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Chapter 111: The Sick Must Be Treated

Chapter 111: The Sick Must Be Treated
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The four earthlings were taken away by two guards. The entire time, the guards remainedsilent without even a single glance being exchanged. The silence and lack of interaction seemed odd, provoking a suspicion within Yao Si.

The guards brought the four earthlings to a room that was slightly bigger than the one they were in before. Itwas filled with various equipment, and there were more passing guards as well as several people dressed in white.

Yao Si’s heart sank. She felt as though she had returned to the research base. Before her, there wasthe same unidentifiable equipmentand the similar researchersdressed in white.

“You’re finally back.” The minute the earthlings entered, one of the men dressed in white who seemed to be the leader came forward to welcome them.“What’s wrong?” The man tooka closer look at the four earthlings,but instead of addressing them directly,he turned tothe guards.

The guards shook their heads.

“Another failure?” The man’sface darkened, his lips quivering with unsaid words.

“Didn’t Itell you, you will never succeed.” A mocking sneer came from behind, and a familiar figure dressed entirely in black walked forward.

“Yuan Han!”,“That b*tch!” Yao Si and Bai Yi exclaimed in unison. F*ck, he reallyishere!

“So this is where he has been hiding!” Bai Yi fumed, preparing to rush over, but Yao Si reached outher handto stop him.

“Wait a minute! Let’s watch.”

The man in whiteand Yuan Huanwereobviouslyacquainted. He hadhave done something for the researcherto be kept save and free to roam around with the entire Galaxyseeking him as a wanted criminal. Who exactly was that man then?

“Impossible.” The man in white switched on his optical computer to inspect the figures. As he lookedat them, he said almost maniacally, “I clearly duplicated your DNA, so how can they be unresponsive?”

“You’re comparing me to these puppets?” Yuan Hanseethed, glaring at him.“I told youI’m the last earthling. None of these puppets will react regardless of how many you try to clonethem.”


Yao Si’seyeswent wide. Yuan Han wasan earthling! She turned toward the two people at her side, and they too wore facesof shock.

How couldYuan Huan exist? Weren’t all earthlings extinct? Besides, based on the Galaxy’sdata, he belonged to another race?

“The data may have been changed,” Mu Xuan explained. RegardingYuan Huan’s earthling identity, he had his reservations. Afterall, he had experienced the doomsday period and wasmost acquainted with the situation.

Yao Si was in a daze from the news while the two before them started a debate.

“This cannot be, the data is identical, so the genes are the same. Why can’t they be awakened?” The man in whiteflipped through the documents in a frenzy, then shifted to face Yuan Han.“No, Iwant to try again.”

Yuan Han grew increasinglymoreinfuriated.“Get this straight, we already made things clear back then. You will provide me with a safe place while Iprovide you with my genes to allow you to create clones. Now that the clones are here, why should Ido it all over again?”

“I must have missed something. It will definitely be a success this time.” the man in white insisted anxiously.

“You clearly know that there is something wrong with the cloning techniques.” Yuan Han scoffed.“Cloning earthlings only createsshells without a mind of their own. They only awaken after conversion. Regardless of how many times you attemptit, the result willalwaysstay the same.”

“It won’t, they will definitelyawaken. You just have to let me try once more. Weren’t you awakenedas well?”

“I’m not your clone!” Yuan Han bellowed, his eyes filling with fury from the insult.“Don’t lowerme to their level! I will never offer up my genesagain, giveitup.”

Was this why he was here? Yao Si knew thatearthlings cloned by bloodlings were just empty bodies, since it was common knowledge. It was only after conversionthat the bodiesstartedto possess some consciousness.

The man in white hid just to give the clonesconsciousness? But why did he have to do it in secrecy? Wasn’t it a good thing? If the clones gainedconsciousness, they would beearthlings.

But where did Yuan Han get the virus?

“You…” The man in white seemed to have something to say,butthenhe stopped, clenchinghis teeth in anger. After a moment, he smiled coldly. “Don’t forgetthat you have nowhereelse to hide.”

“You’re threatening me?” Yuan Han glaredat him, fury simmering withinhim.

“You should understand the reason why theorganizationdecided to save you,” he said.“If you aren’t cooperative…”

Organization! A chill ran down Yao Si’sspine. Did Euphoria really control this place?

Even though thesentence hadn’t been completed, its meaning was clear. Yuan Han burst out like an infuriated lion, grabbing the person in front of him.“You think you couldstop me if Iwantedto leave this place?”

He waved his hand,andthe next moment, a familiar machine appeared behind him. Itwas clearly in better shape than before whenitsarm had brokenoff. Besides, it was different now, the originally black body was tainted bya faint red glow.

This machine…had been upgraded again?

It hadn’t even been that long!

“You-your machine!” The man in white jumped back in fear, pushing the other aside.When he took a lookat the machine, he seemed to realizesomething.“Your machine has grown! This… This is impossible!”

“What’s impossible?” Yuan Han smirked.“My lightning is a growing machine, every battle allows it to grow in strength.”

“Heh, do you really think your machine can take you out? We are bloodlings afterall!”

“You can try!” The moment Yuan Han said this, the machine behind him waved its arm,andthe red scythe appeared. The machinethendirected the scythe infrontof itself, radiating a threateningaura.

The man in white stilled for a moment, then his eyes widenedas he glancedbetween Yuan Han and the machine in disbelief. “You-you didn’t even do anything, so how did it move. It…”

“You’re right! It has a mind of its own.” His laughter became arrogant, mockingthe other man.“Yourclones are a bunch of puppets while Iand my machine havea mindof our own.”

“A machine with a mind of its own…”The man in white suddenly became excited, his eyes gleaming at the machinebefore him. “That’s great, that’s great! You must stay,andthe machine must stay too!”

“That depends on your ability!” The machine directed a light atYuan Han,transporting him inside its cockpit.

The man in white immediately sounded the alarm, and numerous blooding guards came rushing in.

Was this…an internal betrayal?

Yao Si was still debating on whether to stop these people when Yuan Han suddenly pointed his scythe at the sky. Aloud clap of thunder erupted, exploding a gigantic hole. He flew upwards.

“Stop him!” the man in white shouted.

Around ten guards ran over at him while channeling their abilities. The scene turned into chaos,withvariousabilitiesflyingat the machine in midair.

“Mu Xuan!” Yao Si turned to the person beside her, wondering if they should help.What if Yuan Han escaped? His confidence had to be backed byhisknowledge about hismachine.

“Let’s wait a little more!” My Xuan replied, his tone much deeper than before, akin to a calm before a storm. Yao Si’s heart sank.

“What happened? Why did yousound the alarm!” afamiliar voice asked, and a new person appeared on the scene.

“Fourth Elder!” Bai Yi exclaimed.

The familiar voice indeed belonged to Fourth Elder!

Why washe here?

A shiver ran Yao Si’s back as she connected the dots. Heavenly Bestowed Yardwasunder Fourth Elder’s care,butshe had originally assumed that he was not aware of Yuan Han’s presence… Yet it showed up that he was even part of it!

“Ji Yang, we can’t allow anything here to be exposed,so why did you sound the alarm?” Fourth Elder headed straight for the man in white.

So…hewasthe reason ElderCouncil couldn’t find anything?

But…Why? Wasn’t he an Elder?

Yao Si didn’t listen to their conversation in detailsince her mind was a mess. Not long later, more people wentafter Yuan Han.

The skies were filled with an array of abilities,but due to certain considerations, their attacks were restrained. Unlike them,Yuan Han went all out. His machine was indeed impressive, for in the face of so many attackers, he didn’t seem to be on the losing end.

“It’s time to end this.” Mu Xuan sighed, taking a step forward.

The next instance, a familiar force exploded from him, spreading across the entire Heavenly Bestowed yard. Yao Si’s heart trembled,andher legs started to weaken. This was aforce she had no power to fight against—the bloodline suppression.

The next instant, all the abilities stopped,andall bloodlings in the room, besidesYao Si and Bai Yi, fellto the ground as though a strong force had pushed them down. Mu Xuan’s conscience was releasedat that moment as well

“You-your highness!” Fourth Elder fell on his knees from the pressure, his face full ofshock as he looked at the three of them. He seemed to have figured somethingout. One side of his lips pulled up, anda bitter smile filled his face.“You…you found out after all.”

Mu Xuan frowned, keeping his silence.

“It’s you guys!” The only one that wasn’t affected by the bloodline suppression was Yuan. Even though his expression couldn’t be seen, his infuriated snarl showed that he had recognizedYao Si and Bai Yi.“What great timing! You saved me the trouble of having huntingyou down.”

He waved the red scythe in his hand.“Heh, so what if your king is here, today Ishall avenge my previousdefeat. None of you will escape!”


Yao Si was appalled. Was his ignorance that serious? He wasthe first person who daredto speak to Mu Xuan like that…

You should get yourself treated if you’re mentallysick!


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