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Chapter 19: What exactly is the structure of a primitive man’s brain circuits?

Chapter 19: What exactly is the structure of a primitive man’s brain circuits?
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Chapter 19- What exactly is the structure of a primitive man’s brain circuits?

“Are you really a Yanshan tribesman?”

Yan Mo was very cunning, for future considerations, he purposely did not respond to this question. Rather he replied with, “Why is it that when other people pass through Yanshan, they did not discover the plentiful amounts of salt there? Only us, Yanshan tribesmen, could find it?”

Yuan Zhan’s mouth slightly opened. He looked like he didn’t believe him, but also looked like he was somewhat expecting something. Immediately, he closed in his lips and with a fierce expression replied, “This isn’t something that you can just say and mess around with.”

“Do you think that I’m using my own life to joke around with?”

“Joke around?” It seems like this wasn’t the first time hearing the juvenile use these words.

Yan Mo waved his hand. “Native dialect, you don’t need to mind it.”

“Native dialect?”

Yan Mo froze for 3 seconds, raised his head and smiled in an affected smirk.

“Our Yanshan tribemen’s dialect… I’m saying the words my tribe uses is more rich. Because our Yanshan tribesmen are in contact with more people than yours, our livelihood is also better than yours.”

Yuan Zhan didn’t know if he accepted this explanation, but he didn’t continue asking.

Yan Mo’s face carried a bit of gratefulness and honestly spoke to the youth. “Regardless, you really did save me, I want to repay you. But I also don’t dare to guarantee that we’ll find a new salt area, but I know the approximate location of where to look for it. The most important point is that if we pass through a salt land, I will definitely discover it.”

“….. If it is true, I will inform the chief. As long as you really do find a new salt land, and it has no owner, you won’t need to wait to become a Rank 3 warrior to get rid of your slave status.”

“I can find it, but the area won’t necessarily be close to the tribe. As far as I know, the salt mountain that Yanshan tribe is on is the closest salt area to Yuan Ji Tribe.” Yan Mo blurted out. “So even if we find a new salt land, we might also not necessarily be able to smoothly bring back the salt.”

“Able to move it back or not, that is the problem of the warriors. I wouldn’t needlessly worry that much. Currently the most important is, can you actually find a new salt land that doesn’t have an owner? Which direction? How long is the walk?”

Yan Mo felt that the youth did not understand things properly and was forced to speak more clearly again. “I only know the general idea of the direction. I overheard the tribe priest mention it in the past. In short, it won’t be close. If it was close, than our tribesmen would have gone to claim the area earlier.”

Yuan Zhan lightly tapped his fingers on his knee, face looking thoughtful. “Your tribe was forcefully captured by the Zhi Tribe, where did you guys escape to? Is it at the new salt land you’re talking about?”

Yan Mo in his heart smiled, face wearing a confused expression, “I don’t know, but this is indeed a possibility. So if the tribe wants to receive a salt land with no owner, we better move fast. I also don’t desire to see my current tribe and my original tribe clash. If you guys hurry over first and take the land, my tribesmen will definitely not dare to try to fight you over it.”

Yuan Zhan’s eyebrows creased and got up from where he was sitting. “I’ll go look for the chief, as soon as possible for this situation…”

“Wait!” Yan Mo pulled on the youth, “I hope you will not tell the chief and priest that I can find the salt land, because I don’t have any assurance, and if I can’t find it, they will definitely kill me!”

Yuan Zhan took back his leg.

Yan Mo emphasized, “If it wasn’t for that priest trying to pressure you out in the winter to search for a salt land, I would also not have spoken these things out loud. In addition, I told you these things because I also have my own purposes.”

If it was said that at the beginning Yuan Zhan had doubts that the juvenile wanted to repay him and actually just wanted revenge against him, but after hearing him say he had his own personal goals, instead he no longer doubted him.

“You can really find a salt land?”

“I am 80% sure, 80%… that’s a very big assurance.”

“I will count.” Yuan Zhan felt that he was being looked down upon, bent his leg once again and sat down. “I don’t need to tie a knot to be able to be able to count everyone in the tribe.”

Yan Mo did not laugh, he understood that youth’s prideful tone. During the middle of merging memories with the juvenile, Yanshan tribesmen had tens, hundreds, thousands of sayings. But there were very few people who didn’t need a knot to count over a hundred.

In many people’s eyes, counting was a thing for priests. These people only needed to count to twenty and it was enough to use. Because people only had ten fingers and ten toes, so everyone’s private property would not surpass twenty.

And because of this point, the people here were based off tens. For example, he said 80%, but to say it using the local language, it would be 8 fingers.

Furthermore, they already had a version of the four seasons and months. It was similar to the world he came from. A year had twelve months and every month had approximately 30 days. The specific date was controlled by each tribe priest, In each tribe, they were also the most understanding about the time and seasons.

He still remembered that at the top of the mountain, Yanshan tribe painstakingly dug 12 small holes to correspond with the changes of the moon’s appearance. Inside stood a wooden pillar. 12 wooden pillars arranged in a single row, placed in a line that faces the sunrise on the first day of winter.

Yanshan priest used this to observe the placement of the sun and the corresponding changes. Using this they could tell people when the recovery season, rain season, harvest and cold season arrived as well as when to hunt, when to plant and etc…

Yuan Ji Tribe was bigger than Yanshan Tribe, most likely the priest had an accurate way of figuring out the four seasons. In addition their vocab was more abundant. The four seasons, of course, had their own names. For example, recovery season was specially called “A Dalu”, rain season was called “Sa Dalu”, harvest season was called “Ao Dalu”, and cold season was called “Fei Dalu”. Yan Mo immediately comprehended the four seasons.

Looking at the sun on top of his head, merely looking at the divided four seasons and the number of months and days, this strange world and earth had a high similarity.

“What are you thinking of?”

Yan Mo withdrew his train of thought, purposely used a provoking tone to reply. “I’m thinking about whether I should tell you the truth or not, because I can count even more.”

Yuan Zhan laughed evilly. Raising his hand he flicked the little slave’s head, “Speak! Your purpose!”

Yan Mo covered his forehead and rubbed it. This youngster’s hand strength was very strong. “My goal is to not be a slave.”

Someone from the tents came over. Yuan Zhan and the opposite party mutually thumped their chest. After waiting for that warrior to walk past, Yuan Zhan continued to speak. “If we really do discover a new salt land with no owner, no need for you to speak, I will also ask the chief to dismiss your slave status. Let you become a Yuan Ji Tribe Member.”

“No, you still have not understood my meaning.” Yan Mo lifted his head to look in the direction of the youth.

Yuan Zhan was also looking at him.

Yan Mo opened his mouth, “New salt land will be very far from here. It’s possible that if we go we may not be able to come back. Even if in the future we could come back, I also do not wish to return to the Yuan Ji tribe. As for the reason, I think you should also realize a thing or two.”

“Because you are Yanshan priest’s disciple?”

“No matter if I am or not, do you think that the old priest and his disciple will let me live?”

Mockery flashed through Yuan Zhan’s eyes. “He doesn’t even trust me, how would it be possible for him to accept the disciple of another tribe? Unless…”

“Unless from now on I don’t use any of my priest methods, but do you think that is possible? I obviously know how to help others and can definitely give tribesmen a better livelihood, but I have to pretend that I don’t understand anything. To helplessly stare at the weak, let a wounded person die; I feel that I can’t do this.” He can do this, but the guidebook would definitely not allow him to become a low profile self preserving observer.

Yuan Zhan was silent for a long time, “I cannot betray the tribe.”

“I don’t need you to betray the tribe.” Yan Mo also did not count on persuading the opposite party after one try. He switched his persuasion technique and spoke. “No matter if that salt producing land is far or close to the tribe, the tribe will have to assign guards there. Have you thought of this, wait till after finding the salt land, you could stay behind at that place to assist the tribe to guard that piece of treasured land. I would also stay there and not return to the tribe.”

Yuan Zhan was silent once again.

Yan Mo was unsatisfied, primitive people really matured early. Only a 17 year old child and his mind was this serious, hard to sway for even a bit!

Seeing He Tu come out from her tent, Yan Mo’s heart moved and spoke again. “Master Da He received such a serious injury, even if his life was saved, but from now on he also cannot go out and hunt? What will his family do? What will his children do? And the other warriors in the tribe similar Master Da He?”

The youth was not swindled by him, at once responded, “Even if they went to the salt land, without an arm or leg it’ll be the same and they won’t be able to survive.”

“What if I said I had a method to let them survive?”

Yuan Zhan suddenly stood up, grabbed the juvenile and carried him into the tent.

Yan Mo was urgently thrown onto his owner’s bed.

Fortunately the opposite party was still careful of his leg and did not throw him with any strength.

Yuan Zhan resembled a wild beast and pushed him down. Hand choking his neck, lowered his head, he intensely interrogated him. “Who exactly are you? What do you want with the tribe?”

The important moment has come, success or failure is here in one stroke! Yan Mo would not permit himself to have any possibility of defeat, he slowly lifted his hand, carefully put it on top of the youth’s arm and lightly stroked to appease him. Using a very gentle tone, “I am only an unfortunate priest disciple who met with dire straits. I cannot become a slave, even more don’t want to die. As a single person I cannot survive outside by myself. I wish for a tribe to take me in, if there is none….”

“If there is none, then you want to make your own tribe.”

Yan Mo payed attention to Yuan Zhan’s expression. Carrying grievance on his face, he probed him out. “Not possible?” This man smiled sinisterly at the bottom of his heart. Wait until I get a more fitting puppet, you watch and see how I dearly love you!

Yuan Zhan’s expression was twisted. He had a feeling that the juvenile beneath him was like a blooming poisonous dragon flower that was by the side of Mo Na Suo lake. Looks ordinary, smells fragrant and sweet, eat it in your mouth and it’s like sweet honey, but can poison an Iron Back Dragon without anyone knowing.

But when starving people see the Poisonous Dragon flower, even if they knew that it could poison someone to death, they also can’t help but put it in their mouths. Because not only would it let you eat until you’re satisfied, even more it would also let you taste the world’s most beautiful taste at death’s door.

Yan Mo’s tone became even more mild, eyes closely stared at the youth’s eyes.

“A-Zhan, (1) I don’t want to be your slave, but I can become your warrior, your priest. My knowledge is greater than Master Qiu Shi, together we can definately establish an abundant food source, no need to eat people. A strong tribe where all the children and elderly can survive through the winter. And people like Da he, we can allow them to eat full and be warm, we can even still come back and help the Yuan Ji tribe.”


“You don’t like me calling you in this way?” The simple and honest child smiled silly.

This form of calling him, listening to it didn’t sound bad. As well as the future the juvenile described made his heart move. Leave Yuan Ji tribe, leave that old codger who never looked at him favorably, leading the people to a better life, a more plentiful rich livelihood. If it was really possible…

The young warrior’s face flushed a bit, breath slightly heavy.

Yan Mo sneered, I don’t believe a normal man would be able to resist the temptation to create a territory of their own!

“A-Zhan, do you dare?”

Yuan Zhan’s reply was… to roar once, pulled off his own leather skirt, turned over Yan Mo’s body, grabbed his wrists, and ruthlessly dominated him again!

After the event, the peaceful Yuan Zhan secured on his leather skirt and left the tent. Didn’t really know what he needed to do.

He left Yan Mo’s four limbs spread out, sprawled on the bed he watched an ugly looking bug drill in and out under the hide. He completely did not understand how the situation ended up like this.

Perhaps he ought to hurry and find a primitive man to dissect a bit, take a look and see if these primitive men’s brain circuits were not the same as the people from Earth.

Ok, he knew that the kid was excited by what he said, yet could not find someone to share this excitement with, and could only vent it out on his body.

Contrary to expectations, his straw belt with the three needles was thrown to the corner of his original bed. Even if he wanted to stab it in the opposite party he couldn’t.

…. There will not be a third time, he vowed!

(1) A-: Another form of a pet name is putting the word “A” in front of a name. It’s pronounced “Ah”.

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