A strange and unexplainable occurrence cast the Earth into complete darkness. The once peaceful world was now consumed by a never-ending cycle of violence and destruction, pushing humanity to the brink of extinction. In the midst of this chaos, Chu Yun Sheng, an ordinary office worker, stumbled upon his family's ancient heirloom - a book that emitted a peculiar light. Driven by curiosity, he delved into studying the book. Despite his efforts, Chu Yun Sheng could only decipher a few symbols in the ancient text. But when he finally pieced together their meaning, he was horrified to discover that the book foretold the disappearance of the sun and the inevitable downfall of mankind. Desperate to warn others, he shared his findings, but no one believed him. His own family and friends dismissed him as insane and even tried to have him committed. Faced with such disbelief, he gave up trying to convince anyone and instead prepared for the impending apocalypse in secret. Then, one fateful day, the sun vanished from the sky, confirming Chu Yun Sheng's worst fears. The world plunged into eternal darkness, and he was left to face the end of humanity alone.