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Chapter 224

Chapter 224
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Four mystical portals materialized in the air, and four cadaverous entities emerged from them, catching everyone off guard except for Oliver. Both those who were aided and those who were impeded had the same stunned response.

As a result of the unforeseen turn of events, everyone hesitated, but the summoned corpse-like figures were quicker than anyone else.

Child-Second acted first by seizing the corpse doll-Sniper. Child-Second, who had a fondness for firearms and was impulsive, aimed its eight gun barrels at the foe without delay and fired.

Bam-bam-bam-bam! Bang! Bang! Bam-bam! Dududududu! Thud! Thud!

The resounding sounds of gunfire reverberated through the air.

The discharge of the weapons, enhanced by black magic, was equivalent to the combined firepower of numerous gang members, resulting in the assailants staggering backward.

Following Sam's lead, all of the firearms had been altered in the black market and infused with black magic. Even those with exceptional physical capabilities appeared to struggle against the onslaught.


A portion of the bullets had been imbued with a trial strain of disease-oriented black magic, rendering regenerative powers ineffectual.

Having subdued the adversary with its superior firepower, Child-Second directed its sawed-off shotguns.



The enemies positioned before Corpse doll-Sniper were ripped apart literally by the distinctive sound of the projectiles cutting through the air.

The firepower displayed was undoubtedly remarkable.

Naturally, this did not imply that the remaining corpse dolls were inferior in any way.

Corpse doll-Duncan and Corpse doll-Warlock collaborated, optimizing their firepower and annihilating two adversaries who were rapidly approaching before shielding Al and Forrest.

The recently formed Corpse doll-Rag2 ruptured its abdomen, unveiling twelve concealed arms while inverting itself.

"What the…"

Forrest was awestruck by the alarming spectacle, whether positively or negatively.

Clak clak clak! Clak clak clak! Clak clak clak!

With lightning-quick movements, Corpse doll-Rag2 gnashed its teeth and began swinging its multitude of arms, warding off the relentless onslaught of approaching enemies.

Each of Rag2's many limbs contained a deadly arsenal of poison-tipped spikes and razor-sharp blades, making them formidable weapons at close range. However, Rag2 was not limited to close-quarters combat alone.

This newly created abomination possessed an array of deadly abilities, including the ability to project acidic saliva from its gaping maw.


As the enemies attempted to keep their distance from Corpse doll-Rag2, the twisted creation opened its gaping maw wide, unleashing a spray of acidic venom from its installed sprayer, blinding and disorienting the unsuspecting foes.

As the enemies screamed in agony, Corpse doll-Duncan charged forward, brandishing its weapon and delivering the final, fatal blow to the incapacitated opponents.

In the blink of an eye, the tide of battle had turned. The surprise attack launched by the Anti-Development Committee had been thoroughly and mercilessly thwarted, with the majority of the group's hidden members being swiftly eliminated by the ruthless counterattacks of the corpse dolls.

Unlike Oliver, the corpse dolls were unconcerned with the situation, rendering the recovery abilities of the Anti-Development committee members ineffectual.


The Sword-bandaged man could no longer bear the situation, and so he dismembered the corpse of his deceased comrade who was blocking his path and increased the distance between himself and Oliver.

Having suffered a severe blow, his body was bleeding, and the bandages enshrouding him had also been ripped and slackened, particularly around his face.


The man appeared to have recognized this belatedly, as he attempted to readjust the fallen bandage with his hand.

A section of his face was exposed as a result of some of the bandage layers unraveling.


Al, who habitually spoke as little as possible and silently assumed responsibility for his tasks, erupted for the first time in his life.

However, no one could reproach Al for his reaction.

That is, if they had witnessed the downright repugnant countenance that had been exposed beneath the bandages.

Where the forehead should have been, an inverted nose protruded; where the eyes should have been situated, ears were affixed; and where the philtrum and chin should have been positioned, eyeballs were embedded.

Only the mouth was situated in its proper location, but even that was contorted and arranged in a manner that aroused an instinctual disgust in humans.

It was sufficient to unsettle even those who labored in the criminal underworld.

"Ah… ah… ah…"

The man appeared to be taken aback by his visage, disregarding the unfavorable circumstance and hastily endeavoring to bind his bandages while emitting a flustered noise.

Amidst the situation, Oliver was the sole individual who exhibited no reaction.

Strangely enough, Oliver did not experience any repugnance towards the appearance.

All he could sense was the unfamiliar yet familiar sensation he had initially felt, coupled with a trace of compassion.

Perhaps it was because of this that he spoke up.


Oliver restrained Corpse doll-Duncan and Rag2, who were preparing to engage the adversary.

Although he could not provide a specific justification, he surmised that it was not the opportune moment to attack and that they should bide their time.

The Sword-bandaged man promptly enfolded his countenance with bandages, his expression transitioning from anger to animosity as he glowered at Oliver.

It seemed like he had made a mistake.

‘Is revealing the face a bigger mistake than killing his comrades?'

Oliver pondered whether an apology would be acknowledged, but before he could act, a transformation occurred within the Sword-bandaged man's physique.

His already peculiar Life-force had become even more unusual.

However, simultaneously, it exuded an atmosphere that was somewhat familiar.

That sensation was undoubtedly something that he had previously experienced in the past.

‘But where?'

Oliver promptly searched his recollections from the present to the past, and promptly recognized it.

He had observed something similar when he was swallowed by Puppet while battling in the contaminated zone.

‘The entrance to Hell…'

That was it. The energy was quite faint, but its essence was strikingly alike.

Subsequently, numerous inquiries inundated his thoughts.

How could an individual residing in the contaminated zone discharge such a meager aura of hell? Was he not an ordinary mutant? Furthermore, why was he familiar with this energy, among a myriad of other questions that raced through his mind.

Meanwhile, as Oliver became engrossed in his questions, the Sword-bandaged man's physique underwent a transformation.

His stature expanded marginally, his gaunt muscles grew distorted in shape, and his arms and legs lengthened by one and a half times, each with an additional joint.

It was apparent to anyone that this was not a typical human form, but what was more disquieting was the significant augmentation of his Life-force, which had become corrupted by the tinge of hell.

What in the world was transpiring? Oliver was genuinely intrigued.

He had numerous questions he wished to ask, such as whether the entire Anti-Development committee was similar to this or if the residents of District Z were like this.

"Mr. Forrest, do you know anything about this?"

"As much as I hate to look incompetent, I have no idea about that. Sorry," Forrest responded, although Oliver did not consider him incompetent in any way.

As the Sword-bandaged man underwent his transformation, Al's countenance grew pallid, as though he were on the brink of vomiting.

It was not solely due to Al's queasy stomach.

Although he could not articulate it explicitly, the Sword-bandaged man's visage and metamorphosis provoked a primal disgust and terror in people.

Despite all of this, Forrest managed to maintain his poise and answer Oliver's query, which warranted commendation, not an apology.

"No, it's alright. I can just ask directly. Third, Fourth, will you help me?"

Child-Third, who had taken control of Corpse doll-Rag2, and Child-Fourth, who had taken control of Corpse doll-Duncan, reacted with teeth chattering or by maintaining silence.

The Sword-bandaged man, now transformed, gripped his greatsword with his extended hand and assumed a combative posture.

Tang. Tang. Degururururu……

Moments before the fight ensued, something rolled forward, producing a pure and melodious chime.

It was a glass bead approximately the size of a fist, lacking an opening and brimming with crystal-clear liquid.


The crimson black magic circle inscribed on the glass bead detonated, triggering the shattering of the glass vessel.

Concurrently, as the explosion transpired, the fluid within the container gushed forth like a fountain, and the Sword-bandaged man, who was drenched by the liquid, bellowed in agony as smoke emanated from his entire being.



A piercing and excruciating howl reverberated through the atmosphere, as if sulfuric acid was poured all over him.

However, with Warlock's vision, Oliver could discern that it was not sulfuric acid, but water. Of course, it was not regular water.

"…Holy water."

Oliver spoke up upon observing the energy infused within the water, which bore a striking resemblance to the holy power of a Paladin.

In response to Oliver's remark, an individual emerged from the dimly lit alleyway.

He sported a scraggly beard, dark circles beneath his eyes, and greasy hair that he had slicked to one side in an attempt to appear fashionable.

He donned a thick, voluminous cloak similar to that of a traveler, although, underneath it, he donned extremely lavish apparel, albeit somewhat outdated.

The man stated, "Seems like you got yourself a keen pair of peepers. Ain't no surprise though, 'cause that's just the basics for a Warlock, y'hear?"

Forrest inquired, "Do you know each other?"

To which Oliver replied, "No… But I think I know who he is."

The Sword-bandaged man, who had been writhing in agony from the holy water, swiftly regained his composure and turned his head abruptly to fixate his glare upon the unexpected newcomer.

Surprisingly, it appeared as though they were familiar with each other.


"Howdy partner, how's it been hangin' with ya lately?"

Nonetheless, the man snarled, displaying his displeasure, but the other man refused to yield.

"Now hold your horses there, no need to get all riled up. Ain't it true that when ya get all heated up, that already unflattering mug of yours looks even worse? Or do ya wanna take a ride and test your luck with me?"

The man brandished a series of glass bombs brimming with holy water. Moreover, various implements were concealed beneath his cloak, such as bamboo tubes, pouches, and test tubes containing chemicals. It was akin to a mobile storage facility.

While it was uncertain what the objects were intended for, the potency and intensity of the black magic energy contained within the implements indicated that they were not ordinary objects.

In fact, the Sword-bandaged man appeared to have sensed the same thing as Oliver, as he hesitated to lunge at the man recklessly.


"Well, shucks, partner. I reckon I spoke outta turn 'bout ya bein' ugly. Now how 'bout we settle this peaceful-like? Maybe you can just pretend like ya can't take me on and mosey on outta here? I got some important dealings with that friend over there. Don't you fret none, I'll have a chat with your boss and come back later to explain the situation myself.”

The man calmly pointed to Oliver and spoke.

It was hard to tell if he was confident in his strength or just very relaxed.

As the man with the large sword and bandages tried to say something, the suddenly appeared man took out a bag-sized glutton bag from his belongings.

The glutton bag looked like a toad, and like any other glutton bag, it responded to the user's will. Its eyes opened wide and the zipper made of teeth opened at the same time, with a moist tongue stretching out.

Not just one, but dozens of them.

Dozens of tongues moved smoothly in a curved shape, avoiding Oliver and the corpse dolls, grabbing the bodies of the Anti-Development committee members, and swallowing them whole.

It was not an ordinary glutton bag, as it swallowed more than ten bodies at once.


The children inside the Corpse dolls, including Rag2 and Duncan, expressed their anger at losing their materials (bodies), but Oliver raised his hand to stop them.

Although it was a pity to lose the rare materials (bodies), he wanted to see the phenomenon happening right in front of him.

The suddenly appeared man handed over the toad-like glutton bag to the man with the large sword and bandages, who pretended to be defeated and took the glutton bag before fleeing.

He scaled the wall with one hand while holding the large sword and glutton bag.

It was an astonishing display of physical ability.

Oliver silently watched him and then turned his gaze to the man who had suddenly intruded.

The man was also staring intently at Oliver.

"Are you, by any chance, Mr. Smith's master?"

"Well, howdy there. Pleasure's mine, I reckon. I heard there's some cash in the mix, and that's what brought me 'round these parts."

The man greeted Oliver with exaggerated gestures like an actor in a play.

(To be Continued on May 22(MON))


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