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Chapter 222

Chapter 222
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"…I will now conclude the briefing."

In the dimly lit meat processing plant, Forrest spoke as he turned off the socket.

The socket contained footage of Joe's group in action, a device received from Heimdall.

The scene depicted the three fighter crew members raiding a warehouse and suppressing a gang of over eighty members.





All 23 people sitting at the long table opposite Forrest remained silent.

They were directors or representatives of Crime Firm, wielding the greatest influence in Landa's underworld.

Ordinary people would have been too tense to speak in this setting, but Forrest, with his experience and achievements, faced them calmly and comfortably.

Since they had solved a problem that even Crime Firm found difficult with just three Warlocks, it was a plausible story.

Although the thick-skinned people in the underworld did not easily show their reactions, Forrest instinctively knew they were satisfied.

He knew better than anyone that they would maintain a poker face if they liked the deal and ruthlessly tear it apart if they didn't.

So, Forrest did not speak first and silently responded to their negotiation in their way.

A short while later, a man raised his hand. He had a large nose and big ears, and he was the director of District W.

On the surface, he was a respectable businessman running a meat processing company and a laundry facility, but his main job was money laundering. There were also rumors that he had invested in the gambling business recently.

"May I ask a question?"

"Please feel free to ask."

"Why did you only send three people? I mean, it's impressive. They took down a gang with just three people… But can those three represent a crew of over three hundred fighters?"

It was a reasonable question. It could be possible that only the three of them were exceptional, while the rest were nothing special.

Such dirty trading practices were common in the underworld, so it was a valid question.

"First, thank you for asking. That's an excellent question."

Forrest skillfully catered to the customer's preferences. After all, this was a service industry too.

However, it was a special service industry, and Forrest immediately rebutted the customer's opinion.

"But, there are a few points I need to correct. Firstly, there are not more than 300 members in the fighter crew, but 288. They had more than 300 during the Cook days, but the number decreased during the turmoil.”

Some people laughed.

"Secondly, about the reason for sending only three people. We sent only three to that dangerous place, not because we had ulterior motives, but because that was the most appropriate number of people.”

"Appropriate? With just three?"

Another director asked.

She was a woman with sharp eyes, a red suit, and a short haircut.

"Yes, that's right. What Crime Firm currently needs are fellows who can efficiently solve problems, not a horde of ruffians to go and beat everyone up, right? That's why we sent only three. It saves costs, is more convenient to move around, and attracts less unnecessary attention.”

It was a reasonable argument. If possible, solving problems with a small force was the most efficient way.

"I have a question too… So, are you saying that the average skill level of the Fighter Crew is the same as the three people we just saw in the video?"

"No, that's not the case. Those guys are the executives of the newly reorganized Fighter Crew, and they are top-tier fighters. There are only about 36 people with that level of skill, including them."

"Down to two digits… That's quite specific."

"I'm just trying to do my best as the person in charge. How can I take responsibility for a job without knowing the exact number of people I need to manage and their detailed information?"

A few of the directors showed faint admiration and satisfaction.

"So you're saying you know all the Fighter Crew members?"

"Yes, I have a detailed understanding of their numbers, specialties, abilities, and tendencies."

What Forrest said was not an exaggeration but a fact.

Whenever Oliver trained the Fighter Crew, Forrest also visited and collected personal information about them, building a minimal relationship as an intermediary and Solver.

It wasn't as easy as it sounded, but Forrest's patience and effort made it possible.

"Alright. Let's get back to the main point. Mr. Forrest… Then what about those who are not top-tier? What about the other 252 Fighter Crew members, excluding the 36?"

"They are not sufficient to take on missions individually. However, if they form a team with enough members, they can be as powerful as the executives."

"Do you have any evidence?"

A man with a sneaky and mischievous look asked.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have any right now. I understand you want proof of their abilities through actual combat, but this is all I have at the moment. I didn't have enough time to prepare more."

The mischievous-looking man was about to get angry at Forrest's response, but a relatively young man intervened and stopped him.

He was Godric Goodheart, director of District R and the son of Gordon Goodheart.

He was the young blood of Crime Firm who had inherited the organization and directorship from his father.

Of course, despite being called young blood, his stern expression and aged eyes, similar to his father's, didn't make him look very young…

"Don't be so harsh… Didn't he bring results despite the tight schedule? If problems arise later, we can discuss them then. It won't be too late."

As one of the current directors defended him, the whining voice backed down.

It was closer to a petty quarrel than a real issue in the first place.

As the situation was somewhat settled, the final question was asked.

Surprisingly, the last question was asked by Godric Goodheart, the director of District R.

"The history of Landa is long if it's long and short if it's short, but there has been almost no significant collaboration between the organizations of District X and Crime Firm. The bond of trust is weak, so it breaks easily even with a little pressure."

That was a harsh reality.

"Can you fully trust them? If something goes wrong, Mr. Forrest, who is in charge of the intermediary role, will be the one to suffer the most."

Forrest opened his mouth to respond to the statement, which could be seen as a threat or a concern. There was no fear on his face.

"I would like to assure you regarding that issue, but it would be better if someone else could say it… Can you help me out for a moment?"

Forrest called someone. It was Oliver, who had been quietly watching from a corner.

The directors, representatives, and security personnel buzzed at Oliver's appearance.

This reaction could be said to represent Oliver's position in Landa now.

After all, he had single-handedly defeated the disciple of the renowned Human-meat Chef, made the Fighter Crew submit, and even made a bold proposal to Crime Firm.

Moreover, rumors said that the Kimbell Family, which rapidly grew in power through the magic wine business, also greatly benefited from this Solver.

It was only natural that the atmosphere was tense.

"Hello, directors. My name is Dave. Nice to meet you."

Oliver came to where Forrest had been standing and calmly greeted them.

The young Solver was quite polite, but the directors still felt something was off.

His politeness was very different from that of someone trying to gain benefits or someone acting out of fear.

Usually, the respect shown to Crime Firm directors originated from profit and fear.

But the young Solver in front of them was not like that at all. He didn't seek any particular benefits or act out of fear.

In other words, he had the same attitude as when dealing with other clients. There was no significant difference.

Although the directors couldn't pinpoint the specifics, they felt it vaguely and looked at the young warlock in front of them with a mixture of curiosity, confusion, and discomfort.

A warlock showing respect without seeking benefits or fearing anything – isn't that interesting?

"Are you Dave?"


"I heard from Gordon that if the Fighter Crew breaks their promise, you will take responsibility and kill them. Is that true?"

Everyone's eyes shone fiercely, wanting to know whether the young warlock lied to them or simply bragged.

Oliver gave a brief answer.

"Yes, if they break their promise."

"Are you saying you'll kill all 288 people by yourself?"

"Yes, if they break their promise."

It was a mechanical answer. However, people realized that this man was telling the truth precisely because of that.

They might not have the ability to read emotions like the warlocks, but their instincts and experience from surviving in the underworld told them so.

It was unbelievable. He said he would kill 288 people so calmly.

Although Crime Firm also engaged in murder as part of their business, this was on a different level.

Not sure if he sensed the strangely changed atmosphere, Oliver spoke as if to defend himself.

"I'm saying I'll kill them if they break their promise… There's no problem if they don't break it, right?"

"Well… I'm not trying to argue, but all 288 Solvers have been trained by you and have become relatively strong, and they'll become even stronger in the future. Can you still take them down? I'm not arguing, just genuinely curious."

A young man who came as a representative of the directors deliberately provoked Oliver to see his reaction.

However, the young warlock didn't get angry. Instead, he gave an even more shocking answer.

"Um… You're right. That's why I've thought of a few methods."


"Yes, I think it's better to be prepared just in case."

The air became heavy.

"Can we hear them specifically?"

"Um… There's a method of spreading disease-based black magic in District X, or there's the method of killing each person who betrayed one by one, turning them into corpse dolls to make up for the lack of numbers."

Everyone fell silent. They instinctively knew that those sinister methods were not bluffs but genuine.

The atmosphere became tense once again. Oliver spoke up again.

"So, the Fighter Crew will not break their promise with Crime Firm… Of course, I believe Crime Firm directors will also keep their promise. Are there any other questions?"

There were no more questions.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

The contract between Crime Firm and the Fighter Crew was fortunately concluded without a hitch.

As a result, the Fighter Crew no longer faced the risk of fighting Crime Firm, and they gained stable jobs.

"But, do I have to keep teaching them black magic?"

Oliver, who was sitting in Forrest's car, asked him.

Forrest replied while checking the documents again.

"No, you just gotta teach 'em 'til Crime Firm gives the green light. No need to go above and beyond… Is it 'cause of what the director said or somethin'?"

Oliver nodded.

After signing the contract, one of the directors approached Oliver and expressed his willingness to pay a high price if Oliver continued to teach black magic to the Fighter Crew.

Oliver, who had no proper answer, just said he would think about it.

"Don't stress over it too much. Rather than really wanting you to teach the Fighter Crew, he probably said that to keep you tied down."


"Yes, having such a connection makes it much easier to assign tasks later."

"Ah… I see."

Oliver responded without much thought. Then Forrest sensed a subtle change in his emotions, and Forrest suddenly spoke up.

"You're strong."


"You're strong. Out of all the solvers I've worked with, you're one of the strongest I've seen… No, even without considering my own vague career, you're now one of the strongest in Landa. Seriously, you might even become the face of Landa before you know it."

"Thank you for the compliment, but isn't that a bit excessive?"

"Not at all, you're underestimating yourself. You took on Puppet and came out alive, beat the disciples of Human-meat Chef, subdued the Fighter Crew solo, and even talked things out with Crime Firm – and all of this as just a Solver! I know I should've said it sooner, but that's seriously impressive. And, you don't seem to be fazed by it at all."

It was true. Oliver didn't feel any pride or superiority in what he had done.

It was just a job, after all.

"But it's time to change that mindset of yours, my friend. I'm not saying you should become full of yourself or anything, but you need to realize your worth and position. Act and think accordingly, or else people will try to use you and take advantage of you – no matter how skilled you are."

"With Mr. Forrest's help, I think I'll be fine."

Oliver said, based on his experiences so far. In fact, when it came to compensation issues, Forrest had taken care of them on Oliver's behalf, always bringing satisfactory results. It went beyond money to matters of safety.

However, Forrest's reaction was different.

"Thanks for having faith in me, but that kind of mindset isn't really ideal."


"Trust is an asset to a broker, but at the same time, they can be swayed if offered enough benefits beyond that trust. A broker is not a flawless system, but rather just a professional trader. Plus, even if a broker is trustworthy, they can still cause damage if they're not competent enough. So, relying too much on someone else isn't really the best attitude to have. In the end, the only person you can truly trust in Landa is yourself."

Surprisingly, he was sincere. He had given similar advice in the past, but back then, his main motivation was to gain trust, whereas now, his primary concern was for Oliver's well-being.

In other words, such advice was not exactly beneficial for someone in the profession of a broker.

He was telling not to trust him too much. It didn't align with his interests.

Nevertheless, he said this to Oliver because he was worried about him.

Then, Oliver suddenly remembered what Shamus had said.

Not to trust Forrest too much.

"Oh, right. Take this."

Forrest suddenly handed over a box from the side.

"What's this?"

"It's the auction items retrieval payment for the Pinkman mission. It's the book and magic item you were supposed to receive. Judging by your reaction, it seems you forgot."

"Ah, yes…"

"You would've worked for nothing if I hadn't mentioned it."

"I'm sorry. I'll be more careful from now on."

"Please do… Now check the items."

As Oliver was about to check the items, he suddenly stopped. Forrest, seeing his reaction, asked.

"Why? Is there a problem?"

"No, it's not a problem. I just have something I want to ask."

"What are you curious about?"

"Um, last time I met Mr. Sha… Huh?"

Oliver stopped talking and looked ahead, sensing something in front of them.

It was a contradictory presence that was both alien and familiar.

Soon, a figure appeared in the headlights of the car.

Al, who was driving the car, was startled and tried to swerve the wheel.

"What the…!!"

It was a man wrapped in bandages all over his body, holding a huge sword as big as an iron plate.

He stood still even as the car rushed toward him.


Just as the car was about to collide, the bandaged man raised his sword and struck the car, sending it flying into the air with an unreasonable noise.

"Um, interesting."

Oliver muttered in amazement.

(To be Continued)


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