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Chapter 156: Real Bloodling

Chapter 156: Real Bloodling
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“It should be over there.” Lian Yu pointed toward the heart of the stream. “I can feel it, Xi Mu’s heart should be over there.”

“Let’s go! We’ll swim over!” Yao Si dived into the stream withher breath held. However, the water flow passed her body instead,forming a bubble around her.

She almost forgot about the water avoiding pearl the tiny merman had forced upon her. She reached out to pull Lian Yu into the bubble before heading toward the green seedling.

“It’s there! Xi Mu…” Lian Yu exclaimed, preparing to swim over.

“Wait a minute!” Yao Si’s heart clenched, and she pulledLian Yu back to her side. “There’s someone there!”

Lian Yu stilled, taking a closer look. There was really someone beside the tiny seedling. He had light blue clothes and seemed to be one with the water, which made it hard to spot him.

That man had to have noticed themfor he turnedto face them. Even though he wasn’t far, Yao Si wasn’t able to distinguish his features. Was it mental strength?

“Were you the one who threw this here?” he asked. Even though they were submerged in the water, Yao Si could hear him clearly, his voice deep and chilling. Suddenly, he reached out toward the seedling.

“What are you doing?” Lian Yu asked frantically, dashing out of the bubble.“Return my brother.…Argh!

Before she could finish her sentence, she choked on the water. The corner’s of Yao Si’s mouth twitched, and she pulled the queen back into the bubble.Don’t you know that we’re underwater?

“Brother?” He scoffed.“Youlowly racesthatdare to dirty my water, you deserve to be punished.” He suddenly reached forward to pinch the seedling in his hands tightly.

The seedling started to twitch. It was felt bythe gigantic tree, and apainful shriek piercedthrough the water.

That man was really going to kill the jade tree!

“Little Mu!” Lian Yu’s eyes went wide. Without caring about gettingsoaked, she spread her wings out, summoning up thousands of veins, and dashedforward without regardfor anything.

Yao Si started to panic, summoning up a fire ability to help.

But it was useless. The man seemed to be surrounded by a protective barrierwhich preventedthe ability from coming closeto him.

“You’re a bloodling?” His gaze turned cold, and he releasedthe seedling to turn toward her.

The moment he layeyes on Yao Si, a chill ran through her, and even her bones filled witha chilling frost. She took a step backwards, a horrifying fear running through her. Themanwas…dangerous.

“As compared to these lowly races, your blood is a little thicker.” His sinister voice rangout, and the next instanthe was behind her.“But lowly races are still lowly. You don’t deserve to be a bloodling.”

“Sisi!” Lian Yu screamed.

Before Yao Sicould even turnaround, she felt a menacingcold force pressure heras awhite light zoomedtowardher back. It wasn’t a foreign sight, since she had seen it multiple times on Mu Xuan during his fight with Li Zheng that had caused the destruction of multipleplanets.

Whenthe exact same ray ran got close to her, her mind blanked out.

Suddenly, a red light flashedand a crimsonwall surroundedher whole, blockingthe white ray. A force tightened around Yao Si’s waist, pulling her into a familiar embrace.

“Sisi?” A frantic caress wandered around her face, anxiously checking on her.“Be good now, breathe!”

“Mu…Xuan?” Yao Si finally reacted, taking in a deep breath before starting to gasp for air, her body starting to tremble uncontrollably. It was the first time that she had had such a close encounter with death. Even when Li Zheng had stabbed her in thechest, it hadn’t been so painfully real. Theray seemed like a force that she had no defense against.

She tightenedher grip on his clothes.“Mu Xuan, Mu Xuan…”

“Don’t be scared, I’m here. Don’t be scared!” He hugged her tighter, repeatedly reassuring her, and gradually, the fear within her started to calm.

“Heh, another one.” The person didn’t panic at his missed attempt, disregarding the both of them. As he smirked, disdain entered his gaze.“You so-called bloodlings are indeed the most hate deserving in the world…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Mu Xuan frowned, and a terrifyign pressurefell onto the man. It was so great thateven the Rainbow Pond started to bloat up.

Hundreds of rays appeared, forming a tightly knitted light web that flew toward the man.

“This is…” The disdain on the man’sface froze, his eyes widening as he turned toward Mu Xuan.“You are a pure bloodling.”

The moment he said that,the rays reached him, and the entire planet shook from a loud eruption. Mu Xuan held ontoYao Si,andthe next moment they were in outer space.

Due to the rays, the entire Heavenly Planet was lacerated into pieceswhich went flying inall directions. Yao Si knew Mu Xuan’s power…but she had an urge to weep. Hadn’t she told him not to take revenge onthe wholesociety even if he was angry?

“The people on the planet?”

“They are fine,” Mu Xuan replied immediately as though having awaited her question.

Yao Si stilled, taking a closer look. Multiple bubbles were floating upwards from the planet with people who had been in the fog. Lian Yu had to have evacuated most sothere weren’t many left. Mu Xuan opened up a portal, sending all of them to the nearest planet.

Suddenly, a man drenched in blood came flying out from the planet.

F*ck, that pervert is still alive!

“Pure bloodling, there is actually a pure bloodling in this world.” As opposed to his previous sinister aura, the manseemed excited. His gaze fixed on Mu Xuan.“Come with me, I will show you what a real bloodling is.”

Real bloodling?

What did that mean? Were there still fake bloodlings?

Mu Xuan frowned deeply, completely disregarding his words. “Since you daredto threaten my cub, you aren’t going anywhere!” He raised his hands once more to summon the light rays.

“Cub? Wait—”The manstilled, but before he could finish his sentence, Mu Xuan had already released his attack. Theman scooted to the side, barely avoiding it.“You!” He seemed enragedas he turned toglare at Yao Si, then instantly understoodthe situationand smirked.“I never expected a pure bloodling to fall to such a state. You’re with a bastard now?”

“…”Who you’re calling a bastard?

“Forget it, there isnorush.” The mansmirked before turning to look at Yao Si. He started to dissipate, becoming fainter and fainter.“One day, you’ll come begging for me.”

Mu Xuan’s hands tightenedto attack once more, but the man was gone already.

A bad feeling started to form within Yao Si.

“Mu Xuan, is he perhaps a…”

“Bloodling,” he replied confidently.“First generation.”



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