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Chapter 360: Their very own wonderland

Chapter 360: Their very own wonderland
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The house was quiet. The white curtain was dancing happily with the gentle cold breeze as the sweet morning light penetrated through it.

On the bed, Sei was lying quietly with a smile on his face while Davi was gently putting a wet cloth on his forehead. His beautiful eyes were twinkling as if he was so happy that he got sick. The rarely ever seen weak looking but ecstatic face was just so adorably pleasing to her eyes and the way he looked at her effortlessly extinguished the worry in her heart. He was the one who was sick and yet he was the one making her somehow feel blissful. Unknowingly, he was infecting her with his extremely fluffy vibes.

However, his face was a bit red and there were still hives all over him. Looking at his skin, Davi couldn’t help but feel a tinge of pain in her heart, making her bite her lip because she couldn’t help but feel sorry that she caused him to suffer like this.

"Is your skin itchy?" She gently asked, curious, and Sei held her hand and pulled her close to him.

"Mm. It’s itchy here." He said as he pointed his forefinger onto his own cheek.

"Should I scratch it a little? But won’t it worsen if I do that?" Davi looked like she was unsure whether she should touch his skin or not. She looked like she was afraid that his irritation may worsen if she touched it.

"It’s okay... if you won’t scratch it, then, a kiss will do." He said and Davi blinked before her face eventually flushed red. S-sei, here you go again... you can still flirt despite being so sick...

While Sei was enjoying the look of his blushing wife, he was about to continue speaking when suddenly, the wife that he thought would be hesitant, suddenly kissed his cheek without question, causing Sei’s smile to widen.

"I don’t think a kiss will soothe the itchiness though..." She said after she lifted her face and Sei simply chuckled before he replied.

"And yet, you still kissed me."

"I-it’s because you asked me to. I can’t possibly reject a request from my sick wif... uh, hubby."

Sei frowned a little when he heard the last words in her sentence. ’Was she going to call me her wifey?!’ Well then, my lovely darling can pay me back in kisses for that.

"Then, kiss me here too. It’s itchy here and here and here as well." He said as he pointed to his forehead then his nose then the other cheek and then down to his nape. Davi could only look at him, speechless. ’This man is not only a king in business but the king of being shameless now!’

However, in the end, she still conceded and followed her sick wifey’s wish and proceeded to bend and gently kiss every part of him that he pointed at, slowly, like she was the prince kissing his sleeping beauty.

When Davi was done, she raised her face and her eyes widened a bit when Sei’s face all the way down to his neck went even redder than before.

"Oh no, did my kisses make it worse?!" she exclaimed when Sei suddenly yanked her into his embrace.

"Don’t worry, they’re not actually itchy at all."

"But you’re so red. I think your skin reacted negatively to my kisses!"

"It’s not. I’m red because your kisses made my body react."

"...yeah, I can see that! Your body reacted and got worse! No more kisses for you, mister!"

As soon as those words left Davi’s mouth, Sei looked devastated. N-no more kisses? That’s unacceptable...

"You got it wrong... I’m actually just blushing because of your kisses..." Sei explained as his face was still flushing red and Davi almost wanted to just faint.

"Have you already taken your medicine?"

"Mm. Don’t worry, I have already taken them all. The only thing left now is you."

"H-huh? Me?"

"Mm. You’re my soul’s medicine."


"I want to kiss you so bad but I don’t want you to get sick so make me recover fast so I can kiss you again."

"T-tell me, what should I do to make you recover fast?"

"Call me darling."

"... That’s all?"

"And stay in my arms..."

"O-okay, I’ll stay in your arms, d-darling."

After Davi said those words, she waited for Sei’s reply but to her surprise, he had already fallen asleep. It seemed like his fatigue had finally taken over him.

Hearing his slow heavy breaths, Davi relaxed and she slowly slipped one hand around his back, before she started caressing him gently.

"Get well soon, my darling." She said with a slight smile before she too closed her eyes and they both were teleported to their very own wonderland.


Hours went by and when Sei opened his eyes, his brows creased as he looked at the empty space beside him.

He looked at the clock and was surprised to find that it was already past noon. Sei then immediately got up and he climbed out of the bed. He felt much better now. He didn’t feel dizzy and weak anymore. Looks like my wife’s healing power is really amazing...

He also raised his hand and feel his own temperature. When he felt that his fever was gone, a killer smile carved on his perfect face. This means i don’t need to hold back anymore...

Sei then started walking hastily towards the door when he halted. It was because his wife suddenly entered, wearing a loose yellow t-shirt printed with small ice cream cones with pink ice cream on top and a tray of food was in her hand.

As soon as Davi saw Sei standing there, her face immediately flushed red. Well, aside from his messy hair, Sei’s pajama top was one that was pink printed with bright yellow little cartoon ducklings, so at that moment, he was just so lethally cute that Davi just stood in a daze even though she was the one who changed his clothes. Gosh... my darling is so cute...

Hours ago, Sei was actually sweating so much that Davi went and dug around in Sei’s closet to get a new pyjama top. However, when Davi saw the monotone sets of clothes in his closet, she could only slap her forehead. She then quickly chose some random pajama top and changed Sei. However, she also quickly ordered one of the body guards, who was standing near the house’s entrance, to go buy a new pair of pyjamas for him. Of course, it was Davi who chose the clothes since she asked the body guard to video call her during the shopping trip so she could see the clothes.

"Darling... you look so adorable!!!" She said and she moved to pinch his cheek like the old grandmas do when they see their cute little grandkids. Sei was a bit confused. However, he soon quickly realized what he was wearing and his reaction was just priceless. Sei simply stood there looking at his pyjama top as if he was looking at an alien from outer space.

"Take your seat so you can eat your lunch." Davi then continued and Sei stopped staring at his clothes before he obediently sat down.

When he saw the food his wife prepared, a sweet memory came back to both of them and they couldn’t help but feel nostalgic.

"You tried cooking this for me before so now it’s my turn." She said before she took the spoon, scooped some food from the bowl, blew on it, before she raised the spoon to his mouth.

"Darling... say ahh." Davi uttered but the man just stared at her.

"My fever is gone but I think I need a kiss after every spoon of food I will take in... so I could finally recover fully." Sei said with straight face and serious gaze, causing Davi to choke on her own.

Cough... cough... cough... gosh, my husband is... this is his way of getting back at me for what I did last night, right?

As Davi was coughing, the man before her turned into his chibi version in pink and he continued looking at her with his adorable expression, like a little puppy waiting for his master to raise her white flag and concede.

Davi then looked at him and there was no way she could let him down. He was just so irresistible at the moment that it’s impossible for her not to agree no matter how ridiculous his wish might be.

However, just as when Davi was about to say yes, she looked at the bowl in her hand and an invisible big sweat drop fell from her forehead.

Err... wait... is he serious? every single scoop? How many kisses would that be?


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