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Chapter 119: Lesson

Chapter 119: Lesson
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A minute later, Nick came back to Dark Dream.

He had put his cuffs away, but the weight of all five spears was almost crushing him.

Manela could see how much Nick was suffering under the heavy weight of the spears.

She had no idea why Wyntor bought him such a heavy and advanced set of spears.

These spears seemed way too heavy for someone of Nick's level.

However, Manela also knew that a majority of an Extractor's power came from their ability.

Most likely, the heavy weight of Nick's throwing spears was related to his ability.

Manela knew that Wyntor wasn't dumb. After all, Wyntor had been in her department for a couple of days a couple of years ago while he was learning about how to run a proper Manufacturer.

"Let's go," Manela said, walking past Nick and leaving the warehouse.

"Go where?" Nick asked.

"Training spot," she said. "We can't throw spears in here."

"Oh, right," Nick said as he started to walk past her.

"Have fun!" Wyntor shouted before going back to his office.

Manela and Nick walked through the streets.

Many people on the streets looked at Manela with respect and shock.

A Veteran from Kugelblitz!

Even more, she was huge!

It was almost like a bronze goddess of war was walking through the streets.

Manela didn't say anything as they walked, but her speed slowly picked up.

Nick already had issues walking at a normal pace, but it only got worse when Manela walked faster.

Nick gritted his teeth and also sped up.

The sound of Nick's footsteps was extremely loud and reverberated through the streets.

After a while, the two of them reached the entrance to the Dregs.

The next moment, Nick saw Manela casually jumping on top of a two-story building.

She looked back, motioning for Nick to come up with her.

Nick looked at Manela with furrowed brows.

He could barely walk with all this weight.

How was he supposed to get on top of a building?

Nick looked around but didn't see any stairs.

The wall was also very flat.

There were no smaller buildings within reach.

Sure, if Nick's ability activated or if he didn't carry his spears with him, he would have no issues getting up there.

Sadly, it was during the middle of the day, which meant several people were looking towards Nick's direction at all times, and he was obviously supposed to bring his spears with him.

Manela just kept looking at Nick without saying anything.

Nick thought for a bit.

A couple of seconds later, he walked to the entrance of the house and loudly knocked.

"Anyone in there?"

No answer.


No answer.

"If you don't open, your house might get damaged."

No answer.

At that moment, the door gave way since it had never been locked.

Nick hesitated, shrugged, and entered.

After looking through the house, he couldn't find any sign of people living there.

This house was at the border between the Outer City and the Dregs.

Most likely, nobody would be living here.

While it officially was part of the Dregs, the guards really weren't the biggest fans of the stinky people from the Dregs, and they didn't like them living this close to the Outer City.

Because of that, almost all houses at the border were empty, and this most likely was one of them.

'Good to know,' Nick thought with a nod.

Nick walked out of the house again and looked at Manela, who was still looking at him wordlessly.

"Can I throw my spears to you?" he asked.

Manela's brows furrowed.

She didn't immediately answer.

"What if I say no?" she asked.

"That's also fine," Nick said.


"Show me," she ordered.

"Alright," Nick said.

Nick took out one spear and stabbed it into the ground beside him.

He did the same with the next three spears.

Nick grabbed the last spear with both hands and stabbed it into the wall of the house.

Then, Nick grabbed another spear and stabbed it higher into the house by throwing it.

After doing that five times, Nick created a small staircase.

Manela said that it was fine if the spears were stuck in something.

So, this should be okay.

After climbing to the second spear, Nick put his legs around it and let his upper body fall.

Like this, he could easily grab the first spear.

When he got it, he walked all the way to the top and stabbed it into the roof.

Manela looked at him wordlessly as Nick went back down to grab the second spear.

A couple seconds later, Nick was on top of the building with all of his spears.

"Impressive," Manela said.

"Thanks," Nick said.

"I don't think you know what I meant," she added.

Nick blinked in surprise. "What did you mean?"

"Your question earlier," Manela said. "You asked me if you could pass your spears to me."

"Yeah, what about it?" Nick asked.

"I've done this with a couple of people, but you're the first one that actually asked for help without giving up," she said.

"Huh?" Nick uttered.

"This was supposed to teach you two things."

"First, that throwing spears are more than just weapons. You can use them in many different ways."

"And second, that we are not alone as Zephyx Extractors."

"As Zephyx Extractors, we are always working together. We are a team."

"Even if we go into battle, we go into battle together."

"Because of that, asking for help is not wrong and even encouraged."

"Tasks that seem very difficult can easily be overcome by working together with someone else, and not accepting the help of others is often very stupid."

"You're actually the first one that asked for assistance like this."

"Most of the time, if the person doesn't find the solution, they just say that they give up. They see asking me for help as giving up when it is actually the very point of the lesson."

Nick blinked a couple of times. "Then why did you ask what I would do if you said no?"

"I wanted to know what you had planned," Manela said. "You went into the house to see if someone lived there, which means you probably were planning on damaging the house. I wanted to see what would happen."

"Oh," Nick said. "Well, originally, I wanted to throw my spear upwards and let it land in the roof, but I realized that it was too heavy to throw that far up. So, I went with this."

Manela looked at Nick for a couple more seconds.

Then, she nodded. "Alright, let's continue," she said before holding out her hand.

Nick grabbed it and shook it.

Manela looked at him with a deadpan expression.

"Give me your spears. I'll hold them for you."

Nick stopped shaking Manela's hand.

"Oh, okay."


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