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Chapter 367: Not-so-secret technique

Chapter 367: Not-so-secret technique
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The Chen family all headed back to the Chen mansion in separate cars. Mr and Mrs Chen were in one car, Sei, Davi and Little Shin in other and Zaki and Hinari in the last one.

Sei sat in the back seat with Little Shin in the middle and Davi on the other side. The atmosphere in the car was quite good. The issue had been resolved relatively quickly with a good outcome. Davi was definitely relieved that nothing bad had happened to her little Shin because she didn't know what she would have done otherwise. Sitting in the car, she held little Shin's hand tightly, afraid to let go and as she looked down at her little boy, she was surprised to find tears rolling down her cheeks.

Now that she seemed to be able to show her emotions, she was struggling with trying to control them. It seemed like the tears that couldn't leave her eyes before had finally exploded like a dam opening up to let the water burst out from it. It was unstoppable and uncontrollable.

Little Shin looked up as he heard sniffles coming from his mother's direction. What he saw made him feel sad because his mom was crying again. This was the third time he'd seen his mother cry in the last two days! So he quickly got up and sat on her lap, hugging her with both his arms trying to silently tell her that everything was going to be ok.

"I'm ok, mommy. The bad guys didn't get me. I'm here, mommy, so don't cry anymore, okay?"

However, this had the opposite effect as Davi burst out crying even harder than before. It was because Davi was crying not because of pain but because she was very glad and thankful that her son was safe. However, her tears of joy was getting uncontrollable and she failed to calm herself. Her tears just won't stop and it's getting worse.

The sound that came out was a mixture of sobbing and giggling and hiccups as the adrenalin started to fade out of her system, as she felt relieved that her son was safe and as she thought about how ridiculous she was being.

Unfortunately, she couldn't stop. She tried to calm herself down but it didn't work. Davi just felt as though the frozen wall that was barricading her tears had been melted so the tears just keep gushing out without stopping. Feeling that she couldn't stop herself, Davi could only look at Sei. Her eyes which glittered with tears gazed at Sei and the words 'Sei, can you please make it stop? I don't want to make our son sad by seeing me like this' were flashing in her eyes as she hiccupped.

Sei, who was sitting there, heartbroken at the sound of his wife's tears, immediately understood the meaning of the gaze his wife threw at him. Sei actually was trying his best not to coax her and make her stop. It was because Sei knew that Davi crying like this was actually for her own good. He wanted her to pour out all the tears she held back for many years. The tears that she forcefully turned into icebergs inside her were finally melting so even though it hurt for Sei to watch her cry, he didn't move to stop her because he understood that she must cry all those tears so that the heaviness in her heart could finally disappear. He just knew that after all this, his Davi would finally return to the Davi who always smiled like the sunshine.

However, the moment she asked him to help, Sei's resolve to not doing anything was easily shattered. Well, how could he ignore his dearest wife when she asked him for help like this? Just seeing the desperate and teary eyes was more than enough reason for him to take action.

Moreover, considering Little Shin, who didn't have any idea about Davi's emotional state, Sei could only choose to move immediately and perform that one sure-fire way to make this stop.

"Ahem… little Shin, I might have to borrow your mommy for a bit so I can help her stop crying. Is that ok?" He asked his son and Little Shin immediately nodded before he left his mom's lap, climbed over his dad's lap to swap seats with his dad.

In no time, Sei was now sitting in the middle seat between his wife and son. Not wasting anymore time, he bent towards his son and whispered in his ears.

"Little Shin, you want me to help mommy stop crying right?" he asked and the little guy blinked before he nodded.

"I have this amazing method but it's not for you to see." Sei continued and the little guy slightly tilted his head. He wanted to ask what it was and why he wasn't allowed to see it but at the end, the intelligent little Shin somehow already had an idea on what it could be so he didn't open his mouth and he just nodded again. The most important thing to him at the moment was to make his mother feel better and stop crying.

"Good boy. Now close your eyes and don't open it until I say so, okay?" he again whispered and the obedient little guy nodded as he uttered an "Mm."

Happy with his son's immediate and willing participation, Sei smiled and ruffled his son's hair.

Little Shin's eyes were already closed before Sei finally turned to his wife. Sei held Davi's face between his hands and looked at her deeply in the eyes.

The tears were still falling non-stop from her eyes, causing a tinge of pain in Sei's heart. Unable to stand the pain of watching her in this state, Sei finally closed in and his lips collided with hers.

He closed his eyes as he kissed her while Davi was surprised. Well, even when she was like this, she was aware that her dearest son was with them at this very moment. So how could Sei kiss her like this?

Davi began to struggle but Sei didn't let her pull away. Her eyes then moved past Sei and when she saw her little Shin closing his eyes tightly, Davi relaxed. She finally realized that this was what the father and son were whispering about a moment ago.

However, time went by and Sei's tongue began to delve deeper. The way he kissed her was like he was trying to knock her senseless, not giving her any leeway to break free.

Davi ended up struggling not to be taken away by the strong force pulling her. She didn't have the energy to push Sei away and at the same time, she felt her senses suddenly being controlled by him that she herself ended up kissing him back. This man really was her greatest weakness.

Seconds went by and it looked like Sei's aim to turn her brain into mush was a success and eventually, as the deep kiss continued, the tears in Davi's eyes slowly stopped.

The two were still kissing and Davi felt like she was somehow teleported to a fantasy world while Sei, who couldn't seem to stop himself either, positioned himself to block his wife with his body, making sure that even if Little Shin opened his eyes, he wouldn't see a thing, unless of course he moved and climbed in between them. But that was something his intelligent son wouldn't do at all so Sei was quite confident knowing that he could continue performing his not-so-secret technique safely. He understood his son better than anyone else after all.

As the kiss continued, the couple seemed to have forgotten where they were and it seemed like time for them had ceased to exist.

Sei actually told himself to kiss her for a short time only but it looked like he himself didn't hear the alarm he set within him. Thus, he continued kissing her until finally, after a few more minutes, a more powerful alarm clock stunned the two of them, like a bucket of ice water were poured over them both.

"Dad, how much longer will it be? I think your strategy isn't working. Let me open my eyes now. Maybe I can help."


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