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Chapter 177.2: Super Project, part 2/2

Chapter 177.2: Super Project, part 2/2
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The three goblins screamed and trashed as they were dragged in chains through the dark tunnels, the heat and magical radiation getting stronger with each meter they passed.

Their incoherent screams kept echoing through the tunnels.



The two players, Hera and Zeus, kept moving forwards, dragging the chains wrapped around the goblins without any remorse, ignoring their panicked noises.

Finally, they entered a large cave chamber filled with shocking heat and bright orange light. The humongous dragon was resting on the ground. Thick clouds exiting his body were leaving through the vents in the ceiling.

The dragon moved, his two eyes locking on the three goblins. They immediately froze, none of them even moving, their small green bodies trembling under the presence of the dangerous predator.

"Can I please start?" Alesia looked at the monstrous dragon, making creepy glowing puppy eyes.

The dragon's cold voice poured upon them like cold water, the two golden eyes moving between Zeus and Alesia, "You can start, and you, the big minion, hold the goblin."

Zeus grabbed a small goblin, his strong hands gripping him from behind. The goblin, as if woken from a shock, started to trash, violently kicking and trying to get from the hold. However, Zeus held firmly, his strong hands not even budging.

Alesia, the small elf, grabbed a small vial with a golden liquid and slowly removed its cover. An indescribable feeling spread through the whole room. Even the goblin stopped fighting, just looking at the golden substance.

'What is this?' both Zeus and Hera curiously looked at the mystical substance, feeling like it was something expensive and rare.

The elf slowly poured a little bit of thick golden substance. It was thick and yet still fluid as it slowly moved into a small crystal-clear bowl.

Slowly Alesia walked forwards, her eyes brightly shining and the air around her shivering under the energy radiated out of the golden semiliquid. She didn't rush, as if wanting to make sure she didn't accidentally spill the expensive stuff.

Finally, when she got close enough, Zeus used his analysis on the bowl.


//Analyze result:

Name: Bone Marrow of the Noble Super Volcano Runedragon

Category: Magical Material

Grade: SS

Item level: ???


Zeus felt his eyes bulge, and his sister also froze, both of them looking at the material that was likely more expensive than anything that they ever saw. He felt his heart tremble with greed and jealousy as if he was looking at an unlocked sports car parked on the street.

He had never even heard about such a thing being harvested from dead dragons.

He knew that he could try to grab it, but his chance of escaping was close to none, 'No, there is no way that I could escape from the dragon, and hoping for someone to slay this boss would be useless. At best, we would get some of their blood and scales.'

Suddenly a cute and childish voice interrupted his thoughts, returning him back to reality, "Open your mouth. Time for dinner!". A gentle smile formed on the elf's face, unfitting her blood-covered appearance.

The elf gripped the goblin's mouth, her small fingers forcing it open as a wrench. The bones suddenly cracked, the goblin's jaw popping out of its socket.

The small elf, without even hesitating, poured the dragon marrow into the dislodged goblin's mouth filled with small yet sharp pointy teeth.

The goblin froze, its body quickly heating up, and its eyes started to glow brightly, beams of golden light escaping out of them. The temperature of the goblin kept rising, steam emitting out of its body.

Zeus hurriedly released the goblin, something nudging him that it was a bad idea to keep holding it.

The goblin fell to the ground, its body trashing around, green blood with traces of gold pouring out of its pores. The steam rising out of its body changed into a dark stinky smoke that smelt like burned rotten meat.

Suddenly the goblins stopped trashing, its body becoming still. And then it popped like a balloon of magma and green blood with visceral splashing everywhere, raining upon all of the people in the chamber.

Hera took a step back, clenching her stomach in disgust, "I want to vomit..."

POV Vesuvius a few hours later:

The whole cave chamber was covered in green visceral remains of more than ten goblins splashed on the floor, walls and ceiling.

Seeing it, Vesuvius sighed, 'Nothing works.'

He started to feel frustrated after hours of trying different approaches. He tried to dilute it, using a drop of his marrow for a whole barrel of water. He also tried to inject the marrow straight into the goblin's bones. None of it worked. Still, he at least made a little bit of progress.

'Drinking it always result in an explosion, but injecting it into bones only ends in fire. Diluting it has no effect.'

The dragon looked at the burned, charred goblins lying in the green viscera of their friends. Thoughts streamed through his mind at an insane rate, 'Where is the problem... Maybe it is too powerful for a goblin. Then there would be a matter of compatibility... Maybe I could try with wyverns, the blood had much less aggressive effects on them than on anything else, so they should be much more compatible.

'Still, even if it works, it will only end up in buffed-up wyverns, not a species capable of building their own civilisation, but at least I will gain more data.'

His two eyes fell upon the two shocked players, 'At least this little teaser should work. Seeing something so expensive should reinforce their beliefs of my faction having a great potential payout.'

Suddenly Vesuvius stopped moving, springing his neck up as something changed. An immense magical energy appeared high in the distance, the radiating energy penetrating through the layers of stone as if they didn't even exist.

A loud trumpet resonated through the cave, the sound entering from every direction at once.

'Something happened.'

The dragon glanced at his minions before standing up, his head almost reaching the ceiling. He moved his legs, quickly accelerating, the whole cave shaking under his steps as he ran towards the exit.

The radiating energy kept increasing, passing through the stone and making Vesuvius uncomfortable as if someone aimed a massive reflector at him.

Finally, he reached an ample empty space with a massive hole rising towards the black starry sky. He bent his legs and spread his wings, launching upwards straight out of the hole and towards the sky. His body turned into a glowing blur as he quickly rose up.

A massive white circle glowed above the plains, a pillar of beautiful white light illuminating the burned wastelands. A feeling of harmony and purity spread out of it, enveloping the whole land.

A massive gate of light was glowing high in the sky, its enormous wings slowly opening, with more and more light leaking out, illuminating the night in the bright radiance, making it look as if a day had come.

Ethereal beings of light, each with beautiful feathery wings made of pure white light, poured out of the open gate like a flood.

Vesuvius gulped down his magmatic saliva as he realised how much he underestimated the inquisitors, 'They are fucking insane to summon angels! They will start a massacre, killing everyone they consider a sinner, their judgment is strict, and no one can hide a truth from them.'

More and more angels kept pouring out, organising into a formation. They flapped their wings with feathers of light raining upon the ground.

The gate opened wider with each passing second, with the light escaping out of it brightening up.

'I need to close it as soon as possible before stronger angels appear!' Finally, Vesuvius got out of his shock and flapped his fiery crystal wings, his body treeling towards the gate. The light got brighter and brighter as he kept getting closer and closer.

He still didn't understand how some random inquisitors could summon so many angels, but he had no time to contemplate about it.

A loud trumpet resounded once again directly into the souls of everyone, and two-winged angels started to orderly fly out of the gate.

Their wings were even more pristinely white, their ethereal bodies decked in shiny silver armours with glowing white letters engraved all over them. A bright light radiated out of the visors of their helmets and rings, levitating above their head.

Their long spears forged of light brightly glowed, and holy energy threatening to banish all evil was burning around them.

Vesuvius didn't even flinch as he kept flying, his black body contrasting with the white light. The thick clouds of smoke escaping from his body formed a black line in the flood of white light.

A few formations of angels flapped their wings, descending from the sky, spears of light concentrating in their hands. They quickly descended from the sky like a swarm of falling stars.

At once in perfect sync, they threw their spears, all of them instantly accelerating and turning into a rain of light that descended into one point in the town.


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