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Chapter 173: First Checkpoint

Chapter 173: First Checkpoint
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“F*ck! What’s that?” Yao Si stared ahead with her mouth agape. The entire area was covered with black holes that looked like bug holes.

“They’re devouring portals.” Bai Yi paledas he staredblankly at the black holes that littered the area.“The presence of all these black holes can only be explained by the planet being situated on a space node, but I would have never expected the Elders Council to place a checkpoint in such a location.”

There was a possibility of gettingtorn apart at the slightest touch, which was a little too brutalfor a test.Yet such a tricky spot happened to be their first stop.

“Eh, the checkpoint seems to be over there!” Li Zheng pointed ahead.

Yao Si raised her headand saw thatnot too far awaythere was indeed a red machine floating on top of a massive rock. Above it was a striking red sign: Checkpoint!

They weren’t too farfrom it, onlyaround some hundred meters, but between wereabout ten black holes, some of which weremoving.

“What do we do?” Bai Yi hesitated.“Do we give up on this checkpoint?” It seemed too dangerous.

Yao Si calculated the time mentally.“We should give it a try since we are already here.” It had taken them close to half a month just to reach this checkpoint,so it would be a waste to just walk away. Moreover, there were nine more checkpoints to go.

“Bai Yi, help me scan these black holes and find the pattern of their motion. Once that’s done, maybe you could calculate the safe path?”

On a closer inspection, there seemed to be a pattern tothemovementof the holes. If they were to flit about at a fast speed, they could possibly get throughthem.

“It is possible…” Bai Yi frowned.“But my optical computer is restricted, so even if I wantedto calculate…”

“Use mine!” Yao Siremoved her optical computer and stuffed it in his hands, allowing him access.

“Great, leave it to me!” Bai Yi slammed his chest before starting to type rapidly on her optical computer. After about half an hour, his face lit up with joy.

“I found it!” He enlarged the map and pointed at it.“Your Highness, the situation is much better than expected. There aren’t any devouring portals in the air, so we can move about in thestratosphere before heading down. We would be able to avoid all the black holeslike that.”

“Good job! What are we waiting forthen?” Bai Yi’swords were asexpected of a tech savvy nerd.Yao Si stuck her thumb up in compliment before heading back to the mini flying devices. “Let’s go!”

Bai Yi and Li Zheng followed behind, ascending after her. As expected, the sky didn’t have the same dense collection of black holes, so they flew about a hundred metersahead before cautiously making a descenttoward the checkpoint. Between them were two mid-sizedblack holes which they managed to avoid easily.

“We’re here!” Bai Yi exclaimed. As he had hoped, following after Her Highness hadits benefits.

After landing on the massive rock, Yao Si saw a sensor-like object floatingnearby.

“Let’s get it signed!” Bai Yi headed towarditand placed his hand on the sensor. A cold electronic announcement greetedhim.

[Ding! Bloodling Bai Yi’s checkpoint marked! Total numberof checkpoints completed: One!]

Li Zheng came forward hurriedlyand mimickedBai Yi by tapping the sensor.

[Ding!Bloodling Li Zheng’s checkpoint marked. Total numberof checkpoints completed: One!]

Yao Si sighed in relief;it wasn’t a wasted trip after all. She placed her hand over the sensor, but unlike before,an enthusiastic and overly friendly response came bursting throughthe announcer.

[Her Highness Yao Si’sof our race coming of age checkpoint marked!Congratulations Your Highness, congratulations Your Highness! The first checkpoint you successfully completed isthedevouring portal checkpoint with S level difficulty!Thislittle checkpoint is happy,oh!

[Your Highness is indeed equipped with strong abilities that no one can catch up to. For the millions of years to come, you will be the number one! Press on! Checkpoint no.23 will support you spiritually! Go forth to the remaining nine checkpoints. You Highness’ next goal can only be the vast ocean amongthe stars!]


What the f*ck is with such a stark contrast in the announcement? Why was mineso different from the others? Who came up with such a ridiculous script?!


“…”Bai Yi.The checkpoint seems to be discriminating against us!

“…”Li Zheng. +1

“Forget it, let’s leave this place…”We can settle the scores when we’re back.

Yao Si was about to gather everyone into the flying device when a sudden familiar force came surging within her. Wasn’t it… herability?

“Be careful!” Yao Si shoutedour, turning to pull the two add-ons over.They fell and started tumbling down the massive rock.

The next second, a large chunk of the spot where the checkpoint floated waseaten by a massive beast, abd even the biasedcheckpoint was gone. Replacing it was a black hole about four metersin diameter andspiralingabout maniacally, devouring everything it touched.

F*ck, weren’t the black holes not supposed to be here?!

“It’s a hidden portal!” Bai Yi ignored the pain from the hit on his headashis face clouded with shock. “I didn’t expect this place to posses such anengulfing portal. I wasn’t able to scan it previously since it appears in intervals!

“Your Highness, do you have any flying machines?” Bai Yi calmed himself as he turnedto ask her. He really didn’t want to besucked into the portal.

“Can’t take it out!” Yao Si shook her head.“It’s too big. The moment I’lltake it out, half of it will be engulfed by the black portal.”

“What are we going to dothen?” Bai Yi started to panicasthe portal began to enlarge, its suction power growing in strength. The wind scraped his skin like daggers. They could barely stand on their feet,but they couldn’t turn backeither,sincethere were many holes behind them as well.“Do we give up?”

Yao Si bit down on her lip, pondering about their problem before replying, “Why don’t I…use my ability?”

“Oh right, Your Highness’ space ability!” Bai Yi’s eyes lit up, and he looked at her with abright gaze.“The energy can cancel itself out. Your Highness, you just have to create a portal about the same size as that black hole for it to disappear.”

Li Zheng’s eyes lit up as well, and her turned to gaze at Yao Si in amazement.“Dad, Ididn’t know you had such a strong ability. You’re amazing!”

“You are indeed worthy of being Your Highness, what a reliable presence. We’ll leave everything to you!”

“Dad, go for it! Son has faith in you!”

The corners of Yao Si’s lips twitched.Do you guys… have some sort of misconception about my ability?


“If you stop calling me dad, we can still be friends!”


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