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Chapter 226

Chapter 226
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Forrest visited the Angels House with Oliver and Ewan.

This marked Oliver's fifth visit to the place.

During his previous visits, he went there once to receive a request from Edith, and the other times were to acquire makeup skills from Coco.

Alongside his makeup lessons, he also learned other skills such as brewing coffee, dressing appropriately, and giving compliments to women.

‘I wonder if I've learned them properly.'

Upon opening the red main door and stepping inside, they were greeted by a magnificent interior. Fortunately, Ewan appeared to be impressed and showed his appreciation by snapping his fingers and exclaiming in admiration.

"Mamma Mia…! I like it."

"I'm glad you like it. Let's go in."

As they went further in, ladies in revealing outfits appeared and greeted Oliver.

"Oh, Dave?"

"Nice to see you, Dave. What brings you here?"

"Are you here to see Coco, Dave?"

"Dave, why haven't you been coming lately?"

The greetings were genuinely warm, not just the usually forced smiles for entertaining guests.

Oliver, as always, reciprocated with sincere greetings to each of them as a matter of courtesy.

Upon seeing this, Ewan looked at Oliver with a mix of jealousy, while Forrest stared at him with trembling pupils.


"Yes, nice to meet you, Ms. Maria… Huh? What's the matter, Mr. Forrest?"

Forrest still seemed unable to accept the situation, looking at Oliver with trembling pupils. His reaction hadn't been like this even when they were attacked earlier.

"Hmm… Do you visit this place often?"

"Yes… I've visited a few times. This is my sixth time?"

"Oh, my God, goodness gracious…"

Forrest muttered in shock beyond description.

"Did I make a mistake?"

"No, it's not a mistake, but… It feels like I've witnessed the death of the last innocence in the world. It's natural for a Solver to visit places like this often, but you… Oh, my God."

"It seems you've taken a big shock."

A calm voice, as if meant to soothe the soul, could be heard. Upon turning their heads, they saw Elizabeth, the owner, and madam of the Angels House.

Despite her advanced age, Elizabeth's pure white hair resembled clouds and radiated a serene and intellectual charm.



Forrest and Elizabeth addressed each other by name, suggesting that they knew each other. This wasn't surprising, given that Landa was a vast but closely-knit place, particularly in the underworld.

"I've heard rumors recently. You've successfully completed a big job? Congratulations. Talented men always find their heyday."

"No, it was just good luck."

Forrest spoke with humility, but his sincerity was apparent. He regarded his achievements as mere luck and not a result of his own abilities.

"In this city, luck is also a skill to be valued. It doesn't just come by itself."

"Thank you for your kind words."

"Don't mention it. Thank you again for visiting. It doesn't seem like you're here for a celebration party… What brings you here?" asked Elizabeth, looking at Oliver and Ewan. She didn't know the full story, but her women's intuition and experience in this business told her that this was not a typical visit.

"I came in a hurry to treat the precious guest who saved my life… Do you have a room available?"

"Ah… Of course. Should I prepare the girls as well?"

"I'd appreciate that."

As the proprietor of the establishment, Elizabeth clapped her hands and issued orders to the employees.

A friendly staff member with a professional smile escorted Oliver and his group to a room adorned with antique furniture. The sofas were arranged in a ‘U' shape, providing a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

"It sure does seem like you're close with the girls here. You a regular 'round here, or what?"

Ewan sat down, put his legs on the table, and asked.

Oliver sat on the sofa behind Forrest and answered.

"A regular?"

"Making pals with the ladies at a brothel ain't nothing but being a walking wallet. But I gotta admit, I'm mighty curious 'bout how you became chummy with the gals here. Don't hold out on me now, spill the beans! What's your secret?"

Ewan spoke with force, clenching his fists. Surprisingly, Forrest also showed interest while pretending not to.

"Um… I'm not that close to them. I just got to know them while coming here to learn makeup techniques. And when there was trouble, I helped them once or twice."

"Trouble?" asked Forrest.

"Yes, I persuaded the troublemaking guests as Joe taught me… And everyone calmed down."

Ewan interrupted, "What's the reason behind you learnin' makeup techniques, partner?"

"I learned it to make corpse dolls look like humans. Then, the range of applications increases… Um, I just wanted to learn it."

"Hahaha… I reckon you got a mighty unique personality, just like I seen in them letters. These days, it seems like warlocks just want to take the quick and easy route, but not you! Hahaha…"

"Listening to you, it seems like you are quite old."

Forrest naturally joined the conversation.

"I ain't no spring chicken myself, but as you can tell, I still look as fresh as a daisy. I reckon you ain't too curious 'bout a fella's age, but if you got any questions, feel free to ask. And as a token of appreciation for invitin' me to this here fine establishment, I'll be happy to answer a few of your questions as a service."

Forrest didn't refuse.

"It seems like you have connections with the Anti-Development committee, how did you get to know them?"

Forrest asked sincerely. It's understandable since even brokers who deal with a considerable amount of information in Landa didn't know much about the Anti-Development Committee.

"Well, we done had ourselves some dealings in various shapes and forms."


"They are mighty keen on gettin' their hands on the tools I'm makin', and truth be told, I'm lookin' to get somethin' from them in return too."

Ewan spoke in a nonchalant tone, but Forrest's demeanor was serious. He recognized that the warlock in front of them was no ordinary individual, especially if they were dealing with the Anti-Development Committee.

The Anti-Development Committee was a mysterious and dangerous group that even the city had given up on eradicating. There were various bizarre rumors surrounding them, and they were notorious for being difficult to approach, let alone make deals with.

As Forrest was preparing to ask another question, the door opened at the perfect moment, and the employees entered the room. The regular employees arranged the table with alcohol and food, while the hostess employees sat next to Forrest, Oliver, and Ewan respectively.

Although Oliver had visited the place multiple times before, this was his first time using their services, and he felt somewhat uneasy. On the other hand, Forrest seemed familiar with the environment and naturally distanced himself from the woman next to him. Ewan, who wasn't very popular with women, quickly became friendly with the woman sitting next to him but remained focused on the matter at hand.

"Say there, partner! Mind if I ask a question this time around?"

Ewan asked Forrest while focusing on the woman.

"What do you want to know?"

"Well, shucks! You got me mighty curious now. I gotta ask, how did you and Dave cross paths? This city's a mighty big place, and there's plenty of brokers around, so it can't just be coincidence, can it? How did y'all meet?"

It was a sharp question. It was a trivial detail that could be easily overlooked, but the reason Forrest and Oliver started working together was definitely not a coincidence.

"…We met through an introduction."

"An introduction?"

"Yes, a friend I worked with in the past gave him a letter of introduction and sent him to me."

"Well now, well now…! Ain't that just dandy? A pal introduced by a former colleague turnin' out to be a lucky charm, that's somethin' else!"

"I feel fortunate these days."

Forrest's hand awkwardly stiffened, and his emotions briefly wavered along with it. Gratitude, guilt, and regret mingled together for a moment.

Ewan didn't miss this either.

"Mind tellin' me the name of that friend?"

"Excuse me?"

"I'm mighty curious 'bout the name of that friend who brought y'all luck. I reckon if you answer my question, I'll be more than happy to return the favor with a friendly gesture. So, what's the name, huh?"

Forrest hesitated before answering.


"Well, howdy-do! Kent, you say? That sure is mighty interestin'. ‘Cause wouldn't you know it, the head honcho of the biggest beggar gang 'round these parts goes by the same name – Kent!"

Oliver flinched, and so did Forrest.

Oliver asked, "Where did you hear that?"

"I reckon I ain't no stranger to hearin' things myself. Most of it's just hearsay, mind you, but they say that Kent fella's done gone and built himself a mighty big beggar gang with some darn impressive skills. And what's more, they say he's helpin' other beggars too! Can you believe it? A beggar helpin' other beggars! Makes me think this place might be no Sodom and Gomorrah after all."

Ewan laughed out loud.

"So, how did you two break up?"

"Excuse me?"

"I reckon there must be a good reason behind that breakup of yours with the fella who goes by the name of Kent, the one who introduced you to your lucky charm of a friend. Care to share what happened?"

The experienced Forrest was once again shaken by Ewan's seemingly casual yet incredibly penetrating question. His emotions wavered, as if there was a bad memory associated with the topic.

Although it had been over a year since Oliver had met Kent and Forrest, he was still curious about their professional relationship. He realized that he knew very little about their work together as colleagues.

"It's a bit personal."

"Oh, that's even better. Ain't nothin' more thrillin' than pokin' around in someone's personal business, am I right? It's like findin' out your wife's been runnin' around or learnin' your kid ain't your own flesh and blood… So, come on now, tell me what happened between you and Kent!"

Ewan boldly demanded an answer while casually munching on a side dish, seemingly unconcerned about Forrest's emotional state. Forrest found it difficult to respond to such a direct request, feeling uneasy but also taking into account that Oliver was present.

Sensing Forrest's discomfort, Ewan took a sip of his drink and even lit a cigar he had surreptitiously brought in from the limousine.

"You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours, am I right? If you don't answer my question, I reckon I won't be too keen on answering yours either."


"It wouldn't be right if only one of us was answerin' questions, now would it? Besides, if you don't answer, my friend here won't get to hear an answer."

Ewan pointed to Oliver as if to pressure him. Forrest looked at Oliver with a poker face, feeling confused, and took a sip of alcohol.

Usually, Forrest would have found a way to handle it, but the question itself was a problem, and the opponent was too difficult. He demanded an answer regardless of the interests involved.

It seemed like he was doing it on purpose.

“Now, partner, I gotta ask – ain't you a little curious too 'bout how that broker and the fella who introduced you two split ways? Judgin' by the way y'all are carryin' on, it's gotta be one heck of a dramatic tale, am I right?"

That was true.

While Oliver was interested in hearing about how Forrest and Kent's relationship had ended, he hadn't explicitly asked for details.

Despite Kent introducing Oliver to Forrest, there seemed to be a discrepancy in the story of how Kent had gone from being a Solver to a beggar, and this raised questions in Oliver's mind.

Initially, Oliver had thought it might be a good opportunity to hear the story, but upon seeing Forrest's discomfort and awkward emotions, he changed his mind. He realized that such stories should only be shared voluntarily.

"Mr. Ewan."

"Well, shucks! For some reason, I got a feelin' that the story might turn out to be a tad on the uninterestin' side."

"Can you please hold back on that question?"

"Why? Aren't you curious?"

"To be honest, I am curious. However, I think that one should talk about such things when they feel like talking about it."

"Why’s that?"

"Because that would be the most truthful."

"Well now, partner! You sure do sound wise with them words of yours, talkin' 'bout truthfulness and all. But, don't you reckon it's a mite unfair to call me over when you're curious, and then ask me to hold back on my questions? Ain't that a bit pushy, if you ask me?"

Oliver tried to say that it was because it was a personal matter, but he soon gave up. Such things wouldn't be important to this person. Moreover, he himself had such a tendency.

As Oliver pondered how to respond, a female employee sitting next to him whispered softly in his ear. In the past, Oliver had helped her when she was struggling with a customer's dispute.

Oliver looked at the woman, and she nodded her head as if telling him to trust her.

"I hope the handsome and generous Mr. Ewan would kindly understand."

"Heh, you ain't foolin' me with no flattery, partner! That was a mighty risky move on your part, but I ain't takin' the bait. Not a chance."

"If you understand, the employees here will tell the owner and provide special service."

Ewan hesitated for a moment.

"Well, dang it! Handsome and generous I can't help but give in, but don't go thinkin' it's gonna be that easy, partner!"


"I was plannin' on answerin' most of your questions today. I got a bit of a soft spot for the folk who helped my disciple, so I was feeling generous… it ain't easy for me to feel this way."

His words were sincere.

"Well now, my feelin's are a little hurt, so I reckon I'll only be answerin' one question for ya. Just one. And if that ain't enough for ya, then forget it."

Upon receiving the unilateral notification, Forrest gestured to Oliver that he would answer, but Oliver assured him that it was alright. Although he was curious about the story, he also recognized the importance of allowing Forrest to share it at his own discretion, when he felt comfortable doing so.

"Understood. Then, I will only ask one question."

"Are you really sure 'bout this? It ain't easy gettin' an answer outta me, and truth be told, I got a bit of wanderlust in my bones and some debts to pay off, so I could hightail it outta here any minute now."

"Then, I can come find you."

Ewan's words were momentarily blocked.

"…Oh, That gives me goosebumps just thinkin' 'bout it – a fella chasin' after me!. Tell me, what ya curious about? Are ya curious about the magic item I made, as ya mentioned in the letter? Or are ya curious about the Anti-Development committee?"

Oliver opened his mouth without any hesitation.

"Tick Tock. Tick Tock. The clock has started ticking… By any chance, do you know anything about what this phrase means?"

(To be Continued)


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