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Chapter 139

Chapter 139
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Chapter 139

A Promise for the Future

Translated by LyraDhani

Edited by LyraDhani

After leaving the government, Tsugumi let out a sigh as he looked up in a daze at the sun rising high in the sky. His talk with Bell had taken longer than he had expected.

Originally, today was the last day of the trip, and if nothing else happened, he would have planned to go to the seafood market for breakfast. By this time, everyone was probably already getting ready to leave. It was very disappointing, but for once it couldn’t be helped.

Tsugumi bought oversized unisex clothes at a random store, and then changed into them and returned to his male form. He didn’t intend to appear in front of his friends in a skirt.

Then, he placed the clothes he took off in the cloth bag that held his bathing suit and bloody hoodie. Then, he sewed the top part of the bag with thread so that the contents would not be visible. With this, the contents of the bag shouldn’t be visible at a quick glance.

…But what should I do with the clothes I borrowed from the government?

Even if he tried to wash it and return it, the shirt was soaked with blood and the skirt was torn off due to various violent movements. It would probably be faster to buy a new one and return it. With that in mind, he returned to the lodge where he was staying and met up with his friends.

When he entered the lodge, Akiyama, who was getting ready to leave, came running up to Tsugumi.

“Ah, it’s Nanase. You made it back. –You got caught up in that Irregularity, didn’t you? I am sorry to hear that.”

“Yeah. I only got my arm grazed a little bit but I had to be hospitalized for an examination.”

–He told Akiyama and friends that “I’m going to be hospitalized overnight because I’ve been involved in Irregular damage”. Well, it was still half true.

When Tsugumi said so, Akiyama opened his mouth with a dumbfounded look.

“You idiot, that kind of carelessness is dangerous, you know? …Anyway, I’m glad you’re safe. We were worried.”

Akiyama laughed in relief. It seemed he had caused a lot of worries.

–He should have told a more decent lie. He told them that he was involved in a case in which 30% of the victims were dead. Thinking about it normally, it would be strange if they weren’t worried.

To be honest, he didn’t think that far ahead. …It felt like his sensibilities were a little off, probably because he had too many things happen to him recently. Maybe he should be a little more careful. Tsugumi smiled vaguely as he thought about this.

Perhaps because he had been repeatedly fighting on the edge as a Magical Girl, he felt that the line between danger and death was becoming blurred. He wouldn’t go as far as saying that death was cheap, but if he continued to feel the same way he did now, his friends would become suspicious.

His friends didn’t know that Tsugumi was a Magical Girl. And he didn’t intend to tell them in the future. This was partly because he was afraid of being discovered – but more than that, he didn’t want to lose the relationship he had now.

Most of his days off and after school time were taken up by his activities as a Magical Girl, but he was able to be a “normal high school student” during the rest of the time he was at school.

Making fools of each other with empty conversations and laughing at trivial things without any pretensions. They didn’t know how much those days helped Tsugumi.

“I wonder what everyone will be doing this time next year. We will be on different paths, and we won’t get together like this as often as we used to, so I feel a little sad.”

After they finished getting ready to go home, Tsugumi murmured.

After this last high school summer vacation, his classmates, no matter how optimistic they might be, would be concentrating on their entrance examinations. Then there would be no more opportunities to make a silly fuss like this.

By this time next year, they would be hanging out with the friends they made at the new place, and the friends he made in high school would soon be estranged. Thinking of this, he began to feel indescribable loneliness.

Then Akiyama, who had heard his murmur, looked at him with a puzzled look and said.

“Hey, haven’t I told you, Nanase? –We asked Natsukawa’s father if we can rent the place again next year. I haven’t received a reply yet, but even if it doesn’t work out, we’ll find another place. So, Nanase, please keep your plans open for this time next year.”

“….Next year?”

“Yes, next year. Oh, you’re not going to turn me down, are you? You were out of the group this time, so you’d better make sure you join in next time!”

Akiyama said and pointed his index finger at Tsugumi. Tsugumi opened his mouth in surprise and looked around. His other friends put on the pressure as if to say, “You wouldn’t refuse, would you?”. There was a hint of desperation in that situation.

“No, it’s all right. I just think it’s too soon.”

When he answered with a tilt of his head, some of them looked away and some smiled wryly. As he wondered about the state of these friends, Fuyuno, who was watching this exchange from a distance, said in a persuading voice while drawing a sketch.

“I don’t like the idea that we will all be separated by higher education or something. As long as we make an appointment ahead of time, we can see each other again, right? I want to participate in the trip with everyone again.”

Tsugumi was a little surprised at Fuyuno’s words.

“Well, that’s true. But it’s surprising that Fuyuno would say such a thing. I thought you weren’t the kind of person who cares about that sort of thing.”

His classmate Fuyuno was basically indifferent to anything other than drawing. This trip, too, was more for the purpose of painting beautiful scenery than for fun. In fact, Fuyuno was more active individually than in a group.

He had assumed that she was the artistic type who was not very interested in people, but apparently, from the way she spoke, she was enjoying this trip in her own way.

When Tsugumi said this, Fuyuno smiled thinly and opened her mouth.

“Well, do I look that way to you? I love this class too, you know? Because no matter what I do, no one makes fun of it, and no matter how good my drawings are, no one is jealous of me. …There is no place more comfortable than here. Everyone probably feels the same way.”

Fuyuno smiled as she said this. The other friends’ faces were either frowning or looking away in embarrassment.

–Come to think of it, he’d heard Mebuki say the same thing before. “For outliers like us, it is comfortable to be in a class full of oddballs,” she had said.

The F class, to which Tsugumi belonged, was the only class of the eight classes in the school year that didn’t change classes. Perhaps because it was a class that attracted problem children, many students transferred in from other classes.

By the way, the other classes were numbered from 1 to 7, but for some reason, class F was the only class that was named using letters of the alphabet. The reason for this was unknown, but there were various theories, such as “F for delinquent” “F for freak,” and so on, according to the graduating seniors. Personally, he preferred the “F for Freedom”.

In Tsugumi’s case, he was transferred to F class with Yukitaka in June of his freshman year, and by the time he became a sophomore, the group had almost the same lineup of students as they did now. Some of them were prickly and harsh at first, but then they found themselves fussing with the others as if a screw had been removed from their head.

The transformation of the group made Tsugumi wonder, “Are these guys really okay?” but they seemed to be having a lot more fun than when he first met them, so he agreed that perhaps the situation was right for them. He was convinced.

–A genius is, by nature, a solitary creature.

Ordinary people tended to fear what they didn’t understand. Even if the other person was within the realm of understanding, if they were superior, anyone would feel jealous. No genius could escape the pure malice of such people.

It was probably because the teachers knew this that they grouped together problem children into Class F–a group of problem children with similar problems.

That’s why, Mebuki said that Class F – a class that only consisted of exceptional students – was a kind of salvation. It might be because most of the students in the class were over-the-top geniuses or out-of-the-box freaks.

…The only exception was Yukitaka, but he enjoyed the malice of others, so he had to be excluded.

Remembering this, Tsugumi couldn’t help but smile. In other words, they were as sad as he was about saying goodbye. Thinking about it warmed his heart a little.

“What the heck, you guys are lonely too, after all. You’re usually aloof, but you have a pretty cute side.”

Smiling, Tsugumi lightly poked Akiyama, who was closest to him, with his elbow. He knew the teasing was a bit mean, but since he was usually the one being teased, it was easy to get carried away.

Akiyama wrinkled his eyebrows, then let out a big sigh and smiled brightly. But only his eyes were not smiling at all.

“–Nanase, you know, sometimes you go into places that I don’t want you to touch. Hasn’t your personality gotten worse?”

“No, I just want you to know how I feel sometimes when I was being hit the moment I let my guard down. …More importantly, Akiyama, your ears are red.”


“Oh, wait, you can’t do that without saying it first! It’s the injured arm! It hurts, it really hurts! Even if you want to hide your embarrassment, there’s a limit!”

With a fluid motion, his arm was taken and the joint was bent to the opposite side. The wound twisted and hurt like hell.

The trick was firmly applied until he apologized, and when he was finally released, he rubbed his arm with tears in his eyes. …It was really terrible.

As Tsugumi complained, Akiyama looked embarrassed and opened his mouth.

“I’m sorry. …About Amari as well.”

“Did he do something again?”

At the name that came out of nowhere, Tsugumi couldn’t help but react. –He wondered if he was in trouble again. Thinking like that, Tsugumi waited for Akiyama to speak, but Akiyama shook his head in small denial.

“No, it’s not like that …Next year, you know, you should bring that Amari guy. If Nanase invite him, even he would come, right?”

Akiyama said this without hiding his expression of ruthless unwillingness.

“I don’t have a problem with inviting him, but is it really okay? Because you guys don’t like him, do you?”

Tsugumi would be happy to go on a trip with Yukitaka, but that’s not the case for his friends.

This time, he had asked Yukitaka to join, but Yukitaka refused, saying he was busy. He thought that was probably just an excuse, and Yukitaka probably didn’t want to come because he knew he would get into a fight with them.

“I hate that guy. He has a bad personality and pisses me off. –But he’s still an important friend to Nanase, right? If that’s the case, we’ll make an effort not to fight with him once a year or so.”


“And he’s been quiet lately. If he keeps it that way, we won’t even bother him. As long as he doesn’t try to mess with us in any weird way, we’re fine with it.”

Tsugumi nodded in agreement with Akiyama’s words. He didn’t know what Yukitaka’s response would be, but he was glad to see that his friends were willing to compromise.

–But it was true that Yukitaka had been quiet lately. He was strangely depressed, or perhaps, troubled. Thinking that far, Tsugumi mentally shook his head.

Even Yukitaka had a problem or two. Unless he wanted to talk about it, it was not something he want to get involved in.

Tsugumi looked Akiyama squarely in the face, bowed his head, and said.

“I’ll call him when I get back. –Thanks.”

“It’s nothing …Even that guy is a classmate too.”

After saying this, Akiyama turned away with a pout. Apparently, he had no intention of talking further.

–Thinking that it would be nice if this opportunity could improve the relationship between Yukitaka and his friends, Tsugumi laughed.

Afterward, the group took the train back to the local station and they split up there. Dragging his large suitcase, he dialed a number.

“Ah, hello. Yukitaka?”

[“Yes, what do you want?”]

Yukitaka picked up the phone after the first few calls, but he answered curtly. He seemed to be in a bad mood.

After some small talk, Tsugumi cut to the chase.

“I was just talking with Akiyama and the others today, would you like to go to the beach with us next year, Yukitaka?”

[“…Next year?”]

“Yes, next year. I know it’s a little early. What do you think? I’d be happy if Yukitaka come.”

When Tsugumi asked this question, Yukitaka mumbled something in a small voice, saying, “Next year… I am not sure. I don’t know about that.” But soon after that, as if he had regained his composure, he let out a cheerful voice and told Tsugumi.

[“–When next summer comes, if Tsugumi-chan will join as well, I can come.”]

“Really?! I probably won’t have any particular plans next year, so it will be fine.”

The permission was obtained more easily than he had expected. With a sigh of relief, Tsugumi said to Yukitaka.

“Nothing has been decided in detail yet. If I find out anything, I’ll contact you again.”

[“Yes. …Um, Tsugumi-chan.”]

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“Hmm? What’s wrong?”

When Tsugumi asked Yukitaka, who seemed to be somewhat unenergetic, he hesitated and choked up his words, saying, “It’s nothing after all. Don’t worry about it.’

“Is there something wrong? No, I don’t mind if you don’t want to talk about it. …Or do you really hate the trip? It’s okay to refuse, you know?”

–He answered that he would go, but maybe he didn’t want to go on the trip after all. Tsugumi was worried and asked about that but Yukitaka replied with a small laugh.

[“It’s okay. I was a just little annoyed by something else. —Hey, Tsugumi-chan.”]


Then, Yukitaka said in a very kind voice, unlike his usual light tone.

[“I’m looking forward to next year.”]

◆ ◆ ◆

After finishing the phone call with Tsugumi, Yukitaka silently slammed his cell phone against the wall. Clang, the sound of something breaking could be heard.

Breathing heavily, Yukitaka scratched his head and sat down on the floor. Staring at the floor with dark eyes, he grumbled.

“There is no next year. …There is no time left for you, Tsugumi-chan.”

–Erosion by Lucifer. An evil God spilling out of the vessel. No matter how many times he estimated it, Nanase Tsugumi wouldn’t last until next summer.

In addition, Freya, the God of love who had been hiding in this world for many years, had made a contract with Tsugumi. Because of this, Yukitaka could no longer easily kill Tsugumi.

“If Tsugumi-chan dies, his soul will be taken by that whore. –That’s not what I want.”

When he got this information from a certain source, he was furious, but the timing was too good to be true.

Then Yukitaka recalled his last conversation with Lucifer. The Irregularity this time – the attack of the Demonic Beast that didn’t go through the rift in the heavens. It matched what Lucifer had said last time.

Perhaps the collaborator Lucifer talked about was Freya. She was that guy’s collaborator, and her nature was twisted. He never thought she would go to Tsugumi in that situation.

…No, he was talking about that twisted Lucifer here. After knowing his intentions, she made Freya sign that kind of contract. In order not to let Yukitaka kill Tsugumi.

“–What on earth is she thinking? What is she going to do?”

Not understanding what was going on, he punched the wall.

He had no idea what Lucifer was thinking. If it was just about taking over Tsugumi’s body, she didn’t have to go through such troublesome things.

At least, at the time, Lucifer didn’t seem to act like she was planning to erase Tsugumi’s personality. That’s why Yukitaka decided to wait and see. –But now, here we are.

Because of the contract with Freya, Yukitaka’s goal of “letting NanaseTsugumi die as a human” was now completely impossible to achieve. In other words, he was stuck.

“…What should I do now?”

Do I think of a way to slip through the contract and kill Tsugumi? Or find another way – a way to keep him alive? Either way, there was not much time left.

Yukitaka lay down on the floor holding his head. Then he remembered what he had said on the phone earlier.

–Going to the sea together. Tsugumi-chan can say that because he doesn’t know anything.

He made promises for next year as if it was natural and didn’t even suspect whether Yukitaka would still be by his side until that time. Truly, he was a foolish person.

But perhaps the truly foolish person was Yukitaka himself, who continued to wonder what he should do.

“….All of them are idiots.”

Yukitaka muttered to himself, tore out a page from a notebook that had fallen out, and wrote something down. He then folded the paper like a crane, placed it in his palm, and closed his eyes as if in prayer.

“Contact Tsukuyomi. –I’m not going to let Lucifer do what he wants. That thing, Tsugumi, is my friend (property). I will never give him up.”

Saying this, Yukitaka looked up.

–Is it devotion or obsession? If Lucifer’s love is a distorted familial love, what should Yukitaka’s feelings be called? Surely Freya, the God of love, would say that Yukitaka’s love is love, too.

The malice of mankind, the play of God, and the prayer of the devil. Who will be the one to get the beautiful flower in the end? The roll of fate is still up in the air.


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