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Chapter 227

Chapter 227
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Drrrrrrrrr! Drrrrrrrrr! Ding-dong.

As per his routine, Oliver turned off the alarm clock, which had gone off at five in the morning.

Despite it being early, he got out of bed without hesitation.

After stretching his arms, he performed a few more stretches to loosen up his muscles.

Creak. Creak. Crack. Crack.

As he loosened up his stiff joints and muscles, Oliver's mind also became clearer and more focused.

Click! Beep!

As soon as he woke up, Oliver reflexively turned on the radio placed beside his bed.

He gathered the stored mana within his body to his fingertips and flicked his finger, causing a spark of magic to activate the pre-installed communication magic ‘Speaker'.

The radio started playing the regular news, and the sound echoed throughout the house at an appropriate volume through the ‘Speaker'.

[Hello, dear listeners. This is <Today's News>. With respect to the diligent citizens of Landa who are going to work even at this early hour, we will inform you of today's news.]

As usual, Oliver heard the same line on the radio. He listened to the news while performing some light exercises, then proceeded to the bathroom to take a shower. After that, he made his way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

The menu for the day consisted of a butter-grilled steak, thick sausages, black pudding, three eggs, three slices of bread, baked beans, fresh salad, an apple, fresh orange juice, and coffee. Although the portion size was quite generous, Oliver followed the advice of Joe and Dean to eat well if he wanted to build up strength.

Initially, Oliver had thought that the kitchen was the least necessary space in the house, but he was using it more than he had anticipated.

After taking off his apron, Oliver sat down at the table to enjoy his meal. The food was delicious, and thanks to following the cookbook, it was just as good as the ones sold in stores. It was a truly enjoyable and relaxing experience, akin to heaven, especially compared to his days working in the mine.

However, Oliver couldn't enjoy this moment today, and the reason was none other than the story he had heard from Ewan Bremner, Smith's master, two days ago. Unconsciously, Oliver found himself recalling the conversation from that time.

“Oh… where'd y'all hear that story from?”

Oliver thought of him, as he showed sudden interest.

“I happened to overhear it.”

“Well now, you must've really stumbled upon that story by pure chance, partner!”

Despite the sarcastic remark, he chose not to delve further and instead responded kindly.

“The clock's started tickin'… it's 'bout some old Eschatology – you know, that's the study of the end of the world, partner. No, rather, it might be more like an old story or a fairy tale.”

Although Oliver wasn't entirely certain, he felt intrigued by the topic. When he inquired with Forrest if he had any knowledge about it, Forrest mentioned that there were more stories like that than one might think, and that they were akin to urban legends. As this was being discussed, Ewan continued to elaborate on the subject.

“Well, where should I even begin? Let me start by askin' you a question to help y'all understand. Have you ever heard them stories 'bout goin' to hell for doin' bad things or gettin' punished by the divine?”

Oliver nodded in understanding, having heard similar stories during his time in the orphanage.

“Then, here's a question. What would ya reckon if every single person on this here planet was a sinner? From newborn babies all the way to old folks on their deathbed, both men and women alike.”

The question was intriguing – the idea of every person on Earth being a sinner.

“In that case, it ain't exactly efficient to punish 'em one by one, is it? So, what's the best way to go about it, then?”

Ewan was completely engrossed in the story, to the point that he had forgotten about the woman sitting beside him. Oliver was similarly captivated and lost in thought.

“Um… like raining fire and sulfur on Sodom?”

“Exactly. Or maybe it's time for another great flood, or perhaps somethin' else altogether. Anyway, the clock started ticking signifies that the world's full of evil and God's done run outta patience. It's like the countdown to the end of days has done begun.”

“Why didn't they just destroy it right away?”

“Well, I reckon I don't know all the ins and outs of that old story, but maybe it's a time for repentance, a chance for folks to turn away from their sinful ways and make amends before it's too late. Who knows? Maybe there's still time to repent and make things right.”

He really seemed to have no clue.

“There were other stories too, but my memory's a bit hazy on 'em. There was a story about a savior, the son of an angel, the son of a demon, something like a prince.”

Each piece of information that was revealed to Oliver felt like an important piece of the puzzle, and it piqued his curiosity. As he listened, he also found himself pondering whether angels existed, and if demons were capable of having children.

When Oliver asked if there were more detailed stories, Ewan suddenly stopped talking and mentioned that he couldn't recall the details very well as it was an old story.

“Besides, it's a story that's been passed down through the ages by word of mouth, so I can't say I know the whole dang thing. And, truth be told, what I have heard might be a tad distorted, so I can't vouch for its authenticity. Heck, I don't even know if there is a "perfect" original version out there!”

Oliver asked if there was anyone who knew the original story.

"Um… I reckon the person who prophesied the apocalypse might know a thing or two 'bout the original story. From what I remember, they mentioned somethin' 'bout a princess or a warlock, or maybe it was both? Can't rightly recall."

A princess and a warlock were a combination he had never heard before.

"Or, maybe those who heard the prophecy directly might remember the story, even if it's been passed down for hundreds of years."

Since there wouldn't be anyone alive from hundreds of years ago, it was a pointless thought, but Oliver quickly realized the foolishness of the idea.

Perhaps Puppet, who had been around for centuries, might know the original version. Similarly, Human-meat Chef was also rumored to have lived for hundreds of years and could potentially shed some light on the story.

"Ah, maybe the Archiver knows a thing or two 'bout that."


"Oh, ya don't know? This here fella's a great wizard who's said to have inherited knowledge and power for over a thousand years. Now, a fella like that who's accumulated knowledge and wisdom just might know a thing or two 'bout that cheap apocalyptic theory. But lemme warn ya, pardner, the Archiver's a bein' that us mere humans can only dream of meetin'. Why, even kings show him respect – that's how powerful he is!"

Ewan said this and laughed. Then he suddenly asked Oliver why he was curious about such a thing.

As Oliver was about to answer the question…

Beep – Beep – Beep

As Oliver was lost in his thoughts, Forrest’s communication device placed next to the dining table suddenly rang, jolting him back to the present moment.

He realized that he had already finished his meal and wiped his mouth with a napkin before reaching over to pick up the communication device.


"Yes, Mr. Forrest."

[Well, Dave. I wonder if I'm bothering you too early in the morning.]

"No, not at all. Didn't I ask you to contact me at this time?"

It was true. To manage his work at the magic tower, Oliver had set specific times for taking calls, only allowing them during his rest periods in the early morning, evening, or at night. It was Forrest who accommodated Oliver's schedule, instead of the other way around.

[I contacted you to talk about the raid.]

The call was regarding the raid that had taken place by the Anti-Development Committee two days ago. While the group had caused a commotion in District Y, Forrest found their retaliatory behavior suspicious and informed the Brokers Union and Crime Firm. As a result, the two organizations launched their own investigation.

"By any chance, did you find out anything?"

[Unfortunately, I don't have anything to share with you right now.]

"It's okay, and you don't need to apologize."

Oliver responded immediately to Forrest's words, offering genuine support rather than just simple consolation. Knowing how challenging it was to investigate the virtually abandoned Districts Y & Z in Landa, as well as the unidentified organization known as the Anti-Development Committee residing there, Oliver understood that finding anything immediately after a raid didn't make sense. Even the city had given up on these districts and was content with isolating them.

[Thanks for understanding. However, since it's a matter of concern, I wanted to let you know that I will continue the investigation. The Brokers Union and Crime Firm are cooperating, so we should be able to get something.]

"Um… Are you thinking of using Heimdall?"

Heimdall, a magical hacker organization that frequently appeared in Landa's underworld.

Although their services were expensive, they provided clients with the information they wanted by secretly observing Landa through the World Tree.

[Regrettably, we cannot borrow Heimdall's power. The power of the World Tree is weak in Districts Y &Z. While District Y is barely visible, District Z is literally pitch black.]


[I'm thinking of using a more classic approach. Surprisingly, even Districts Y & Z with all kinds of bizarre rumors needs money. I plan to bribe some people there to find out who's connected to the Anti-Development Committee. Comparing it to the time of the raid, we should be able to narrow down the scope.]

"Um, I see… Why didn't you use that method earlier?"

[It's always a matter of funds.]


[Anyway, I contacted you to let you know this. If I find out anything else, I'll let you know.]

"Thank you for your consideration… May I ask how Mr. Ewan is doing?"

After parting with Ewan, Forrest volunteered to watch over him and even manage his hospitality on behalf of Oliver.

Oliver, who still had questions for Ewan, did not refuse the offer.

[He's still staying at the Angels House. If he tries to leave, Elizabeth will contact us, so don't worry.]

"Thank you."

[No problem. I'm personally interested in him too. Considering the context, he's not an ordinary person either. So, it's not really something you need to be grateful for since I need him.]

"Still, I'm grateful," said Oliver as he sipped his cold coffee.

[Well, if you say so… I'll end the call now.]

"Yes, understood. Take care, Mr. Forrest."

As Oliver politely said goodbye and was about to turn off the communication device, Forrest suddenly spoke again.


"Yes? Mr. Forrest."

[That… Thank you.]

"What do you mean?"

[For helping me when we were talking to Ewan… I appreciate it.]

As Forrest spoke hesitantly and struggled to express his emotions, Oliver tried to recall the memory and soon remembered what had transpired. It seemed to be related to the question about how Kent and Forrest had separated, and Ewan had blatantly pried. However, instead of helping Ewan dig deeper, Oliver had taken Forrest's side.

"No… It's personal, and you seemed reluctant to talk about it. So, I don't think you need to be grateful to me.”

[Still, I'm grateful.]

Forrest mimicked the words Oliver had said earlier. At that moment, Oliver felt a small, inexplicable happiness.

[…But weren't you curious?]

"Um, I am curious. However, as I mentioned before, I think it's best to talk about such things when you feel like it."

Forrest fell silent for a moment before speaking again.

[…I want to express my gratitude for your consideration once more. It must have been hard for you to hold back, especially being you. …I'll make a promise.]

"A promise?"

[Yes, when I'm ready to talk, I'll tell you first. About my relationship with Kent, and why we drifted apart.]

With a solemn voice, Oliver expressed his satisfaction and agreed. After that, they truly ended the communication.

Although it was still morning, the day was already satisfying.

After finishing his coffee, Oliver cleared the table and did the dishes before getting ready to go to work.

He put on Zenon Bright's leather mask, got dressed, and sprayed a little perfume.

The ladies at the Angels House had said that a person's atmosphere could change with just one scent.

Next, Oliver packed some simple food and necessary items into a magical bag he had obtained in the past.

Things like tools needed for class preparation, sticky notes, and notebooks.

"Oh, right. These too."

Oliver retrieved two unusual items with magical properties as a reward for successfully completing the mission to retrieve items from the Crime Firm's auction house, along with the Book about Demons. One was a small mechanical device resembling a pocket watch, and the other was a pillbox that looked like a ring case. The mechanical device could record tasks in both audio and video formats within several meters to tens of meters away, depending on the user's will and ability, while the pill contained concentrated mana equivalent to hundreds of potions.

Both items were custom-made for select clients by renowned workshops or artisans, further highlighting the wide range of items the auction house handled. Oliver put the items in his pockets instead of his magical bag and left the house, headed to the Magic Tower to work and inquire about how to contact Merlin, his temporary master, from Kevin.

(To be Continued)


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