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Chapter 105: Luo Ying's Crisis

Chapter 105: Luo Ying's Crisis
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“You…” The entire robot trembled from Yuan Han’s rage.”Heh, I’ll definitely make you pay one day.”

“You won’t get that chance!” Gu Shucheng took a step forwardwhile glancingover at Luo Ying. When he made sure she was fine, he spat, “Regardless of what you think, your actions today areway beyond our race’s bottom line. Both the bloodlings and the entire Galaxywill never let you off.”

“Hahahahahahha…” He burst into laughter, shaking the robot.“Did you really think that my motive today wasto get back at you?”

“What do you mean?” Yao Si’s heart tightened. She was about to probemore,when suddenly, a gust of wind seemed to havepassed her.

“Your Highness!” Luo Ying,who was previously still in Gu Shucheng’s embrace,collapsed toward her abruptly, pushing her to the side. At that instant, Yao Si saw a blue ray flash past as it brushedpast Luo Ying’s arm.

She turned, realizingthat Yuan Han had somehow appeared behind them with a glowing blue daggerand a maniacalgrin on his face. He was no longer sitting in the robot, but instead, he was clothed in the same Zhuo Feng academy uniform he had on for the competition.t

Wasn’t he in the robot just now?! Howwasthat possible, how could it have moved by itself?

There was a wound on Luo Ying’s arm, but she still turned and sent a lighting over. Yuan Han remained calm. With a waveof his hand, the black robot suddenly appeared in front of him to shield the attack.

“The so called strongest race isn’t much,afterall. Remember this, there will be a day when I, Yuan Han, will wipe off your kind!” He glared at them with an immense hatred and unwavering confidence. At that moment, a massive hole appeared behind him. It looked like a space portal, and it suckedboth him and the robot away.

Space traveling!

Yao Si started to panic. Instantly, she shouted, “Bai Yi, use your ability!”

“Ah?!” Bai Yi stilled.


“Oh!” Bai Yi hurriedly activated his ability.

Instantly, Master of Subtitleswas summoned.

[Yuan Han wasn’t sure how long this arduous period would last,but he would definitely be able to persevere. The organizationwas right, the bloodlings were indeed a despicable bunch with disintegrated morals. This revolution was mandatory…self-awareness…Doomsday…Lightning…Euphoria…]

Before she could make out all the words, he had already disappeared into the space portal thathadsuddenly appearedbehind him. However, the few words that she had been able to were enough to send a chill down her spine.

Euphoria! It was this organizationagain! She held onto Luo Ying whohadpushed her aside.

“Luo Ying, are you okay?” sheasked while holding onto her.There must be something wrong with that guy, doesn’t he know that we’re bloodlings? Why did he have toslash me before leaving? Just because I disqualifiedhim?  

He was f*cking weird!

“I’m fine!” Luo Ying smiled as she shook her head.“Don’t worry, it’s just a small cut. Inless than two minutes, it will automa—” Before she could finish her sentence, she spat out a mouthful of blood, coughing uncontrollably.

“Luo Ying!”

Everyone was startled. Worry swiftly stainedGu Shucheng’s perpetually stoic face while he held her in his arms. “What happened? Why is it like this?”

“The injury!” Bai Yi said, eyes wide, whilepointing at the slash on her arm in shock.“How did the injury…”

Yao Siturnedand saw thtat the wound inflicted by Yuan Han’s strange dagger had not healed at all. It had turnedblue by then and was spreading like a dye, staining half her arm blue.

“How did this happen…How did this happen?!” Gu Shucheng started to tremble as he tightened his grip on Luo Ying’s body. “Ying! Ying!”

There was no way she could respond, for she wasconterminouslyspitting blood. Besides, the blue glow on her armkeptincreasing,andshe started to look worse with every passing second. It was as though her life was slowly seeping away.

“Your Highness…” Nephew Gu glanced up at her in anxiety.

“Lets go to the ElderCouncil!” Yao Si announced decisively as she pulledthemalong. The bloodling medical research centre was just beside the ElderCouncil, and it hadthe most advanced medical equipmentand medical personnel, so they had to have a solution for Luo Ying’s situation.

“Yes! ElderCouncil!”Gu Shucheng agreed, after taking a moment to react. He bolted toward the Galactic Door while carrying Luo Ying.

“How is it?” Yao Si asked anxiously as she grabbed onto the Fourth Elder that had just left the ward.

“I’m sorry,Your Highness.” He shook his head.“There is an unknown illness within her body. I…This is the first time I’veseen a virus that can suppress a bloodling’s healing ability.”

“What will happen…to Luo Ying?” Yao Si’s heart clenched.

Fourth Elder sighed.“I’m not sure, we can control the spread of the virusfor now, but…we won’t be able to suppress it for long,andif we fail to hold it down, I’m afraid…”

He didn’t continue,but the message was delivered – Luo Ying was going to die!

“Your Highness, how did she contract this virus?” Fourth Elder asked anxiously.“The fact that such a virus exists poses a huge threat to our kind. I’ll have to inform the Elder Council and His Majesty. Can you tell me what happened?”

Yao Si nodded, explaining what had happened in detail.

“Thank you, Your Highness, I’ll goandpass on the message this instant.” The Fourth Elder nodded before rushing out the door toward the Elder Council.

Yao Si turned to glance at the three people in the ward,then tightened her hands into firstsbefore heading in.

Luo Ying had passed out and wasn’t able to wake up, with almost her entire body having turned blue. They had been here for about five hoursnow,andthe Fourth Elder had tried every possible method, testing them all multiple times,but he couldn’t detect even what that virus was. There was no way to stop the color from spreading through her entire body.

Gu Shucheng had been at her sidesince the start, holding onto her hand all the while. He remained motionless, as if he’dfossilized. In just a short few hours, he was no longer the same person. His face was a frightening shade of white, his eye sockets sunken inwards. He seemed to be in a condition that was far worsethanthat ofLuo Ying. Regardless of what they saidto him, he remained the same soullessself.

“Your Highness!” Bai Yi’s eyes brightened when he saw Yao Si walking in, and even thefossilizedGu Shucheng seemed to have shook a little. They seemed to be anticipatingsome kind of answerfrom her.“What did the Fourth Elder say?”

Yao Si bit down on herlip, shaking her head gravely.

The flame in Bai Yi’seyes extinguished entirely, and he suddenly seemed much younger and more vulnerable as his eyes turned red with despair.“You’re a fifth generation bloodling, you’re our highness, you must have a plan,right? Luo Ying…Luo Ying…Nothing must happen to her. She is Shucheng’s cub, if she’s gone, Shucheng will go crazy…He willdefinitely go crazy.”

“…I’m sorry!”

Yao Si felt a throbbing pain in her chest as an unbearable ache spread through her, guilt floodingher senses, hurting to the point of suffocation. She couldn’t help the self blame and hatred,forthat scythe had been directed at her. If it wasn’t for her…if she hadn’t foundGu Shucheng for a discussion…If it wasn’t for her….

The room started to close inon her.

“Why aren’t you home again?” A familiar cold voice broke the silence. Mu Xuan was suddenly at the door, headingstraight for Yao Si.“You promised me, why…”

He stilled slightly, sensing the atmosphere in the room. Frowning, he stopped in his tracks, glancing at her in concern.“What happened?”

The feelings she had suppressed for such a long time seemed to have found an outlet. Unable to be suppressedany longer, all her emotions came flooding out.“Dad…” She clenched onto his sleeve instinctively as though clenching onto her last hope. Even though she didn’t want to cry, the tears poured out, unable to be stopped.

“What’s wrong?” Mu Xuan asked, bringing his cub closer to himself, his face tight and strained.“Speak properly, what exactly happened?”

“Dad…Mu…Mu Xuan…” Yao Si struggled to get the words outthroughthe fear and guilt, but they overpoweredher. All she could do was force down the tears.

“It’s fine, I’m here!” Mu Xuan pattedher back reassuringly. This was the first time he had seen her cry, and it senthim into a frenzy.He felt…a desire to kill.“Speak slowly.”

She inhaled sharply, forcing the words out.“Luo Ying…Luo Ying…”

Only then did Mu Xuan spot the other people in the room. Luo Ying in particular caught his attention as she lay on the bed, her entire body tainted blue. His face turned cold and taunt instantly as he spat, “Doomsday Virus!”

“Your Majesty knows about this virus?” Once the information sunk in, Bai Yi stared at him in shock. His manners seemed to have left him as he rushed forward, even Nephew Gu turned to looked at them abruptly.

“Dad?” Yao Si lifted her head to glance up at him, her tears streaming down endlessly.

“Mu Xuan,” he corrected, thencaressed her head softly, wiping her tears clean.“I don’t like being called dad,” he informed her seriously. “I have indeed seen such a virus, but that was a very long time ago.”

Gu Shucheng stoodup, glancing at Mu Xuanwithhis emotions in turmoil. He was filled withanxiety, hesitation,and confusion. “Then…Your Majesty, you…”

“Do you have a cure for it?” Yao Si volunteered, reaching for his sleeve unconsciously. Her breathing stilled as she waited in anticipation.

“Mmh, it’s rather easy to cure.” Mu Xuan nodded, turning to glance at them.When he saw the three of them staring at him with hope, he frownedwhilecaressing his cub’s head.“Is this why you weren’t back for dinner?”

She was even in tears.


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