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Magical Explorer

Magical Explorer

Chapters 136Views 35Bookmarked 3.1KStatusOngoing
The enchanting tale of Magical Explorer has captured the hearts of readers worldwide. This beloved light novel, penned by the talented author Irisu, delves into the thrilling realms of Action, Adventure, and Comedy. With 136 captivating chapters already translated and more in the works, fans eagerly await each new installment.


There is a legendary dating game that has taken the Japanese gentleman world by storm. It goes by the name of Magical★Explorer, or simply Magiero for short. The game's main character possesses an incredible power and is surrounded by 12 stunning heroines to woo. And with the added bonus of 12 more heroines available through DLC, it's a harem of 24 beauties. But instead of being that powerful protagonist, I've somehow ended up as the third wheel, always laughing like a fool next to him. Naturally, I was devastated at first. If I were the main character, I could have all 24 heroines to myself, along with unbeatable cheat abilities. But as the third wheel, no heroine would even give me a second glance. However, my despair quickly turned to determination when I discovered magic. As I delved deeper into its mysteries, I became fascinated and determined to master it. I wanted to become the strongest. So, I made a decision. I would abandon half of my role as the protagonist's friend and focus on training my magic. And then, I would defeat that cheating protagonist who can easily defeat the Demon King. With this goal in mind, I began my intense training. But somehow, I kept getting closer to the heroines. And to make matters worse, I found myself in situations that seemed straight out of an erotic game.


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