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The Martial Arts Master novel has become a beloved light novel, delving into the thrilling worlds of Action, Drama, and Fantasy. Crafted by the talented author known as Cuttlefish That Loves Diving, this epic tale spans an impressive 753 chapters, all of which have been expertly translated for readers to enjoy. The translation team has worked tirelessly to bring every chapter to life, ensuring that fans can experience the full journey without missing a beat.


In this day and age, martial arts are no longer just mythical tales. They have been passed down through the ages, from one generation to the next. And despite the rise of science and technology, they have seamlessly integrated into our modern society. Across the country, various martial arts competitions are held, showcasing the skills and prowess of these ancient fighting techniques. While scholars may struggle to agree on matters of superiority, for martial artists, it is a different story. The path to greatness is clear and attainable, as they hone their skills and compete against one another. For Lou Cheng, his journey in martial arts began with the discovery of a mysterious cultivation item that fused with him. This newfound power helped him in the first stage of his training - meditation. With his eyes set on his ultimate dream and fueled by the fire of glory within his heart, he will continue to advance step by step. He will become the warrior of this modern city, a hero of our time, and leave his mark on the era.


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