In a world filled with portals to the demon realm, humans have been under attack by these otherworldly creatures for centuries. In response, humanity has banded together and formed powerful alliances, such as the ancient Archean Mountain Sect. This sect has established a comprehensive education system through Dao Academies, as well as defenses at the World Entrances. Among the talented individuals in this world is Meng Chuan, a young prodigy known for his mastery of the swift saber. Despite coming from a prestigious background, his sole mission is to eradicate all demons. His determination stems from the trauma of losing his mother to demons, who sacrificed herself to save him. To achieve his goal, he sets his sights on joining the Archean Mountain Sect, where he can access top-notch resources and training. Aside from cultivation, Meng Chuan finds solace in drawing. As he pours his heart into his art, he also hones his skills and grows stronger. Join Meng Chuan on his thrilling journey as he wields his brush and blade to vanquish demons, aided by his fellow human comrades. Experience the adrenaline rush as you witness this masterpiece unfold before your eyes.