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Game Loading

Game Loading

Chapters 309Views 15Bookmarked 3.1KStatusCompleted
The novel "Game Loading" is a beloved light novel that delves into the exciting worlds of Action, Adventure, and Comedy. Penned by the talented author Long Qi, this story has captured the hearts of readers everywhere. With 309 chapters already translated and all chapters fully translated, fans can immerse themselves in the thrilling journey without any delays.


Xie Xi was known for having an extraordinary amount of luck. This meant that he could easily conquer any game without breaking a sweat. However, the downside was that all games became mundane and unchallenging for him. But one day, something unexpected happened. The words "Game loading" flashed before his eyes and suddenly, he found himself playing real games. In his first game, called "Love to the Left or Right", Xie Xi's luck seemed to have hit a roadblock. As the story unfolded, the vampire prince in the game invited him for a meal. But Xie Xi, being the clever player that he was, chose not to go. Little did he know, this decision would lead to a fatal consequence. The vampire prince, enraged by his rejection, pierced an arrow through Xie Xi's heart, taking away his life. However, with the option to load his saved file, Xie Xi decided to change his choice and went to meet the vampire prince. But this time, things took a dark turn. The housekeeper, driven by love and hatred, cut off Xie Xi's head as a punishment for betraying the vampire prince. It seemed like no matter what decision Xie Xi made, it always ended in tragedy.


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