izroth and the 9th Division had just stepped into an open clearing in the Ferae Jungle with hundreds of captivating butterflies fluttering about.

However, instead of enjoying the mesmerizing sight, everyone was on high alert after what recently occurred with the Ferae Assassin Insects.

But, after getting a closer look at the creatures' information, everyone eased up a bit.

Name: Ferae Glasswing Butterfly(Normal)

Level: 1

HP: 10/10 (100%)

With their level and HP, one could accidentally smack one of the creatures to death; therefore, they posed no immediate threat.

"Everyone, be sure not to cause any unnecessary disturbances while moving through this area! These things may appear harmless, but it's best not to take any chances! Supports, be on full alert!" Niflheim warned as he proceeded onward through the clearing.

"I don't like this place one bit..." Niflheim muttered under his breath.

"It's fine. As long as we do not disturb this place, I have a feeling that there is no need for concern." Izroth said with a carefree smile.

'To think such a peaceful place would exist out in the middle of this vicious jungle. The resources around here are also not bad. It's a shame now is not the right time to take them.'


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